by 17 members Okay, I agree lengthy is sometimes boring. :)
You can share your little poems, particularly haikus here with pride. Give it your shot.Welcome.
I have never stuttered in pen misspoken in ink or choked in my writing the way I do whenever I speak my fingertips always know the right words to say my tongue is still learning
This is the loudest the music goes I have nothing left to drink still, all around me are the wolves- circling... get on with it! you devoured all the beautiful things already.
Living is once on earth. Live by your rules, Don't hurt,don't hate. Heal,love Care but mind your own business. Compare yourself to no one but yourself.
STARS GUIDING NEAR* Passing through the Airs Sphere trailing every way Lurking and searching the sky Passing through a midnight length Wandering through the cosmic den As the night travels by As the night travels too far