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 Feb 2015 Adam Kobosky
 Feb 2015 Adam Kobosky
The interiors of my brain feel like they're eroding away,
The person I once was has surely slipped away
Like my mind has sped up and there's no time to catch up
Each thought just a string of knots
Only to be undone one by one
Round after round
Knot after knot
No empathy for my own brain
If it's even worthy of said name
Only ever able to get the knots loose
Thoughts of using them as my own noose
Why everything I once knew all became fairy tales
All the stories, all the couples
All the glimmer, all the sparkle
Now filled with truth
We all swallowed the pill, silly youth
Everyone always wore a pokerface
For that I'd have you to thank
I've always had to learn all this, the hard way
Too young to comprehend
All I did was observe and eventually I would begin to understand
Not everything you see, is always what you are to believe
And not everything that you've heard,
Is to always be perceived so absurd
I sought truth behind every lie
Just wanted to find some sort of understanding as to why
But still I've found everything's too foggy for me to distinguish
Like a piece of me is always missing
Afraid to keep digging, afraid to look around
Afraid I'll find nothing, as if I'm empty and 6 feet underground
Afraid to feel anything other than disappointment and sadness
Everything is always expected, never any madness
Love, is always to become faded
Raw emotion is often tainted
Will leave you missing and wishing
For someone or something that once was
Always settling for anything capable of forgetting or sufficing
It's as though me and fate have always been kissing
Except fate was never on my side
*And oh how love could always be so blind
My undiscovered thoughts at 3 am
 Feb 2015 Adam Kobosky
This friend I have is one I know
She would never want to go
Something's burning from inside
I can't bear to let it hide
Another moment, I fear the worst;
I decide to tell her first

Searching for courage, but it's tough;
I don't think I have enough
Finally, I say the words
Though every single sentence hurts
The fear is cutting through my bones
My heart is beating through my toes

After I have spilled it all
I look up and silence falls
She begins to grab her things
My fresh tears begin to sting
I reach my hand out for a touch
She flinches and says "You're ******* up"

I can't believe what I've just heard
But I remember every word
Clear as crystal inside my head
I'll be silent forever instead
I can't do this anymore;
I feel my heart slam shut its door

She ran fast away from me
She didn't even hear my scream
I kick, I cry, I pound my head
I can't believe I've lost my friend
This friend was one I thought I knew;
She walked out right on cue
This poem is literally about my biggest fear. I have had so many people leave me in my life that I can't truly open up to anyone and just be myself. I think that's why I actually really have no idea who I am yet.

I know this was a long poem. Thank you for taking the time to read it, if you did.
 Feb 2015 Adam Kobosky
I just want to be accepted
But I'm afraid I'll be rejected
If the real me is projected
Their opinions will be affected

I don't know why
I pay them mind
I need to find
Who I am,
Not who they want me to be

*I am me
I am crazy
I am free
 Feb 2015 Adam Kobosky
I've rubbed my skin raw,
To diminish all the stains
Your kisses used to leave
Me in awe
Now all I want is for them to be gone

I was a frivolous pawn
You'd use as you'd go
You'd play me when the time was right
It was only a game,
Black or white

Then one day you made a mistake
You played a blunder
You lost your game,
I stole your thunder

You were a catalyst of sorts
Always playing the pawns
Feelings never contort

But I've won this round
The queen is to be crowned
Now this time
You'll be kissing *my ground
 Feb 2015 Adam Kobosky
Jamie King
Benign, benevolent ballerina bubbly bathing by beautiful blossoming balsams.

A gander I took and I was a statue, still, allured, and enchanted. my lips basted by beauty, before her I was an apparition, lost in forests of adulation.

A vanishing spirit soon to be a vestige of a vestige. I shall wage wars, arm myself and battle my way to her hands that can melt the glaciers residing in my heart.
What if I said public speaking.. mhhhh enjoy.
Life is so much easier when you're lost in the bliss of air.
What happens when you're found?
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