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 Dec 2015
b for short
She dreams in
wild green vines
that coddle and comfort
until they choke.
Her beautiful intent
grows so wickedly and ends
brown, withered, and withdrawn—
rotted roots that no longer
hold promise.
Not even a silent one
for the sun that once
kept her alive.
© Bitsy Sanders, December 2015
 Dec 2015
Mohd Arshad
Is the best ****** product for people of all ages!
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 Dec 2015
mark john junor
i had rode all night
i was weary to my soul
and there was no end in sight
the mountain cold had me by the bones

she was there in her finest dress
she was there like a rough diamond
perilous and strange
with her wicked smile she said that her friend
would be joining us for our festivities
i knew right off that i would regret knowin her
but she has a way about her
that is worse than poisonous
cause she will leave you thanking her
as she murders poor you

in need of some rest i settled in and closed my eyes
thinking she would not make her move till she was sure
foolish child let down my guard
she got the jewels and the loose coins
she would have had it all
but just as she would have sunk the blade
the sunrise exposed her for the monster she is

so i set out when i was able
to southern paradise with a young honey
and saved myself from her cold hand
but i still think of her
and that inhuman cold i saw in her eye
how can somebody can live that way ill never know
for that i thank the good lord
labor in the sun
to make myself a new home
far away from the tomb of her heart
up there in the cold mountains
 Dec 2015
mark john junor
her lucid moments
while dozen starlings take flight
they sweep up into the free wind from pavement
scattered by careless child at some game
they roll in turbulent air
and gift the new born day with melodies sweet enough
to lull even this madwoman's mind

i cant even find my way out of the
dark puzzle pattern of her eyes
all the arranged pieces like tin soldiers
poised just so in the thunder of war
for romantic effect

the things we never speak of
and the novels our hearts weave
are worlds apart
the sunlight reflected as the day wanes
the thoughts held near and dear
we bring out of their hidden box
like trappings of a secret life
costumes we try on in the secret of night
masks we all wear to hide the truth
from ourselves
 Dec 2015
Mohd Arshad
Is the root of peace.
Plant it, water it, taste it, it's yours!
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 Dec 2015
Mohd Arshad
And we must be perfect listener to execute whatever it asks for...
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 Dec 2015
"Je t'aime."
She told you.
But you couldn't understand her
So you left and never came back.

"Je t'aime."
She said to him.
This time he understood her.
"Au revoir."*
Because he didn't love her back.
 Dec 2015
mark john junor
my empty hands sprawled
the healers of magical minds watch intently
as i rush to speak all my madness thoughts
as i spill the visions and voices that come to me in the night
they pour out onto the madhouse floor
stained like blood red wine
sharp taste to the minds electric eye
wrap tin foil around your fingers when you type
lest the alien signature machine sees you in a dream

the healers of a magical mind
tell you of reality that you cannot see
they give you small pills to make it all better
to soak up all the fears
your magic mind speaks inside your ear
tells you not to swallow the pills
that they make your face look funny in the mirror
that they control you with secret machines
in magazines

sit on the bare floor
straight jacket wrapped warmly around you like loving arms
and watch the cursed moon rise neath the clouds
sing in a whisper to the voices in your head
your eyes wide open
to the magical mind
 Dec 2015
It is painful to die...

That's one thing that pops out of my head when I think of dying.
Before, I always think it was easy; or easier
But it was *selfishness

Daily separations made me numb, or rather; pulled me away from selflessness
But everything is different, from a different eye.
Thoughts after my grandpa died 3 days ago.
 Nov 2015
b for short
When she was much younger,
they all used to stroke her long, dark hair
and bathe her in compliments.
“Oh this one—she’s so smart, so wise, so clever.”
Syllable by syllable, the words soaked into her skin.
Perfumed in praise, she grew up believing it all—
that she was a step ahead of the rest.
Whatever picture everyone else saw,
she saw the bigger one.
And the girl did.
She worked the biggest knots with well-oiled fingers
and always knew better before better got the best of her.
She learned everything she needed to know
from all of the books she read and collected.

But every Little Red Riding Hood comes across her own Big Bad Wolf.
Hers with a smile so much more cunning than any storyteller could do justice.
He’d stroke her long, dark hair and bathe her in compliments too,
“Oh this one—she’s so soft, so kind, so comforting.”
Wise Little Red followed him everywhere,
down dark and twisted paths with crooked trees,
other snarling beasts and poisonous flora that tingled her nose
and filled her lungs and clouded her judgment.
She didn’t even think to mark her trail
so that she could find her way home when she’d need to.
And when the wolf turned, like all of the stories told her he would,
When he barred his teeth, growling at her like a threatening stranger—
she knew he had decided that she was no longer a friend.
She had gotten too close to him and too far from home.

As she struggled to find her way back,
Little Red realized that her books were good for nothing.
The only things worth learning
are on those dark, twisted paths… lined with dangers,
with nothing but her own nose to follow.
And she laughed alone, knowing that her kept wits
would be the only thing to keep the wolves at bay.
© Bitsy Sanders, November 2015
 Nov 2015
mark john junor
this whole empty room thing
will be the death of me
cant stand another day of the echoing darkness
mocking my every word
spoken softly with tired lips
bleed me slow of ideas
watch it all circle the drain

this whole empty room thing
all the people said it would be so good for me
all the people thought what a vacation
from all those dark and ***** deeds
all those love poems full of poison

this empty room disease
crawling in my heart
have i given up
has the world forgotten me
there will be no rescue
there will be no sunshine day to come
no sweetest smile to save me

this empty room
silent all these years
filled with words i cant take back
filled with faces leaving
full of faces leaving
 Nov 2015
Mohd Arshad
Man can't escape from committing errors;
But he can escape from hurting others.
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 Nov 2015
Mohd Arshad
Of a great leader is to create harmony among the people.
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