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 Nov 2017
Ronnie James Corbin
The scholar sits by candlelight
Pouring over many a forgotten volume
Left behind by his ancestors
to reveal unto him,
The secrets and majesty of the world
His tired eyes move over scripture
Marked with the ink stain of experiences past
And cerebral treasures long forgotten to modern man

The scholar sits by candlelight,
Scribing into parchment the secrets of his days
For his grandsons grandsons to find,
And pour their tired eyes over the volumes,
Marked with ink stains of experiences past
Cerebral treasures still long forgotten..
The scholars hand still scribes away
For the best understanding of today
Lies in the knowledge of yesterday
 Nov 2017
Crandall Branch
My worst nightmare is going to Heaven (am I already there?)
Reflections of my warped mind stare back at me
When I was frustrated I told you to slam the door behind you
I'm killing you and you're slowly killing me

Society shuts down my true feelings and turns me into a clone
We all know we're all alone but no one takes action
Hell will be a place without hope. Hell is this life
Got nothing better to do anyways

Sometimes they just end it all but nothing ever happens
Good friendly violent fun in store for all
My ears close, leaving me with the ring of nothingness
As the steel machine keeps turning
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
 Nov 2017
Let's clap our hands for old mother f ****. They like to prey on young f b#$ch.

Married to player who doesn't respect his f ****. It's bounced around like Plato on his stick.

Your b@#ch calls my friend and shares pictures of you two together.  What do you want sandwich together.

Bounce back mother fu@ker.

Your Beautiful bride of 26 years is getting strong, she's  got team that won't let her go wrong.

Let's twiddle in the future mother f ****. Your old how long do you think you can see above sea level before you sink.

Oops it's done. Bye Bi@ch.
 Nov 2017
Britney Lyn
You make me breathless, but please put your hands around my throat and choke so I can at least enjoy you slowly killing me.
Your hands are all I've thought about today.
 Nov 2017
Jamie Lee Jaylind
I have been weathered
By the weight of this world
They have seen my wings
And won't allow them unfurled

I am not allowed
To be myself
They chained me down
Like a doll on a shelf

I am tired
Of being pushed around
But I cannot make
A single sound

They have taken it all
They stole my voice
I find I no longer
Have any choice

I will mold myself
As they see fit
I will no longer fight
I will no longer protest it

I will become
A perfect example
Of what this society
Gives to sample

Dolled and dressed up
Covered in lies
Showing my wings
Was my true demise

I dared to be myself
In a society of fake
What made me, me
I can no longer make

I am not unique
That much has been lost
I am a part of society
But at what cost?
I wrote this poem without much in mind, but it turned into a statement about how hard it is to be yourself in society. Be in conformity or be cast out. Be cool or be cast out.
 Nov 2017
Just Melz
There's nothing more romantic
          in my eyes
        Than holding your hand
   And talking about our lives
          Because in my mind
The only thing better than the fantasy
        Is the intimacy I feel
  When it's just you and me
Sapiosexual: Finding someone's intelligence to be their most sexually attractive feature.

For DaSH, the sexiest and smartest man I know. <3
 Nov 2017
Poetic Artiste
Speechless conversations often lead me to mental *******,
But verbal ******* goes deeper than any relation,
Please excuse my bluntness but the thought alone of straddling your mind makes me weak...
Just a section, previously recorded, second half will not be released.
 Nov 2017
Crandall Branch
“You don’t sleep enough”
I won’t be tired
Until 12 am,

And then I wake
Covered in monsters and shadows
That are realer than I am,

And then I can’t sleep
Until the windows are open,

And I can breathe again
And I wonder
Why I’m so tired
The next morning.
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
 Nov 2017
Crandall Branch
Try for one second
One second of concentration
To imagine what could be if we all reaped the benefits of


just lying every day in our
you See

it Is
the green Waste in fact
You can put branches in there, believe it Or not
Thanks for the info.
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
 Nov 2017
Vegan Meth Cake
hotels are casually destroying the enviornment
i love the feeling i get when
you accept that i'm
getting closer to you
I have so much to do but
let's get taco bell and
play minecraft all day
we can build a quiet town
while the world around ours
falls apart
snuggle baby, comfy love
baby talk, my sweet bliss
rotting me from the inside out, emotional decay
just one more
******* day i cannot handle
looking at your face
and i'm gone forever
I spend most nights suffering
but failing miserably
at relationships
babe if you only ******* knew
you were the closest thing to a soulmate
but the furthest away from true love
i still bang my head against the wall
I cover my ears and scream
when I can't handle the sound of this world's destruction
it's all louder and more apparent
without the saftey you granted me
you're probably happy as i'm being
tortured and devoured my soul
**** out and thrown away into a pit of
******* useless torment corprate casual slave hell but
we all die alone and that's what matters most so who rly cares
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