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 Apr 2017
I'm glad you could make it
Even if it means that now you hate me
I'm glad you made it.

It makes me a bit sad
I swear I was a bit mad
When I knew you were telling lies.

But now I don't care
Because I know
That no matter how much I give to you

No matter how far I go to be with you
No matter how much I spend thinking of you
No matter how emotional draining it is for me

You'll never see it
Because it is not exactly what you're asking me to do.
I'm glad you joined your old friends, even if it feels like dagger for me.
 Aug 2016
your tiny kitten paws
your messy hair
your soft skin
your moles
 Aug 2016
like getting through the end of song you really enjoyed
like accidentally listening to someone's voice and thinking it's him
like a whistler on the subway
that takes you back to the moment
we first fell in love

you don't even try to see the light
you don't even try to look out
you don't want to

how does it feel
to burn your skin like this
to put your heart out
so easily
that anybody could just grab it
and take it away

maybe it doesn't feel like this
maybe I'll be there
as long as you keep your promises
and love me as my heart beats
 Aug 2016
I think what hurts the most is
the fact that we will no longer feel
as we did months ago

the fact that I will never be
that close to you
ever again
 Aug 2016
¿Crees poder seguir sumergiéndote en este pequeño rincón de desamor?
 Aug 2016
we packed and we left
the cherry blossom was not working for us
not anymore

we took peaches
and then you hurt yourself so bad
you needed four stitches

we took strawberries
and then my heart stopped caring

we took apples
[we took pears]

we took the love
we felt for ourselves
we were no longer there
 Aug 2016
no necesitábamos excusas para sentirnos solos
no necesitábamos acordes para armar nuestra melodía

necesitábamos razones para volver a nosotros mismos
necesitábamos esperar por una muestra
necesitábamos iluminar nuestra química
nuestra química no correspondida
llena de azulejos y brisas de verano

atosigando cada posibilidad de reencuentro
reencuentros frustrados rasguñados por anhelos
que ni siquiera intentaban ser hallados

así que mientras más intentemos correr
más frustrados se volverán nuestros planes de regresar
 Aug 2016
bañar al perro

                       colar el café
                                            lavar la ropa
                                                                  cocinar en la madrugada
                                                                                                              *ser tuya
 Aug 2016
seré obediente
intentaré levantarme temprano
haré que mis tobillos no suenen en la madrugada
dejaré de fumar y dejaré el café
sólo para poder redimirme de esos ojos otra vez

apagaré las luces antes de salir de la casa
limpiaré la cocina después de cocinar
no me haré daño
sólo para poder sumergirme en esa sonrisa una y otra vez

dormiré temprano
no malgastaré mi tiempo ni mi dinero
seguiré haciendo yoga
sólo para poder continuar viéndote cada noche al dormir

*so please, don't leave
 Aug 2016
let's sway as the honey runs through our veins
let's forget ourselves as we stand on the edge
you really struck a nerve on me
you really made me forget myself

this is nearly the end
for you and me could be
but from far behind I will just forget about the end
you keep staring at me
even when I'm down
I almost feel as confident
as you

I found myself sitting down in the pool
chloride blue
no surprise this is often how it's done
but lately it's about all you can take
but mainly it's because your life it's the same

maybe the scars won't matter when I'm asleep
 Aug 2016
where to begin?
                       where does it lead to?
                                                         will I ever be found?

                              the gates are closing in front of me
I got so close
              but then again,
                                                          ­                    I'm certainly lost
              but then again,
                                                          ­                    I've never found myself

maybe after all,
                               it leads me to you
                   it leads to nowhere
                                                  *(nowh­ere with you)

and I'm not even mad
        I'm not even sad
                                              but the fact that you're so tender to me
          breaks my heart into a million
                                                         ­      *tiny

                                                          ­           pieces

I'm so fortunate
            I've never found myself
                                                    as devoted as I feel
                                                            ­                         to you,
                                                            ­                                    *my sweetest
dedicated once again to my sweetest, Ben.
 Aug 2016
y seguíamos con los ojos cerrados
sintiendo la fría brisa de diciembre
las luces a medianoche
recordándome que no estás aquí
que no estás acariciando mi cabello
y seguíamos faltándonos el respeto
por no estar juntos
por ser como somos y no permitirnos estar juntos

“es cuestión de ocasión”
dondequiera y como sea
no te dejaré ni por un segundo
pensar que la noche muere
que la luna brilla
y nosotros no estamos juntos
mirando las mismas estrellas
preguntándonos de dónde vino esto

estarás siempre
serás parte de mi
incluso estando lejos
estarás cerca de mí
dedicated to my sweetest, Ben.
 Aug 2016
tell me your thoughts
'cause I don't want to miss
anything that beautiful mind of yours
is willing to say to me

— The End —