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 Mar 2017

Her story will continue

Rest in peace

others will take up your sword
and battle call

the war continues
Amy Bleuel acknowedged founder
of the "semi colon project"
which alerts people to those battling
mental illnes by the battler wearing a
semicilon  tattoo
tattoos  are also worn in remembrance
passed away recently
She is one of many small
whispering voices that have changed the world
Please remember her and her closest
to the heavens today
 Mar 2017
trixia ella marie
"i want to be naked in front of you"
this is more than most people knew
i'm not talking about ****** nor touching a body part
what made me wrote this poem is loving you and art

i've let you undress me without putting away my clothes
despite of wearing pieces of cotton and denim
my whole being was still exposed
scars and open wounds were proudly shown
open arms accepted them as if they were your own

i've always wanted to be naked in front of you
not naked in a way of removing garments and seeing
those hidden tattoos
but naked without all the secrets and walls
to let you in to my soul and fall
for you to see my chaotic perceptions
to explore my darkest deceptions
to take a glimpse at my deepest fears
to know the reason behind my tears
to marvel at my arduous dreams
to listen to my demons' screams

here i am uncovered and raw
this is more than the constellations could ever draw
a girl's most intimate moment - a girl with a heart of a poet
words have my emotions translated
"you were the only one who've seen me this naked"
 Mar 2017
Elissa Deauvall
To heal
is to create

To heal is to create a
new and improved version
of what was left in a pile of
shattered emotions

To heal is to break free
from the chains
that held you back
for so long

To heal is to learn
how to breathe again

To heal is to
feel alive
and to start anew

To heal is to become
a masterpiece;
a mosaic of pain and heartache,
reimagined into the most beautiful
thing to have ever existed
 Mar 2017
It's a cycle of repetition.
Mesmerizing a smile.
Falling for the eyes.
Having their voice echo in your head throughout the day.
You go through the phases, yet they don't.
Finishing a race, not realizing they have already quit.
As if they were the rabbit and you were the turtle,
doubtfully but entirely getting ahead.
Failing to notice that the break they took,
was a sugar coating way of splitting to a separation, forever.
Today's love is nothing of love.
Only empty promises and wandering souls floating in and out of others.
You wonder why they take your time as something so limitless.
The connection so quick and intense, that in the moment things seem okay,
but as the spark starts to die, you realize, it was nothing but a minor flame in a wild fire.
It was only, just a click.
 Mar 2017
Michael L
Your lips move slowly,
yet, in this moment
there is silence.
Your warm breath
caresses my face.

And with anticipation
I don't need words.
Everything you need to say
is whispered in your thoughts  
and echoed by your fingertips.

Your touch is thunderous,
resounding deep within us  
penetrating all my defenses,
filling that space between us.
In these moments I submit.

Powerless to resist this passion.
Ecstasy and lightning entwined,
flashes of lust and love
spark from skin to skin,
as the silent storm surges over us.

Briefly the world is muted.
Only you and I exist, fully exposed.
Vulnerable, we surrender completely,
trusting this silence to satisfy
our unquenchable appetite.
Thanks Elizabeth J for allowing me to collaborate with you on this poem. It was my pleasure!
 Mar 2017
Luna Marie
I've been singing songs about you,
Though you'll never hear them.
I've been writing poetry about you,
Though you'll never read them.
I've been painting pictures of you,
Though you'll never see them...
Just like you never saw me falling,
So you weren't able to catch me.
I'm the only one falling.
 Mar 2017
Journey of Days
don’t leave my side
finding this really hard...the being social thing
I know, I know, I was fun..before
talking is hard, they look at me differently, they can see the the
they will s-stare at the the wounds

don’t leave my side
smell the fear...****, I can smell it
I know, I know, these people are friends
being someone is hard, they look at me differently, they can see the the
they will s-stare at the the wounds

don’t leave my side
spinning, the room is spinning
I know, I know, ...keep it light, chat, smile
happy faces is hard, they look at me differently, they can see the the
they will s-stare at the the wounds

don’t leave my side
just h-hold my hand

my new reality - socialising is so very hard.
haven't perfected the fake it 'til you make it
not sure I can.
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