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 Apr 2017
Pagan Paul
I'm glad I am a rough diamond,
not cut, and ready to buy.
Women don't want polished men,
they want a malleable guy.
I'm not the King of Diamonds,
not domesticated nor trained.
I'm not a gent, soft of touch.
I'm wild and lustful and stained.

So I am the Jack of Diamonds
strong and rugged and tough.
No culture taints my mind,
and knowledge is just - stuff.
When I find me a willing Lady,
she just can't get enough,
especially when I head for
her Diamond in the Rough.

© Pagan Paul (03/04/17)
 Apr 2017
Jennifer West
Just hold me tonight,
I want someone by my side.
Let your scented skin touch mine,
Just hold me tonight.

Just kiss me tonight,
Even if it's for the last time.
I can't bear these lonely lips,
Just kiss me tonight.

Just love me tonight,
I want to be with you one last time.
I shall take it in my stride if you love me,
Just love me for tonight.
 Apr 2017
Sheyla X Donatt
You used to be my inspiration.
The reason for all my poems.
The reason for all my feelings.

You used to be responsible for the giggles before bed
The smiles at sunrise
The blushes between texts

Then suddenly I found the poems weren’t about you anymore.
You weren’t worth writing about anymore.
You weren’t as enchanting as I remembered.

I held you responsible for the poems
For the happiness
For the glow I flaunted

When all along
It was never you
It had always been me

It was then I realized
I wrote best without you
I glowed my brightest without you

You lost your magic.
You lost your charm.
Most of all you lost me.

Without me there is no us.
I handle my own feelings
Finally I’m my own inspiration
 Apr 2017
Jack Jenkins
I find music in flowers
And poetry in the grass
Many lines, and notes
Stanzas and lyrics
Yet to be wrote
But I have yet to find
Good in people
Or love in their hearts
I have yet to find
The key to love's heart
Drunk poetry... woooooooooooo
 Apr 2017
I wanna destroy something.
Whether it be expensive or cheap, big or small.
I want to **** something up.
Just so,
for even a moment...
something will be as I feel.
 Apr 2017
Pagan Paul
And from a golden thread
hangs a gilded cage with filigree.
Waiting for a little bird
to sing a sweet soliloquy.

In your heart this gilded cage
is kept under lock and key.
Waiting for a heartache's tears
to sing a sweet soliloquy.

Be proud little bird and sing
from your cage so eloquently.
Waiting for a lovers kiss
to sing a sweet soliloquy.

© Pagan Paul (2016/2017)
 Apr 2017
We don't write poetry.
It happens.
It hits you in the face and
demands to be.

Its pieces bombard like pebbles
thrown by zealous winds.
It wakes you at two a.m.
frantic to be free.

Like soul longing for body
it floats about
filled with anguish
and yearning.

The world is a poem.
Walking among its words,
often unaware,
we breathe the empty spaces.

We are all scribes,
sometimes setting down
a verse or two.


we don't write poetry.

It happens.
 Apr 2017
Hallucinate BoY
What if I say, I am not like the others?
Are you afraid of seeing my bloodshot eyes?
It ain’t a delusion of your vision
It ain’t a theory of your hostile mind
Its just an authority to reveal high
As you ****** up in the midnight.

What if I declare, I like to be a pothead?
It ain’t a crime of your filthy society
It ain’t a ****** of your hypersexual beauty
Its just a power to absorb black hole
As you get dissolved in the infinity.

What if we believe, we are united peace?
Our intoxication could never be slayer as your humanity diminishes  
Our immune could never be a flame as your democracy fire burns  
Our dealing could never be an acrid as your judgments villainous
Our indignation could never be a pretender as your sensibility veiled
Our lonesome shadow could never be a congress of love as your realization mortifies
And our congregation of morality must have been psychedelic painkiller.

What if we deny, we are insignificant existence?    
So, who are you crippling our bloodshot eyes, A Social featherbrain?
Who are you to stop having "dopetherone" in the town, A godly crusader?
Who are you to proclaim the rule against your mind, A phrenetic lawyer?

What if we deny, we are insignificant existence?  
What if we believe, we are united peace?

We will keep walking with our head held high.*

April' 2015
 Mar 2017
My best friend

many names.....

But all of them left me

and I am alone.

Still, there is one

a friend who never left my side

someone who stopped me from doing evil things

someone who was by my side when I was depressed

someone who was always by my side

someone who loved me deeply

someone who will never leave me

someone I love

and that's......

i love i love i love myself i know i know i know myself
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