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 Dec 2015
inspired by
Lidi Minuet
and her poem

I found an egg of crystal
it had a little crack
though beautiful as opals
integrity it lacked

I asked the Lord to help me
"whatever should I do?"
He told me to go and plant it
when the day was new

and so I looked for soil
but no soft could be found
so I planted my wee egg
in hard, forbidding

I watered it with tears
for others suffering lack
and after a little while
the ground
began to

a tentative green sprout
pushed up its tender head
it grew up from the rocky ground
I had thought so dead!

I continued watering
I knew naught else to do
and a tulip flower appeared
the lightest
eggshell blue!

I watered then in earnest!
I wanted for to see
that flower strong and healthy
and what it'd bloom to be!

slowly the petals opened
and lo! there fast emerged
a'singing and a'fluttering
a little crystal bird!

out of the light blue flower
the creature dipped and soared
it was then I realized
my hope had been restored!

flying 'round my head
its feathers sent off light
as brilliant as a diamond
shattering the night

it was only then I realized
as the darkness fell apart
the soil was life's hardships
and the
had been my


(C) 12/17/2015
I know every trouble i experience
now is nothing compared
to the joy of God.

I must remember that
J esus
O thers
    Y ourself

In just that order.

repost this piece if you will
I'm proud of it
it has a great message l think
people should read!

 Dec 2015
Duncan Grant Bell
A light in the dark
A flame from a spark
In the most hopeless place
Even there is Your grace
Even when I was dead
You kept me fed
My sin had me captive
But You were still active
In changing my heart
It was always You from the start
You make me better
You wrote me a letter
Of instruction and love
Sent from above
Despite my thoughts of the day
You're the one that remains the same
Despite the desires within me
You remain my reality
I am so grateful for You
Make my heart brand new
Now within my soul is a fire
Burning brighter and brighter
Forgive me for my inconsistency
And help me be a better me
 Nov 2015
Poetic Thoughts
Don’t you dare, for one minute,
believe that my kindness makes me
anything but insurmountable.
I did not unzip my chest to every kind of hurt,
and stagger back, wounded and alive,
just to hear you call me weak for trying.
I opened my door to Heartache–
I gave her the ******* key.
My softness for wayward strangers
has made me nothing less
than a halfway house for aching soles.
So when you open your mouth
and call me ‘baby’
understand that I am not your next victim
in a laundry list of broken girls.
You think I don’t know you? People like you?
People with mouths for hands.
I’ve got skin like topsoil
and your teeth could never take root.
So when you go looking to make a plaything
of a sunburst,
you better look for someone with less fire
than me.
Because softness or no,
I will eat you alive
before I let you make a meal of me.
 Jul 2015
'           '           '       '       I  '        '          '         '    '
     '          '             love the rain.     '           '   '
'       '       It hides tears that trickle'     '
  '     down round cheeks that should be  '
'  smiling. Rain spilling out of an endless downpour.I look up to the vastness in awe
                ­                      ^
                                 what I
                                    so I
                                  like a
                             r          h
                               e      o
            ­                       w
 Jan 2015
you said, "you're not afraid to love
you love kittens, you love rainy weather,
you love shakespeare and sweaters
movies and being kissed
on the tip of your nose
new york city, you love beaches
and the few times it snows
you love crime tv, you love poetry
so why is it that when it comes to me
you feel hesitant?"

i said, "i will tell you, the reason
that i am guarded
yes, i love all of the things
that you listed.
but shakespeare never wrote me a sonnet
and then disappeared, leaving me stranded
new york city may drive me crazy
but it will always be here, you see
poetry may tear me apart
but it won't look me in the eyes as it does
do you have an answer, now, to your satisfaction?
please listen, believe me,
i do not fear rejection.
i fear giving up all of my secrets
only to find you've painted yours
on someone else's skin."
 Dec 2014
Luna Lynn
you ask me what it's like to be black
and i'll tell you it's a warm soulful fulfilling feeling
like a pair of new Chucks on the hot pavement jumping scotch on a busy summer day
eating cool iced pops and not ever being afraid
and smelling the warm carmel cake cooling on the stove
and the togetherness on a Sunday evening in grandmama's home

but you ask me what it's like to be black
in america
and i'll fall silent of conversation
because as you see history repeats itself
i don't understand why there is still need for explanation
in deep adversaries and hateful unappreciation
here we stand to be questioned by an authoritative negation

and ignorant folk,
why do you ask me such things?
why are you people mad?
why is it about race?

and i'll ask you, why does the caged bird sing?
is he not entitled to his song or his wings?

as green as the earth and as blue as the sky
i will only explain to an ear willing to listen
to a being with a sound heart and a firm mind
because as God as my witness we were created as equal

and for that given right we must die?

i will sit back and in turn ask you why;
i bet you couldn't say
and maybe we will all learn the answer some day
so join me in prayer will you?
join me as i pray:

to the children of Chicago
who can't go out to play
to the sons and fathers of
Missouri and Florida and New York
who will never again see the light of day
to the mother's pain that may fade
but won't ever go away
to the hateful people and their hateful words and their hateful ways
God won't You heal their pain?

they're so ******* us, Lord
now we're ******* ourselves
and on our knees we have fallen
needing guidance and help
because it isn't about being privilged
or living for the light we're consumed in

being black in america is no longer about being accepted as black

it's about being accepted as human.
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Oct 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
My Prayer For You Was Heard

I've been so lucky in my life
Much more then I deserve
So I find it hard to understand
How my prayer for you was heard

Most men will see your beauty
But not the sweetness of your soul
Won't see the kindness in your heart
Or the love inside you hold

They will never know your passions
See the fears you hold inside
Feel the love you have for others
Or see the sadness in your eyes

They won't know you miss your children
See the tears you cry each night
Understand your broken heart
Without them by your side

This friendship and the love we share
Is something I hold true
So no matter what our futures hold
Please know I'm here for you

I've been so lucky in my life
Much more then I deserve
So I find it hard to understand
Why my prayer for you was heard

Carl Joseph Roberts
 Oct 2014
Hayley Neininger
Never be afraid to make me laugh
Even if over time I ask you to stop
And I tell you you’re making me look older
Just brush that off.
I really do love the wrinkles that you’ve put around my mouth
And when I look at them I see tiny quotation marks
That remind me of all the things I have to say
And that all of those things I say are important enough
For you to quote me on
And as more time passes and those tiny wrinkled quotation marks
Get bigger and bigger and start to blend together around my lips
They’ll look more like parenthesizes
And I’ll really, really love those too
Because they’ll remind me that when I used to have to say, “I love you”
I’ll know that I love you is always implied.
 May 2014
K Balachandran
She fell in to the hands of darkness and wept
the world all of a sudden  ceased to exist,
she hoped, "If only a drop of moonlight
fell on the cheerful courtyard of the time past,
and show me  the happy scenes of yore,
children yelling aloud and playing around,
as if nothing will ever happen to break my peace"

Alone beyond mind, she soared in to a stillness, it was deep,
then light, so soft and fizzy surrounded her
gathered her in hands like her dear mother,
she felt light, pain vanished, didn't know
how much time passed,  felt like all burdens were  lifted.

Light was wisdom timeless, it told her, time has light feet,
from illusion it comes and returns to it's fold
all things good and bad in to fathomlessness dissolve.
"Forget the bleakness of the dark waters my dear,
you are the beaming white lotus, floating eternally above it."
"Asato ma sad gamaya          (lead me from ignorance to truth)
Tamaso ma jyothir gamaya   (lead me from darkness  to light)
Mrityorma amrutham gamaya(lead me from death to immortality)
Shanhi......shanti ......shanti   "    (Peace..Peace.....peace)
------Brahadaranyaka Upanishad
 May 2014
Sarah Spang
If I was a mountain

That soared towards the sky,

With craggy snow caps

And stormy grey eyes-

Then you'd be the clouds

That swaddled my peak,

That silenced my thunder

When I tried to speak.

If I was the earth

The desert, in fact:

With arid dry soil

And mud, baked and cracked-

You'd be the rain

The downpour that soothed;

The balm to my bruises,

Relief to my wounds.

If I was the Moon

In the indigo night,

With stars as my blanket

And silver; my light-

Well you'd be the Sun

Just always behind

That lent me your glow

And caused me to shine.
 Apr 2014
Kelly Miller
Give me a moment before the beat drops and we hip hop
Give me a moment back in time...
Give me a moment--before poets needed mic stands
When God was worshipped over rock n roll bands
Give me a moment where the world was once yours and it was once mine
Cause I'm needin a moment --A moment in time
Give me a moment-- where the only light was the sun
When there was no imitation gods, just the true living One
Give me a moment-- before cliches and celebrated pop stars
Before labels on people instead of labels on jars
Give me a moment--when there was no need for King and Queen,
When two peple worshipped one supreme being
Give me a moment -- of way back then
How we would live, to start over again
Give me a moment when nature sang its song
And you could just listen to it all day long..
So I pause..
Cause I'm needin a moment to put me into focus
Cause this world done lost its mind
So please, give me a moment
A moment in time
 Mar 2014
K Balachandran
Amazement taking
a human form
and performing for hours;
it wasn't anything less.

How the pianist does this
is beyond the grasp of mind,
owes her very much
for the deep cleansing
of our souls, but there isn't
a way to pay the pianist.

Don't know how much is enough
in material terms, whatever
will be not enough.
It's worth a few lifetimes
of deep healing, I guess,
This adventure crossing
boundaries of every kind
with ease humbles us,
eyes fill, streams of tears
just don't stop.

Fallowing her trail
we reached a clearing
in the tangled dark forest,
experienced a glimpse
of what is beyond:

immense ocean
of music
merging in
the dense sweet
dreamy silence
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