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 Sep 2015
Jake muler
To many complain these days
If they don't get their way its a rant an moan session. Daily work has shown me the meaning of costly annoyance.
 Aug 2015
Phillis Wheatley
While others chant of gay Elysian scenes,
Of balmy zephyrs, and of flow’ry plains,
My song more happy speaks a greater name,
Feels higher motives and a nobler flame.
For thee, O R—, the muse attunes her strings,
And mounts sublime above inferior things.
  I sing not now of green embow’ring woods,
I sing not now the daughters of the floods,
I sing not of the storms o’er ocean driv’n,
And how they howl’d along the waste of heav’n.
But I to R——- would paint the British shore,
And vast Atlantic, not untry’d before:
Thy life impair’d commands thee to arise,
Leave these bleak regions and inclement skies,
Where chilling winds return the winter past,
And nature shudders at the furious blast.
  O thou stupendous, earth-enclosing main
Exert thy wonders to the world again!
If ere thy pow’r prolong’d the fleeting breath,
Turn’d back the shafts, and mock’d the gates of death,
If ere thine air dispens’d an healing pow’r,
Or ******’d the victim from the fatal hour,
This equal case demands thine equal care,
And equal wonders may this patient share.
But unavailing, frantic is the dream
To hope thine aid without the aid of him
Who gave thee birth and taught thee where to flow,
And in thy waves his various blessings show.
  May R—return to view his native shore
Replete with vigour not his own before,
Then shall we see with pleasure and surprise,
And own thy work, great Ruler of the skies!
 Aug 2015
You breathe my name into
your chest, letting me settle
like dust into your bones.

Tethering me to this moment,
eyes fierce, burning as vibrant
as tiger lilies in a vengeful sun.

Your fingers burning holes in
our sheets, leaving remnants
of their disgust in my scars.

Even to this day I cannot stay
up for the sunrise, I find your
taste infused on my tongue.

And I'm still left to wonder if it
was Lucifer I saw in your eyes
or the gods that condemned me.
"Love is not painful.
The absence of love is painful."
© copyright
 Aug 2015
kayla morrison
Date someone who walks into a storm.
they may be pour at weathering it,
shoes soaked, shirts clinging to collar bones
jeans suctioned onto hips
But they'll make it through.

Date a person who gets caught in the rain.
They may not expect it,
but they can handle a surprise.

Love a person who isn't intimidated by thunder.
They know how to wait it out,
the heavy air will subside in the end.

Love a person who has experienced hail,
They may be bruised by it,
but they laugh at the ice pellets perching on their fingertips.

Marry someone who walks into the storm.
They like the excitement,
but they know when to come home.

Mary someone who walks into the storm,
They'll thrive in the abandoned streets,
walking barefoot through the puddles,
dancing to the beat of your heart.
Sorry, didn't know how to keep this as a draft on my phone
 Aug 2015
Falling Apart
It happened again tonight.
The demons came back
and they hit right where it hurts.
I feel so weak.
What is wrong with me?
layers of hate,
miles of pain,
back to Earth.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Aug 2015
Lena Waters
If we all blame each other
For the things we could have
Would have
Should have done
Then how
Is there
A hope in hell that
Anything will ever get done?
The first in my series of poems specifically about the lessons we learn from life. I guess that applies to all poems.
 Aug 2015
Lena Waters
If all we do
Is in preparation for the future,
Then does it indeed
Make sense
That those who

Live in the moment

Are those with the worst lives?
 Aug 2015
Go to sleep little bird.
It will be a new morning when you wake up.
 Aug 2015
Jake muler
Had to check out the toy section today its been since forever since had the original spider man action figures and seeing these new toys sparked a flame in me. They don't even try no more with toys. Now I know how dad felt with my generation.
 Aug 2015
always carry a gun
even in the light of the sun
always be paranoid
don't trust anyone

if you go out at night
be ready for a fight
the ones you can't avoid
waiting under the street light

make sure it's a full clip
stay ready on every trip
fire at any noise
always come equipped
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