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Apr 2016 · 685
Isabelle Apr 2016
Tell me how two people find each other, in a world full of strangers?   ~Got to Believe in Magic*

Is it the heart that does the recognition?
Or is it the soul that finds it's own reflection?
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Carpe Diem!
Isabelle Apr 2016
Start your day with a prayer and a smile :)
And tell yourself that everything is going to be fine
Remember everything happens for a reason
And whatever it is, stay positive and enjoy the season :)
Have a good day everyone ;)
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Isabelle Apr 2016
For my love, has left me
Traveled to another country, far away from me
Over the trees and mountains
Green fields and forest fountains
Over the blue seas and vast oceans
He left me, lost in my emotions

We both see the horizon
But in different time zone
We both see the sun shine
But in different time
We both see the same night stars
But we are, from each other, too far

I respect your plan
But please include me, oh man
I stayed up all night, with you on the other side
The distance, we are both terrified

At first, we managed to make it
In the mold, we try to fit
But the timezone, is taking you away from me
The longing, I can't stand, can't you see?

It is day time where you are
You sit on sunshine, the flowers bloom
While I have my night in a country so far
with nightmares and gloom

Two hearts that used to be one
Ended up living in a separate land
While you stare at tomorrow
I lay here in yesterday
Why do you have to go,
And left me full of woe?

The timezone, is taking you away from me
The longing, I can't stand, can't you see?
Isabelle Apr 2016
Things take time, but time takes things.. ~unknown*

When I was a child
I always wanted to grow up fast
But now, feels like I'm in the wild
Lost in the world so vast

Growing old, adding numbers to my life
Afraid to be an adult and it's strife
They say age brings wisdom
But I~ just getting dumb

I am moving
Yet I go nowhere
I do not know if I'm improving
Or if I'm off to somewhere

Turning 22 isn't a big deal
But why does it terrifies me?
The idea of life getting more real
Transition to adulthood I can not see

Maybe I'm not yet ready
of a bigger world and responsibilities
Because my feet aren't always steady
and unsure of my abilities

I was not innocent
and definitely not immature
But I always face an awkward predicament
Because my life, is constantly unsure

Yes, 22 is not young, but not too old enough
to have a clear mind and smart tongue
So I just have to shrug this feeling of rough
And enjoy the feeling of young

Age and time, we could not defy
So as life and its formula
Running out of time, is a big lie
And age is nothing but a numeral

Age and time, definitely
Does not define maturity, nor brings wisdom
And I couldn't tell much, technically
Because, as I've said, I still lack in wisdom
Decisions and choices.. Ugghhh.. Career over anything right now???
Apr 2016 · 499
Isabelle Apr 2016
An angel and a devil
A sinner and a saint
She's a painting- black and white
Innocence tainted with darkness
Broken wings, horns starting to grow
Angelic smiles turning into a devil's grin
Her glow starts to fade
Eyes were dead
Consumed by chaos
She turns into a monster

*All because she's seen humanity
Apr 2016 · 1.8k
Lost Hope in Humanity
Isabelle Apr 2016
She was not happy
Her soul slides away
Wandering in the alley
Body, mind and heart at fray

She was lost
in thoughts and words
fingers crossed
silently praying to the lords

She was cursed
emotions wanted to burst
couldn't anymore hide the pain
so she cried a river and didn't strain

Her sobs were a sad song
in the alley wailing for so long
But nobody cares
and nobody dares,
to ask her how is she
to save her from misery

The world is apathetic
and some are sympathetic
but help was never offered
so alone she suffered

The light in her eyes were gone
Her soul slides away
In this awful place she was done
wrapped her neck with a cord and play
Isabelle Apr 2016
As the tree dances with the roaring wind
The tiny leaves are battling to hold
to stay alive and not fall behind

But I wonder, is it the mother tree
that will set it free,
Is it the persistent leaf
that chooses to tighten the grip,
Or is it the wind,
that will break the bind?

Like the relationship we had
You are the tree
I am the fragile leaf
Us is the wind

Don't make me read between the lines
Tell the truth and no more lies
I could no longer handle the wind
So before you let me go,
I will be the falling leaf,
In the cold ground, I will grief
But surely, freedom I will see
Apr 2016 · 405
Isabelle Apr 2016
Snowflakes falling
Leaves frosting
Hearts are freezing
Feelings are fading
Apr 2016 · 4.3k
Isabelle Apr 2016
My mind is wandering
Going to places I've never been
Trying to acquire wisdom
But all I've got is boredom

Procrastination is my enemy
And laziness is envy
I am chasing a dream
Should I wake up now or stay asleep??
Apr 2016 · 820
Fallen One
Isabelle Apr 2016
They keep on asking
If Fallen One has a meaning
I tell them none
That it was just a pun

Truth is, it is more than an appellation
I just don't want them to know it's definition
because it's not worthy of their appreciation

But somebody insist
Until I get ******
And I can not resist
So I give her a twist

I am a flower
that fell from a tower
A fallen flower
who lost its power

I am a snowflake
that fell from snow shake
A fallen snowflake
who lost its shape

I am a kite
that fell from the high
a fallen kite
who lost the flight

I am everything that falls
who can't go beyond the walls
who can't climb the halls

I am the Fallen One
My story is done
choose if you believe one
I am telling you there is none

Truth is, it is more than an appellation
I just don't want them to know it's definition
because it's not worthy of their appreciation
Apr 2016 · 324
Isabelle Apr 2016
I do not fit
I do not belong
They could not get my wit
It was the right kind of wrong

— The End —