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  Oct 2014 Elise
Tony Oquendo
It was a winters morning with clear blue skies
I saw the sunrise in your eyes
I felt the clouds in your every breath
You were my all with nothing left
  Oct 2014 Elise
Tony Oquendo
Don't savor the pain yet reject the hand that tries to help you though I cannot possibly understand what you have been through.  But I see you, I see your pain.  I may not have lived your past but it didn't last and yet we can if you do not push me away so fast.  I just want to listen when you want to talk, hold you when you can't and tell you how the stars got their names.
  Sep 2014 Elise
Emily Oquendo
I care for you now as I cared for you then
even when I said I just wanted to be friends,
it seemed like you understood but now it's
not that way, whenever we talk you don't
have much to say,
I didn't want to lose what we shared,
I didn't want us to grow apart,
but you didn't take a chance with me
you just left me in the dark.
Today I tried to talk to you and you just passed me by
didn't say Hi didn't say anything just left without a thought or a goodbye.
  Sep 2014 Elise
Tony Oquendo
Hands held gingerly, each a pace apart
I lead in the dance, you bring rhythm to my heart
I take my bold steps and you glide across the ground
I reach into the air, but your nowhere to be found
So I dance on alone holding on to memories
Wondering if my steps will ever bring you back to me
  Sep 2014 Elise
Tony Oquendo
The pain of you keeps me awake at night and I keep it close thinking I just might hold you again and say it's alright, but now I only travel memories, treasuring every mile and I wipe the tears all the while knowing sadness has a way of making me smile
Elise Aug 2014
As the awkward silence of a thousand heartbeats pass
I am left to think there is nothing left for me
I don't like diaries they feel far too personal
they speak of pain, bitterness, shattered hopes and dreams
Mine no better than others
All consuming love drowned out by the angry waves of grief and misery
Buried by the storms you left behind as you walked away
Elise Aug 2014
See what you have done
A broken wall of hopes
A small tear across my heart
I am left to think
I have nothing more
You turned and left
Not a hug, word or thought
Now often down and sad I roam
Watching, Waiting
For things to end
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