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 Aug 2015 Fig
Max Parker
At Sea
 Aug 2015 Fig
Max Parker
As I drift in the middle of this body of water

This vast abyss reminds me of our time on the earth

The waves unpredictable 

Yet you can see them coming

The sun cool at first

But then grows hotter

These people that either give you hell or give you help

This storm of bad fortune

Makes the waves grow taller and the people grow smaller

As they go away to their shelters to leave you at sea

Because when this place is at it's worse

That's when you are left alone 

That's when you must fight the wind and the waves all by yourself 

To get back to where you belong
 Aug 2015 Fig
Max Parker
 Aug 2015 Fig
Max Parker
I must be lost inside myself

I cannot escape this unreal reality

I am stuck in a world that does not exist

In a world that will never exist

But I don't think I can find the pathway out

And even if I did I'm not sure I'd follow the light
 Aug 2015 Fig
 Aug 2015 Fig
picking and scratching
my skin bleeding
the scars all over remind me of certain times in my life
when the stress got too much to handle and I sat in the bathroom for hours
destroying the body that was given to me
burning down my humble abode
just picking and scratching away at my sanity
which I'm not sure I ever really had
the scars that I get comments on daily
'Did you try to hurt yourself?'
'Are you alright?'
'Are you being abused or unsupervised?'
no answer really just staring at them;
whilst picking at my scabs in that blissful agony that I love to feel
i talk about the scars that i bare on the inside all of the time
thought i'd talk about the physically noticeable ones
please feel free to let me know if you too struggle with this :)
 Aug 2015 Fig
Amanda In Scarlet
Grief consumed by vampires
Ravenous for pain and loss,
An arm around the shoulders,
A rictus grin, another gaping maw,
Then a quick flash.
Acknowledging their hunger, he has none of his own
And no-one else to feed,
He is the son of a new angry tribe
And a father of none.
 Aug 2015 Fig
rachel redwine
Set ease in soul
and rest your mind
Take time to listen
Take time in time

Risk for achievement
set worries aside
Failures false
Just expectation lost

Learn to ride the waves
No matter how high the tide

For if the worst becomes us
Or threats or harms us
At least you we're embracing your dream of life

Come out of comfort
with faith it will all work

Treat yourself with kindness
Welcome challenge to create change and
  really try this!

In practice we learn
In passion we burn

The clock still ticks
You still exist
Now go succeed
Feel greatful to breathe!

You possess the gift life
And the birth given right

To truly and absolutely be

 Aug 2015 Fig
Savannah Charlish
 Aug 2015 Fig
Savannah Charlish
The worst part about sadness
Is it convinces you no one understands your pain
It makes you forget
That sadness is company everybody knows
Very deeply and all too well
 Jun 2015 Fig
sandy gallagher
 Jun 2015 Fig
sandy gallagher
3:33am is when the time is
too early to be night
and too late to be day
when i miss you the most.
i don't know whether to pull the memories closer
or throw them away farther from me,
father than where you are now
if that's even possible.
it's too early to have anything in my head
but you take over the whole space,
and it's too late to put your
       and smile
           and kindness
               and just overall perfection
back into my heart
but you fit so right.
all i know is that i miss you
and i just know it hurts a lot.
 Jun 2015 Fig
etched under my skin
flame roses blister

scars on the palms
of my hands bleed
stigmata thorns

my eyes freeze to crystal
the tears around my neck are
fashioned in lace black obsidian

my lips - the color of amber
and fire - are vows
never broken

my moons are scarlet
my stars are cold
my sun is silver
and beaten GOLD


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