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 May 2016
Momentary threads,
Knitted by nature’s craftsmanship;
Delicates into intricate
Entwined betwixt and between...

Thou, amongst others,
Breathes contentment, exudes pleasure;
That blissful delight,
Unfazed by complexities..

Thee everyone covets,
Only few embrace thine essence;
Whose existence
Frequently fickle and fades.
 May 2016
Heavenly Father we drop to our knees,
Lord please pertain to our needs.
Save us, love us, cleanse us of our sins.
Bless us abundantly and remain with us.
Humbly we ask, watch over us.
As we walk through the shadow of death,
Father guide us with your light.
If ever we reach a point where darkness fills our sight.
Jesus, son of God, show us which way is right.
Even in the times of trouble, sweet redeemer, wipe our tears
For blessed are those who mourn, because we shall be comforted.
As your promises are said, God comfort us in this time of need.
Ashes to ashes, till death do us part, God be our guide.
Lover of our soul, comfort us.
Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted
 May 2016
eunsung aka Silas
my heart sings Your glory.
I am grateful I can be grateful,
when there was a time I used to
hate You because I thought You
were making life happen to me.

Thanks for not answering my daily prayer
of killing me in my sleep or checking out some other way.

Today, I am grateful for my breath and that I
can be unstuck from self-pity and despair.

Thanks for helping me be useful to You and Your other kids.
 May 2016
Tammy Boehm
Breathe life over dead situations
Blow the roof off of limited expectations
Seed and rain change the barren ground
One word from you turns my life around

Speak your words and I believe it
Hear the promise I receive it
All my tears are wiped away
Live this life no reservation
Heaven is my destination
I will worship you today

Reignite the burned out flame
You call me out you change my name
From death to life your word calls me
From slave to saved you’ve set me free

Speak your words and I believe it
Hear your promise I receive it
In your grace I am made new
Life this life no reservation
Heaven is my destination
Forever I will worship you

TL Boehm
 May 2016
Tammy Boehm
I want to live life fearless
I want to live life brave
I want to live a legacy
This soul you died to save
Electricity you’re life to me
Free forever from the grave

Your breath across the water
Your words set in my heart
This spark of life so holy
Now I am set apart
Wrapped up in your pure presence
Where I end is where you start

I was made to worship you God
With all I am and am to be
My love poured out for you God
Like your life poured out for me
Electricity your love for me
Lights up everything I see

TL Boehm
Feb 2015
This is one of the last of its kind I suppose. I was inspired by a worship leader who said that God's love was like electricity. I wrote this and sent it to the worship leader and absolutely nothing happened. I now am in a place where I no longer attend regular praise and worship. No choir, no joy....I go to a church out of obligation and because of this and so many more reasons - I no longer praise. At least not like this. I believe it is integral but I am currently unable to do it. Just rambling.
 May 2016
God bless the one who PRAYS
PRAISE the Lord's heavenly REIGN
RAIN on me, then warming RAYS
RAISE my soul to a higher PLANE

PLAIN and simple, he can HEAL
HE'LL save any sinner TOO
TO him, surrender yourself WHOLLY
HOLY father is for me and you


oh Lord, can you hear my PLEAS
PLEASE shelter me from the RAIN
REIGN over me with a watchful EYE
I long to make it to your domain
i know i used rain/reign twice, but the prayer was meant to be a different seems like few people support, or respect these, but my words to them are, "let's see you write one"
 May 2016
brandon nagley
The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

Almighty Holy One of Israel
Possessor of the heavens and earth
Your name be great among the nations
Magnified by your Son's perfect work

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

All powerful Father creator God
Blessed hope and salvation
Your kingdom come - Your will be done
Unapproachable light eternal

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End,
Faithful Rock and Redeemer
Lord, you alone are just and wise
Who can stand against You?

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

The fall verily hath happened
Thus there art demon's in
The world; though Christ
Saidst we canst overcometh
By his light and faith assured.

For ourn truth wilt makest
Friend's turn to enemies, and
Enemies to friend's; though it's
Yeshua ha'mashiach, on which
We shalt depend.

So mine dearest friend edward-starr,
With pain's wrapping thy skull; remembereth
Thou art God's child, not just some being of
Mistakes and flaws. We art to be perfected
In Jesus alone, for Christ hath made thee
A mansion, that soon shalt be thy home.

Hath faith Edward, thou art under
The protection of the great "I am";
He sent to thee, Jesus the king, to
Die for thee and every man.

For God saidst,
I am always with thee, wheresoever I mayest be;
Remember whom thou doth worship Edward,
Christ, the son of God, Yeshua ha'mashiach,
Thy Lord and healing king.

©Brandon Nagley and VS duo poem for Eddie starr
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This poem was VS another poet on heres idea... he came to me and saw my piece that was a prayer on here for Eddie. So i said definitely yes to making a poem of hope and healing and for Eddie to have faith. And this poem is to let him know trust in God for God is always with you Eddie. And no matter what happens god does purpose good to those who love God my friend Eddie. All things our word sais works together good for them that love God. Be in faith hope and strength my friend Eddie. God bless you friend!!! Where me and VS write well VS stops at this line then I come in.

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...
Given by God.
In the depths of my soul.
Until it overflows
shouts of praise.
And dancing.
Songs sung loud
in praise to my
My youth renewed
like the eagle's,
as I soar on freedom's wings.
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