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ellie Oct 2014
And suddenly my mood drops,
that feeling of wholeness and content vanishes and leaves behind it no trace, as if it was never there.
The void widens and my chest aches,
crawling up through my ribs and spreading across each inch of my flesh and skin until I feel consumed with
My mind blanks and swirls and gets lost in itself as I try to distract myself from the nothingness that feels as if it is living inside me like a disease,
an incurable illness just waiting to destroy me and as I breathe in
my lungs expand and I become painfully aware of my own fragile
i feel like im being consumed by my own desire to die
ellie Nov 2013
the cries of a broken generation
whos entire world revolves around who’s best dressed
and who can survive the war they call society
mere pixels on a screen reducing more youths than can be counted on both hands
to a rope around their neck
or a blade at their wrists
and the pressure of so called beauty ripping apart so many minds
hungry for compliments and to feel admired
though this perfection they yearn for doesnt lie in humans but in technology and the art of deceit
the craving to fit in has wiped out all hope of change
too little are brave enough to show their hand and admit that it’s all wrong
everything is wrong and they have all lost sight of what matters
we are the broken generation
and no matter what anyone says
we’re all slowly contributing to making the crack bigger
ellie Apr 2015
What if I mess it up and you realise I'm not
"the one".

What if I break your heart and grind the fragments into a million tiny pieces?

What if I say goodbye only to realise that the word I was looking for was

What if you can't handle the pressure of being with someone so beautifully insane?

What if our differences tear us apart and we end a potential lifetime of laughter with

What if every "what if" I have in my head destroys us before we even begun?
I am so worried that I will hurt you
ellie Oct 2014
Crumbling and wilting,
leaves fallen orange and flowers die but this is not a funeral but a celebration of life and potential and the forthcoming of new seasons.
This is winter.
idk really wrote this so quickly
ellie Feb 2014
Twenty* years from now, you'll be making porridge for your husband and two kids.
If I told you then, would you have believed me?

Ten years from now, you'll be taking your daughter to her first day of school.
If I told you then, would you have believed me?

Five years from now, you'll be buying your first house with your second husband.
If I told you then, would you  have believed me?

One year from now, you'll be on a date with that man from the office who makes you smile.
If I told you then, would you have believed me?

The answer is probably not.
You wouldn't have looked forward and seen these things.
You couldn't have pushed past the fog and gazed upon the light.
But you will.
And so before you give up,
I need you to believe me.
For my mother, who almost gave up, but didn't, and now stands in the kitchen making my breakfast.
ellie Jun 2015
You don't riddle my thoughts in the way that you used to,
back when all I saw on the inside of my eyelids was your face.
Slowly I have moved forwards,
I have made progress and become the person you always wanted to see me be.
But sometimes I still think of you and it feels like a weight is pulling on my heart,
and I get ****** back into the void of missing you.
It's not a feeling dissimilar to the longing of another beside you,
however paired with the craving for that person is the undeniable knowledge that they will never be with you.
It took me a long time to realise that;
you're not coming back,
you're gone forever.
They say acceptance is the first step in moving on,
but what if I don't want to move on?
You are a piece of the person I am today,
you are the part of me that glows and gives me strength to say
"I can do this."
you are the voice in my head telling me
"You are better than this."
you are the smile on my face when I realise I am on the road to recovery,
the worst has passed and one day this will all be just a memory.
So even though you're not coming back,
and even though sometimes I think of you and my eyes blur from tears,
and even though you can never see me become the person you wanted me to be,
I carry your strength and positivity with me always,
you are in my past,
but you are also a piece of my recovery,
which means you are in my future too.
To Ale.
My first real friend, whom I could trust with my life. We never got to meet but you helped me more than anyone else I have ever met. You skyped me at 4am when I couldn't stop crying and at 4pm when I was too sad to leave my room but still wanted someone to talk to. You didn't mind that I was anxious a lot, and that I often wanted to stop existing. You always stood by me and helped me, you made me laugh and feel appreciated and understood and loved. I was so busy receiving your help, I forgot to return the favour. I didn't see how much you were hurting while you projected all your positivity onto me. And so I lost you. For a long, long time I blamed myself for that. I told myself it was my fault you were dead. But now I just think that the only thing I can do is take what you gave me and use it. So I take your positivity and your kindness and I slot it into myself, like a piece of my own personal puzzle and carry it with me always. You helped me to keep going, and your memory is still helping me recover, and one day the traits of you I have held for my own will help me build the life I always told you I wanted. One day we'll meet, I'll tell you how much I miss you and I might leave you some flowers. I wish I could have touched you, laughed with you, hugged you. But saying goodbye to the plants growing where you are scattered will have to do. I love you so much. Thank you for being a part of my past, present and future. I am who I am today because of you. I miss you.
ellie Jan 2015
How ****** poetic,
A young girl crying locked away in her room,
but the real prison is her own head,
something no key can free her from.
She scrapes at the walls,
of her little enclosed cell,
blood trickling down from her attempts to release it's hold on her,
she shouts out but there are no guards here,
no other inmates or wardens.
She is alone.
An abandoned asylum made just for her,
a special palace of memories and torment with a plaque on the wall to commemorate the curator: herself.
She is imprisoned in her own mind,
somewhere beyond help or saving,
waiting until she rots away and doesn't feel the pain anymore.
ellie Nov 2013
insecurities plague your mind,
spreading like disease,
and killing you slowly from the inside.
不安 means 'insecurities' in japanese
ellie Oct 2014
So your eyes don't cry and the feel of salt water dripping down your cheeks doesn't taint that freshly painted face.
So your lungs keep filling and your blood is oxygenated and brought alive with the tarnished air from our suburban paradise.
So I can catch you and your mind will fly and your heart will race and you realise the potential of the model of cells that I call home.
Title - You

— The End —