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 Oct 2018
Walter W Hoelbling
over the past weeks
a gentle autumn sun
has painted colored leaves
upon the ground
and thinned
the bright abundance
of the wooded ranges

most of the harvest
is securely stored by now
or sold at morning markets
by weathered men and women
in country garbs

vintners are busy with their lots
fermenting grapes
and entertaining those
who see their visit
as pleasant pastime and escape
from daily urban chores

hunters and lumbermen
are waking up
to shoot and mark

schools by this time
have settled into the new year
teachers are happy still to share
the knowledge of our world
with students still inclined
to listen

remembering their vacations
on the Bahamas or in Saint Tropez
step sprightly into offices
womanned by secretaries dreaming secretly
of beautiful Mallorca summers
and of those never-ending nights
on the Algarve

I guess it is a human thing
to find a new beginning
and do best
when nature’s breath goes easy
to collect the strength
for yet another fruitful year

or were it better
that we also took a rest?

           * *
 Oct 2018
My bunny
does not comprehend
the vast size of the
My bunny does not
ask questions like
"Why do we exist?"
My bunny is a simple
But it seems so much
more peaceful
not to wonder these things,
not to stay up late
wracking your brain
at the mysteries of life,
that sometimes,
I wish I was
a bunny too.
Is ignorance truly bliss?
If I was ignorant,
I wouldn't have to ask this.
 Oct 2018
city of flips
he introduces himself
saying quiet, but slipping in, firm:

“something he knows for sure,
no is no”

I, (19, f)

replying, smiling
saying louder, firmer:

“something she knows for sure,
yes is yes”

and he says

“yes, ma’am,”

returning her smile, so shyly,
while blushing, so loudly,
thinking he said something dumb,
looking down at his shuffling feet,
covered in worn out cowboy boots

I like this guy
I like this man.
 Oct 2018
Salmabanu Hatim
When the line goes straight,

                 _    __       /\
                | \  /      |_/\/   \    
                | \ /                  \   ~~~~~~~
                |  \/                  \  /
                |                       \/
Everyone will suddenly start loving you.
 Oct 2018
Aaron Michael Brown
I once knew a guy,
and I wanted to be just like him.
Everything he did I took notice,
making sure I'd do the same.
After a while, he figured it out,
and he stopped liking me.
I kept emulating though,
because I wanted to feel like someone else,
I could have followed anyone,
but I chose him.
In the end, I was alone
feeling confused,
and sort of betrayed
I just wanted to be like him.
Now we aren't even friends on Facebook,
here's to fallen idols!
Creep - Radiohead
 Sep 2018
Angie Marcano
Lab coat on
I stand in a cold morgue
Scalpel in one hand
My heart in the other.

Hands tremble
Making the first incision
Cutting through the sweet memories
And stripping it from the bitterness
you left behind

It lays open
Displayed on a silver tray
Tied down by your half truths
And compassionate lies
Held down by the “I love you”
And trapped by your “Don’t go”

A beaten heart
That no longer beats
No longer pumps love
But instead is filled with tears
And regrets

It has lost its color
A vibrant red
was turned into
a Coal-black
As dark as the bruises
You left behind

And without pulse
I still live
With nothing on my sleeve
And an empty hole
on my chest.
 Sep 2018
Largely white
except splotches
of color
of personality
paper weights
the chair
The screens
of the electronic appliances
for a more professional feel
with touches of beige
the carpet
the outlets
Florescent lights
shockingly white
shockingly bright
Is my teacher's desk
 Sep 2018
She came that day
On the verge of tears
Something tragic had occurred
I inquired as to the cause
Of her distress

“I told him...and he...”
I didn’t have to hear any more.
I responded with sympathy
And let her rant out her emotions
As I considered what angle would be best
To complete my drawing
Considering this project could very well dictate our trimester grade...

Another girl came in the room
And was subject to the same story
She, unlike me, gave her a hug

You may be wondering
Or shocked
By my callous behavior
But see,
This was nothing new

From two years prior
Since the time we’d known each other
It was like this
Colorful, cheerful, charismatic yet melancholic
Smart as well
Attracting friends to her
Like bees to honey

She also had crushes
Loads of them
At least three to five a year

She cried in eighth grade
In ninth grade she actually went one with one
They broke up
After a week of neglect

Another guy liked her
But she didn’t like him
Despit confiding in him
His emotional tendencies
Grew too much for her

Then she liked another,
But he was gay
So they stayed friends
But apparently she likes him again

No offense,
But I’m currently at the end of my tether
I have things to worry about
And it really makes me wonder,
How can someone feel so deeply each time?
It seems painful

She’s a wonderful person
But, very ephemeral
Her attention flits like a bird
And her attraction is deep
But short

As a friend though she’s great
And I have nothing against her
I think with a sigh as I look out the window
And she heaves a breath
On the verge of tears
Just another day of the symphony between a helpless romantic
If you’re a helpless romantic out there, I’m really sorry if this hurts your feelings. Feel free to message me and I can make this private. This poem is just meant to be about two friends who, due to their opposing natures, have trouble understanding each other.
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