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 Jun 2016
I've been to hell and back
I've seen who lives there and I don't want to accompany it

So I live in Your name
I have faith that You will guide me
Protect me and help me
Change me and make me

I don't want to be who I am anymore
So I pray
That one day I can change my thoughts
Delete them and replace them

So I can finally be who You made me to be.
 Jun 2016
Sylvia Frances Chan
My Prayer for Thee
Oh, Lord, Thou art my only Love
Thou art my True Love Dove
i treasure me in Thy Vector
and feel me blessed in my daily concerns
i know this is only hellish Earth
temporarily and no eternal worth

only Thy Signs and Thy Spoken Words
i have absorbed and am absorbing still,
Thy Holy Words and Thy Only Will
naturally, i have learned eversince;
i learned to see Thee as my Holy Prince
to listen to Thee as my Holy Father
to hear Thy Words than rather
turn my sight to satan's rites.

Thou art The Only One i worship
Thou art The Only One i am praying to
Thou art The Only One, Thou art my All
Thou art this side and
Thou art my whole side of my All;
Thou stand above my Darling,
Thou stand above my Beloved,
Thou stand above my Beloved Ones,
Thou stand above my Alls.

Thou art The Holy Father,
The Holy Son,
and The Holy Ghost.
i am a humble girl,
i asked for three special sons;
Thou gave me three special sons.
i knocked and asked for love, life and food;
Thou opened,
and gave me love, life and food
for my family, my Life's destiny;
i asked still, Thou gave me constantly.

i could not fight,
Thou gave me strength, Thou gave me Power;
i grow stronger by the hour.

Thy words are Divine;
i am craving for Thee, Oh, Holy Mine;
i am all Thine and Thou art Mine.

Forgive this humble heart of me,
for every sin i have done unto Thee.

i pray to Thee for every soul i've met;
i thank Thee for Thy mercy i get,
from Thy Holy and Forgiving Heart.

i nestle in Thy thermal,
i warm me in Thy vernal,
i warm me in Thy embrace.
No my Lord, i would not race.

i feel me ablaze, every time i praise Thee,
and pray to Thee, my Lord,
blessing feel i get for each of Thy Word.

My Lord, My eternal Love-Superiour,
Thou art my heavenly Father.
i am your constant love-warrior;
Thou art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come
on earth as it is in Heaven.

© Sylvia Frances Chan
On HP Friday Morn too, accidentally @ 7.25 hrs a.m. The 18th December 2015
On PF AD.30 May 2014 ~and on HP July
2014~~@5.32 hrs.a.m.~
~~ Friday Morn
 Jun 2016
Cynthia Jean
to the Lord
all glory
laud and honor
He is our King
Oh bless the Lord
and worship Him
in the splendor
of His holiness....

Psalm 29:2

cj 2016
 Jun 2016
The Dedpoet
Bridle of desires,
Wing above the storms,
He that steadies the Current,
Lord of my life
Gather me unto You
That these words may be holy
And worthy to praise thee,
Christ, God of my life.
King of Kings
With Your perfection in wisdom
Who rejoices in the little children,
He that is the Word,
Heavenly Shepard
That forms the stars and the skies
With a gesture
Saving those from
The darkness that looms,
Guide me into the Life
As I follow the immortal light,
Merciful One,
Jesus Christ
Distiller of men
Allow me to praise you
Son of God,
Savior of my life.
 Jun 2016
leona chaput
Come to the Lord with a heart full of praises
Come and rejoice He is always with us
Now is the time to adore our Savior
Sing, sing songs of  praises to honor Jesus
He is the one who is true and who watches
Protecting and holding His own in His hands
He is the God who knows everything
Always with us and loving us, too
Dance, dance with a heart that glorifies Jesus
Rise up,  look brightly towards the heaven
Where Jesus is waiting to greet us
Sing, sing songs and praise Him

                      BY:  Leona Chaput
 Jun 2016
Mishael Ward
Thank him for the highs
Thank him for the lows
Thank him for the yes
Thank him for the no's
Thank him when I'm happy
Thank him when I'm sad
Thank him in the good
Thank him in the bad
Thank him for his tests
Thank him for his love
Thank him for his truth
Thank him for his patience above
Thank Him for my story
Thank him for my triumph
Thank him for every morning...

Thank you God for blessing me with another day.
By: Mishael Ward ©
I am still waiting to hear from the surgeon whom is going to operate on my neck as far as they know that its not cancerous but they want to clear out the spurs burs in my neck thanks love you all.
 May 2016
James M Vines
Remove the gospel from the schools and tear down the crosses from the public cathedral's. Change the law to make the bible hate speech and shut the churches down. The blood of Calvary still flows from the cross. The forgiveness of God has not been lost. Try as the world might, this is a fight they cannot win. For all power in heaven and earth was given to Gods perfect lamb.
 May 2016
I arise in the morning
to a soft gentle dawn
All to worship and praise You
and to sing a new song
The leaves lightly play
in the soft summer breeze
And the birds are awaking
in Your beautiful trees

All creation is stirring,
and the darkness has passed
I gaze up at the sky so blue and so vast
I gaze up in wonder
at Your pink rolling hills
And I feel Your presence
and ask for Your will

The sun rises up in the palm of Your hand
And the light chases darkness
from the face of the land
I look 'round in great awe
and ask myself why?
Oh why would You do this
for a wretch such as i?

Clouds scuddle over
the skies where You bid
And the fish in the water
Go beneath and are hid
Vastly great is Your wisdom
so in part do we see...

I'll arise in the morning
You've given to me.

(C) 7/26/2010
It's a beautiful morning here in Tucson. I love the dawn here in the springtime. The clouds are touched by gentle brushes of lavender, peach and light fuchsia.
The hills here roll like purple waves on a deep pond. As if it's been disturbed by angels.

God is SO good!

I'm going to be very busy this morning. There's a lot of work to be done in the house. I'm sure you know housework is an endless story told by a hausfrau who has a rather sadistic streak... I hate it! But it must be done.

Have a beautiful day! I hope this poem blesses your heart!
 May 2016
We are all just sliding down
The hill on icey snow
We have really no idea
Which way life will go

We're sitting on a hubcap
A toboggan we can't steer
There's no way to then avoid
The obstacles we fear

We may have a super job
Have a comfortable home
But we could lose that good career
Then we're all alone

No house. No wife. No children.
No way to make a living
Looking at a homeless state
In search of someone giving

We could be in perfect health
Yet slip and have a fall
Be in the wrong vehicle
We could lose it all

We're on a slippery *****
That toboggan goes so fast
We may have many blessings
But how long will they last?

When we have the good in life
Our prayers we may not raise
When there's strife and things go wrong
We forget to give Him praise!

Remember Jesus suffering
Remember His great gift
He gave us Redemption
Our burdens He can lift!

Prayer is the answer
When things are going well
And praising His goodness
Even through life's hell

He has all the Power
He has all the Might
He can keep you safe!
He can make things right!

You are on that hubcap
Slipping like the breeze
But you can jump the rocks
And avoid those big ol' trees!

So give Him all of what He's due
He has the strength of Will
You are then connected

To the maker of the hill.

(C) 5/29/2016
My brother lost his wallet with all my parent's credit cards in it. He usually does our shopping. This is really a problem not only because of the obvious reasons but because we are almost out of food and he does our shopping. So we are in a real situation for 2 days. But I'm not worried at all. God will provide. And I will ever praise Him! AMEN!


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