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 Jul 2016
Oh, Be A Be why
last night we were trying
to keep it...
do it together,
getting tea lights
stuck in the dishwasher.
I will be right back,
with ink... U bate her
old Cronie could barely
keep her eyes
oh, be A be why?
 Jul 2016
Anonymous Freak
It's nights like this
That I remember there's
Tinted glass
Between us.
Our lives
Our worlds
Go through a filter
Before touching each other.

It's nights like this
I rememer that I'm the one
Banging on the glass
And screaming your name,
But either you can't hear me,
Or you
Want to.

Sometimes you glance up
And I ask myself
'What does that look mean?'
Or I internally shriek
'He actually sees me'

I've spent I don't know how long
At this point,
I've lost track,
Desperately trying
To get your attention.

I want to tell you.

I want to walk miles
And miles
To you,
And yell everything
I've never understood about you
And demand answers.
But that's selfish.

Right now it'd be selfish of me
To voice
What is going wrong,
And that reminds me
How trapped I am.

On the other side
Of tinted glass
Not so many moons ago,
Thy starry eyes once saw me as a lover
Funny how now glare at me
Like an enemy glaring at a knight

Not so many moons ago,
Thy voice once was the softest tone
Funny how now I'm deafened
By these terrible shrieks

Not so many moons ago,
Thy smile was but a rose in bloom
Funny how now it's but
Wilted marigolds and mimossas

Not so many moons ago,
Thy heart once was the softest gem
Funny how now calloused
More than diamond

Not so may moons ago,*
Thy love once was all chalcedonic colors
Funny how now dark is thy soul
Darker than a moonless night
#Love #Melancholy #Heartbreak #Retrospections
 Jul 2016
I believe there is no sanctuary
for me in this subdivision
of dreams, cathedrals
built by unknowns

I am like grass
cracking their concrete,
I was carved by a stone knife
in the mountains
where I learned to speak

I am the rider called death
bleeding in my sleep,
sitting in the saddle
with Dark, the black man
and his crazy blues

I sink down like a diver
into the deep water,
like an unknown poet
going down with his ship.
 Jul 2016
Your eyes like the ocean
Just not as wet

I've kept my wits about me
Till the current
I didn't believe things that happened
were real on the Internet

Not even the people were real

Till my friend disappeared
what is there to seek
in a world where i once sought
you with every chord of my
and finding the most precious
stone burnt with love
brighter than a blossoming rose?
i’ll never forget that love
it drowns me in my darkest sorrows
pierces me with darts of happiness
unravels my soul into a thousand
burning flames and yet you
are gone, you are gone,
you are gone….
 Jul 2016

Copyright © JLB
21:58 GMT
 Jul 2016
The line is long.
Am I in the right queue?
Why do they use those stretchy barriers?
Why does the queue next to me seem to be moving faster?
Security checks. Everywhere you go, look or turn, a security check.
Look at the cameras and the border control officials, do they have to queue?
Shuffle movement up ahead.
Tinny old time music playing on a loop.
How many times do I have to hear "The wheel of fortune"? It goes round, I get it. Unlike this **** line, it's not going straight, curved, zig zag or anywhere, I swear if Kay Starr doesn't shut up about that ******* wheel I'll staple her to one and roll her down a hill.
No, wait, she's dead, ******.
Wait, the line is moving, yes!
End of the queue coming up, oh look a poster "Anything to declare?"
Does boredom count?
If yes follow the red line,if no proceed through the green exit.
Yes, finally, green for me.
NO, I've nothing to declare, stop, take me back to the green exit.

The wheel of fortune goes spinning around
The music stops, a tinny voice is heard
"Welcome to purgatory. Your stay is dependent upon truth, honesty and atonement. Please conduct any queries or questions via your religious belief system and representatives"
Copyright © JLB
03:03 GMT
 Jul 2016
Not a time, nor a place, but a date.
The date that changed my course of fate.
The day I was at my worst, not best:
The day my heart was ripped from my chest.

Where, you ask?
On a patch of grass,
For all public eyes to see.
Calling passersby and motorists: here's a show for free.

Already knowing what was to come,
I had time to prepare before the fun.
But no preparation was enough;
All my pride had turned to dust.

Crying and begging; not my finest hour.
Life turning from sweet to sour.
All the while a proud smirk sat,
Upon your face. What a ****.
 Jul 2016
I'm sorry for all the fights I started,
About things so trivial and small.
My need to be right was so consuming,
But I never meant to hurt you at all.

I'm sorry for all the jealousy
That was never justified.
I trusted you and your loyalty,
But insecurities did preside.

I'm sorry for telling you what to do,
For taking control within your life.
I just wanted us to be happy and perfect,
I didn't want to cause you strife.

I'm sorry for being so stressed all the time,
And for taking it out on you.
For all of the snapping and many bad moods,
You were never at fault, it's true.

I'm sorry for all the harsh things I said,
When we fought and when I was sad.
So afraid of seeming weak so I snapped;
I went too far, but always felt bad.

I'm sorry for loving you so so much,
That my heart ruled over my head.
I was crazy and stupid when emotions ran high,
It's no wonder why you fled.

So I thank you for all you've done for me,
And all the things that you have not.
From you I've learnt to improve myself,
And appreciate what I've got.
 Jul 2016
Matthew Washington
You will never understand,

The meaning has gone from a specific three words,

You can't hear me anymore, no matter how loud I say it.

I don't feel your touch anymore or hear my name from your lips.

I don't remember your sweet, sweet scent because it's been just that long,

But sometimes I lie awake at night and I can hear you singing,

I smell that once delicate scent,

I feel the touch of your skin, and hope that I'll dream of you again;

Because you don't love me

Yet, still, I love you.

I remember 'the good old days' when our love has its way,

But things are different now

The poems I made are gone, you threw them absent from times grasp ,

Our time of love is done,

I suppose you have commanded it so and all I can do is sit in my strain filled sorrow.

The sorrow gets stronger because you're gone, forever.

I write this poem to you

This is what I want you to hear,

When I die, this has my last words for you that may ever mean anything.

You are my first love the only and truest one,

The only thing is that same is not reciprocated,

But I don't care about that, for I love you keen;

I'm just a man who's always here for you,

But if I die I leave these words from me, remember me.

For when I'm absent I'll be gone unaided and I can't go back and see  in what manner you are.

So in these words from me, remember me.
A poem from inspiration
 Jul 2016
and suddenly the ocean roared with life,
waves crashed into the coast,
washing over our bodies as we lay in the sand,

your lips tasted of salt water taffy,
your breath against my neck felt like an ocean breeze,
your hands tickled my skin like the sand against our feet

i closed my eyes and let myself sink deeper and deeper into the shore
the saltwater filled my esophagus
and i screamed your name
but you just watched me sink further until i was no more
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