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 Jul 2017
Paul Jones
A big rock is hard     to start rolling but
when it gets going,     mountains will be moved.
11:45 - 03/07/17
State of mind: calm; thoughtful.

Thoughts: from thinking - about dreaming big. If something is too hard, get help. There are people out there who believe in you because you believe in yourself.

Questions: Did Sisyphus ever laugh?

Listening to: Van Morrison - Crazy Love
 Jul 2017
Anderson M
The last piece’s affixed
A Millisecond before one’s
Last breath.
or does it "entirely" remain unfinished?who knows really?
 Jul 2017
It's not worth hating
It will only make you bitter
Find a way to love
Senryu x
 Jul 2017
A Thousand-Mile Poem with JAC

I've only ever
lived here
Unless you count
the dozens of
people I've ever called home.

*But then again,
Leaves you.
The Poet JAC's work is in italics!!!
 Jul 2017
Brian Hoffman
The dark skies of the night are a canvas on which I paint my dreams and imagine us together.
Thoughts always come and go in waves. I'm tired of trying and putting in effort when I receive little back. I'm not a backup plan or second choice. Use me and you'll lose me.
 Jul 2017
Where the tides of Magnus swell
And his thundering roars beat lightning to hell.

We've been living in a maze.
We've been digging up our graves.
We've been throwing up our brains,
Yet these quakes will still go on.

Sickles and hammers
And tall corporate buildings, portly businessmen.
The windows and towers they will smash because of the beast inside their heads.

Black and white
Good and evil
Are there two sides? Four, eight? Or are there billions of coloured pixels;
Each twinkling their own ideologies.
But once they blend, like watercolours,
The wars commence and their crimes they won't repent.

Our conditioned brains
Entertained by an electronic screen, or perhaps a print of lies on paper.
And we will curse, wail or put other opinions on bail.

Will we live a life of sepia, of black and white?
Or will we respect all sides of that rubix cube which becomes ever more difficult to solve.

The algorithms twist, intertwine, sever
But there is not one single lever- we can pull

to save our bleeding earth.

The quakes will go on
We will not have a break from them.
We are veterans of psychological corruption;
And our armour and weapons are destroyed.
A little extended metaphor about how solutions to a specific problem are not as simple as they seem in our complex world. Just like this poem can be interpreted in many ways, each interpretation may be valid and I have respect for that. Our weapons and armour can deter the quakes of other brains, but we must act and feel intelligently with our minds.
 Jul 2017
only a someday can compare to now
on a good day with the best
of company

knocked on my door you did at dawn
needing consolance and reasurring words
and I most happy to  abjure
on how we are all alone

must deal with things we forage up
said no worries dear
we all scream alone

it didn't make  you smile
nor did I intend it to
I will lie
for nobody

not the brightest smile or a play be
it Shakespeare even
no Juliet can make me
injure my conscience

I tell the truth even sure of
my lies or reasons no more
in the presence of the saddest eyes

it is the hardest thing
my dear
 Jul 2017
I'll tell you this,
I questioned it too,
how two people could get
so caught up in each other
they forget themselves.

Let me tell you,
your heart will never again
feel so light
but the ache is definetely
worth the ride.

Let me tell you this,
you won't understand
why people fall
until you experience
*the flight.
Inspired by La La Land
 Jul 2017
Nishu Mathur
I stand on the shore, my feet sinking in the sands
My hair tousled wild in winds hustling hands
Covering my face, veiling my eyes
Distantly, I hear the seagulls, their yearning cries.
I grip firmer and hold myself tight
In dusk's diminishing, dwindling twilight.

I watch the waves lunge at me -
Overwhelming, menacingly.
But as they race to the shore, reaching my feet
They drench me, turn back and then recede.

I see another wave, I yearn to move a step behind
Fear and uncertainty fill my troubled mind.
But I still stand, stand my ground,
Unmindful of the sounds
Of the winds and the waves
In a trance, lost, nature's slave.

I nearly fall, my balance lost
Taken by surprise, by waves tossed
But I still stand, stand with unsteady feet
Where the land and waters meet.

I, on the seashore, a speck, besides a sea so vast -
I know that each wave will rest and it too shall pass.
 Jul 2017
Pagan Paul
'No man is an Island'
Maybe not true my Dear friends.
Perchance in general, contact is good.
But take a good look.
There are many Islands in the emotional ocean
with closed harbours and sealed ports.
Refugees of romance; Tortured traumas;
Insane individuals; Mental mercenaries;
Each one a lonely star,
a pinprick of light, disconnected,
on a girdle of the sky,
protected by a carapace of experience,
cold, distant, drifting further from the source,
in a race for consolidation and annihilation.
Islands of safety become Isles of danger.
Selfishness; Self-hate;
Self-perpetuating; Self Destruct;
The inward circle and downward spiral
cloaking the Island, shielding its existence,
shunning the continents of integration.
So can it be true my Dear friends,
no man is an Island?

© Pagan Paul (28/06/17)
I wish I could remember how to swim! PPx
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