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Apr 2017 · 1.5k
hey guys so....
kakashi's wife Apr 2017
where are you?
im so sorry,
my love

i cannot sleep
i cannot dream tonight
i need you by my side
the warmth of the bed

creeping up and
eating my insides
i miss it
i miss you

dont waste your time
on me
but i need
you now

youre already
the voice inside my head
i need you by my side
by my heart

can you hear it beat?
it beats for you,


i miss you.
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
kakashi's wife Apr 2017
I Sell Fruits
To My Friends In The JUgngle
they LOvE sOmE fRuits
i eAt ALl ThE fRuits You Swine
You ArE nExT
elmer. fruit god. hmu.
Apr 2017 · 4.6k
kakashi's wife Apr 2017
Feb 2017 · 6.0k
strawberry milk
kakashi's wife Feb 2017
dear Jackson,
i saw you again today
with her.
i was going to talk to you until she pulled you into a kiss
and so i left it to another day

dear Jackson,
i saw you again with her
but this time she was looking away
and you looking at her, and i wondered
what were you thinking about?

dear Jackson,
she wasnt with you today
so i sat next to you and you told me
you had an argument with her
so i gave my condolences and you said not to worry

dear Jackson,
you were by yourself again today but came to me
you seemed really down and so i offered you strawberry milk
you smiled, and thanked me
i know she hates strawberry milk

dear Jackson,
you were with her again today
smiling this time and laughing
she had a banana milk in her hand as did you
and so i left

dear Jackson,
i didnt see you today
i wondered where you were
as i sat on the bench
drinking my strawberry milk

dear Jackson,
she was screaming at you today and you screamed back
she stormed off leaving you alone
as you sat with head in your hands
and i drank my strawberry milk

dear Jackson,
i gave you another strawberry milk
and you thanked me with a small grin
and we sat there drinking
and enjoying eachothers company

dear Jackson,
you should smile more
it really suits you
its just a shame that today
you smiled because of her

dear Jackson,
there was a strawberry milk in your locker
and she said it was from her
and you accepted it and kissed her
forgetting she hated strawberry milk

dear Jackson,
its been 5 months since weve spoken
and i sit here every day wishing
and drinking my strawberry milk
as you smile together
i was going to talk to you,
but whats the point.
inspired by milk and love
Feb 2017 · 734
what time it is?
kakashi's wife Feb 2017
can you see me?
my time is now.
you can not stop me
my time is now.

is your time up? my time is now,
only you know, my time is now
its the franchise boy, my time is now
you cant. see. me.
my time is now.
Sep 2016 · 769
kakashi's wife Sep 2016
you touch my talalla
feels good
feels organic
whole wheat
Jul 2016 · 1.3k
kakashi's wife Jul 2016
here he lurks
behind a bin
eating a ham sandwich
with a rugged coat
and a beard to match.

here he lurks
behind a shrub
drinking some lemonade
which was sour and deathly
and his personality too.

here he lurks
behind a truck
closer now
as you can now see him
and he can see you too.

here he lurks
behind at your front gate
smoking a cigarette
and creeping closer
with each short breath.

here he lurks
behind your door now
no one was home
except for you
and he knew.

hes not lurking anymore
as you feel his warm breath on your neck
and a cold blade against your throat
with bittersweet whispers in your ear
and you didnt feel anymore.
kakashi's wife Jul 2016
his name was kendall
a beautiful boy
even though his nose was rather large

there was james
emo as hell
but not really
it was just his hair idk

logan was there too
he had a brain
keep me coming

carlos also
this was a collab with kanye hes great but his mental state is decaying
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
limited edition
kakashi's wife Jun 2016
i am the one and only
i am limited edition
i am special
and nothing you can do will change that

i will be kept in mint condition
and looking fresh to death
with my slick back hair
and bomb *** eyeliner

**** with me
Jun 2016 · 2.7k
kakashi's wife Jun 2016
When I was seventeen
After you kissed me you
Asked if I wanted something to eat
I said later
And you frowned
Because only true rejection
Could make you die inside

When i was eighteen
After you kissed me you
Asked me if I wanted something to drink
I said not now
And you left
Slamming the door and
Collapsing in defeat

When i was nineteen
After you kissed me you
Didn’t even offer me anything
Because you knew
Even without me saying
You knew that i would decline
And you left after saying goodnight

When i was twenty
After you kissed me you
Told me you were sorry and
Said this was the best for us.
This time i slammed the door and collapsed in
Tears and now it was my turn
To be rejected
you may think this is serious but its actually about tay zonday
Jun 2016 · 832
kakashi's wife Jun 2016
this is questionable
what about the other table?
do they have anything on sale?

what do they sell?
will it interest me?
do they accept debit?
i am only 12
Jun 2016 · 806
kakashi's wife Jun 2016
Jun 2016 · 1.5k
kakashi's wife Jun 2016
they say cheerios make your heart stronger
but when you said "this is it. Cheerio" and left
i was leaft heartbroken

it was just a lie
all of it
i trusted you

to nourish me
and give me my daily fibre intake
but you didnt

you left me
by myself
and thats all i will ever be
Jun 2016 · 3.1k
Like Kanye loves Kanye
kakashi's wife Jun 2016
I miss the old Kanye, straight from the gold Kanye
Chop up the soul Kanye, set on his goals Kanye
I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye
The always rude Kanye, spaz in the news Kanye
I miss the sweet Kanye, chop up the beats Kanye
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Kanye
See I invented Kanye, it wasn't any Kanyes
And now I look and look around and there's so many Kanyes
I used to love Kanye, I used to love Kanye
I even had the pink polo, I thought I was Kanye
What if Kanye made a song about Kanye
Called "I Miss The Old Kanye", man that would be so Kanye
That's all it was Kanye, we still love Kanye
And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye

— The End —