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 Apr 2016
Theia Gwen
I am stuck in a long hallway
Of mirrors
Each one shows something new
And unfamiliar
I can't even tell
Which one is me
Because I have expectations
But I can't see reality
I wish I could just perform
A vanishing act
Because I can't stand
The image that reflects
I am done with seeing
Elongated arms and chubby legs
And that twisted symphony
Repeating in my head
The number on the scale
Can never get too small    
Cause the mirror looks the same
When I leave the bathroom stall
Always something different
I just wish there was consistency
Because these carnival mirrors
Have got me hating all of me
On body dysmorphic disorder and bulimia. I pretty much feel this way every time I look into a mirror.
 Apr 2016
She finally did it
She had the nerve
It came as easy as 1,2,3
For you and me.

This was her breaking point
Her time to fly high
End all this pain inside
to just call it her end.

In her manic state
Impulse hit her
She wraps the rope
Around her neck

She pulls it tight
Her tears fall
Her breathing becomes
Shallow and painful
The room starts grow dark.

Time passes
uncertainty as to how long.
What is going on?
Am I still alive?
Why is it so cold?

I'm numb.
I cant feel anything.
No pain.
No love.

After all this searching
For what is missing
I have finally found it!
I've never felt better!

I start to see a light again
and breathing becomes even more painful
and the pain starts to come back..

I'm happy here!
I fight, I resist
I don't want to go back
I cry - more pain
I feel - more heartbreaking tears
I remember - more terrifying memories
The world growing heavier upon my shoulders again.

I'm back..
What I once thought for a brief minute or two was my new safe place, Inner-peace pain free zone was only an attempt.

Now the question that circles is
WHY did you save me?

Right before Christmas (2015) the stress built up and I "tried" to **** myself. Though i did succeed for a brief moment and it was an attempt cause my s.o. found me and brought me back to life. though i am still sitting here question why and wondering what my purpose is. Ive had a tad bit of writers block but i want to get this story out there too so this is all i can get hopefully at a later date there can be a better poem.

If anyone is struggling with depression and ever is stopping to this level I am here to talk and I encourage it all I needed that night was someone to talk to and no one was there for me prior to the moment.
 Apr 2016
Maddii Lloyd
Who wants to play a game of never have I ever ?

Rules, I'll say something and if you have never done it .. Lower a finger !

Let's start !

Never have I ever cried myself to sleep ?
Whoops there goes one
Never have I ever self harmed ?
Whoops there's number two
Never have I ever starved myself ?
Whoops number three, I'm good at this !

Oh I forgot to tell you the looser dies :)

Never have I ever used the words "I'm fine" ?
Fourth finger down !
Last question ...
Never have I ever fallen in love ?

Closed fist I won, time to say goodbye, it's okay don't be sad ! I've
Been waning to go for a long time ...

Thanks for playing my game :)
 Apr 2016
Miranda Renea
We are all at war in
Constant motion.
Waving to and fro;
These lives wither
Much quicker than
When rooted in soft
Soil. I wonder wether
Love is the small sun
In all of us.
 Apr 2016
Good side huh?
Funny isn't it?
All you do is be good,
Because that's what everyone wants you to do.
But you don't be good to yourself,
Instead your hurt yourself.
You see,
That's what they don't realise,
That you're just a boy,
Not a toy.
That can be used and thrown away,
To endure the pain another day.
 Apr 2016
Third Eye Candy
we have our tongues wrapped
around things
we cannot
we have but to open a door.
but that's lost
all meaning.

you keep your secrets.
but keep them very loudly...
you're always choking on
whatever it is
you really think about
 Apr 2016
Third Eye Candy
so you have a wolf inside
and you've never had a toothache in your life
but you keep tomorrow's sun at bay, moon fiendish in the twilight of a lack of grace.
you harbor hope. you pool blood in the atmosphere like shards of glass
that never forgets.
i know you by the star in your hand, but you never look me in the eye
when you deny it.

were just moving furniture.
Dedicated to my Love.... Rene
 Mar 2016
Julieta Aurelio
There's this mask I wear
The glue is so tight
Hiding me, hiding all
All you don't see, unless you get really near
That I'm not alright
My eyes are dark and deep enough for you to stand in
My wrists are ******, so are my thighs
My heart is shaky
And I've got non stop anxiety
But from far you see this mask
You hear my loud laugh
And see me hold my tummy in pain from giggling at my own joke
You swear I have recovered
When actually my late night tears help me keep the mask on
I may not look injured
Nor hollow
Or in pain
Just with this smile on my face
Of this mask that I wear
I hurt unheard and unseen,
Impatient for good days.

If my heart was transparent
A lot wouldn't be the same
Anyways, I'm already used to building these walls around my heart.
It's protected, I guess. From the outside world yet within me the storm never calms.
Tears wet these pillows
All night through sometimes wishing that morning must never come
Holding the grudge against myself
While smiling to all standing right in front of me.
Asking is this how life suppose to be.
Limping with anger yet holding the last thought of laughter
One hell of life we living.
You see...
This mask doesn't show things in 3D
That's why I love rainy days
Coz my tears are never recognized
Sadness engulf my soul while hoping that one day I will be able to remove the glue on this mask I wear.
Duo with @DrewThePoet (twitter)
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