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  Jan 2019 Tristan Brown
mr t
The heart is the greatest clock
It tells no time
But it beats
With each sight of love
The timing of one heart
Matches the timing of another
Hand in hand
The two begin to beat as one
And show the world
The clockwork of happiness
Tristan Brown Dec 2018
Wake up
       A lot
Drive again

It's simple, but it isn't.
most days don't go the way
I plan them.

The sidewalk of the shower
isn't flat. I can't hit the high notes
in the songs I sing.

I only believe that when I
don't hear them.

Not every problem has an
answer that looks like a puzzle
because all the pieces aren't

always in the box. Sometimes,
my pen goes dry.

Scientists blame a god they don't
believe in for problems
without an answer.

When I'm given a problem I can't
find an answer to, I look up
"You know what to do."
  Nov 2018 Tristan Brown
We fall asleep sometimes in the snow and you sing to yourself in the wrong keys
sometimes we don't speak but I have everything I've ever wanted and so much life left.
Tristan Brown Nov 2018
If I was a love poet
I'd say I love you the
same way a smartphone
loves wi-fi;

Able to work without
you, but only fully
functional when I'm
with you.
Tristan Brown Nov 2018
     >Insert Tragedy<
2. Lost
3. Found...   Depression
4. Froze
5.Watched the world
     >Insert miracle maker<
6. Found Happiness
7. Watched Life
     >Insert real problem<
8. Found Boldness
9. Solved Problem
10. Live
Special thanks to my miracle maker
Tristan Brown Oct 2018
Man quiets his voice
Silence's spotlight open
Nature grabs it quick
Tristan Brown Oct 2018
Sometimes we run.
Sometimes not fast enough
to escape our problems.

But sometimes we run so
fast we forget to slow
down and enjoy our gift.
You don't always have to go full speed. I promise you're runnung fast enough
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