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 Apr 2016
This morning will be a different one, for he will meet a girl
With an auburn eyes, a winsome smile and a hair that is curl
Strange she is, but in a beautiful kind of strange

The boy will stop and stare, will be lost in her haunting sad eyes
She will not notice, and will never knew, that cupid has
shot the boys young heart

The boy found a reason to go out every morning
To see her again, he was hoping
For her smile becomes the sun that brightens his day

He will sit from afar, and with an admiring eyes, just watch her
She paints, she reads, and sometimes plays with her dog's fur
He will silently watch and enjoy the beautiful scenario

It goes for almost a week
"I must be crazy, why do I stalk this chic?"
But he doesn't know the answer

All he know is, the girl brings peace to his heart
Her eyes and smiles are a piece of a pure art
and her laughs are a song to his ears

He could not explain it, watching her makes him happy
and sends a warm chill to his heart, very fancy
"I need to know her name"

The next day, the boy waited in vain
But the girl never came
"I'll wait again tomorrow"

It's been a week, but she never showed up again
In his chest a sadness and pain
Could not accept, she looked for the girl

He found out that the girl loves to paint
But the smell of the chemical will cause her to faint
That's why she sneaks out and do it once in a while

He found out that the girl loves reading
But her eyes failed her, every letters are dancing
That's why she sneaks out and pretends to read

He also found out that her hair was just a wig
And her red lipstick was to hide her pale lips
And finally he found out her name

With a sound of a breaking heart
He reads her name
*On her graveyard
 Apr 2016
i'm telling you.
the clouds were meant for the ground.
but they hung themselves.
 Apr 2016
The Revolutionist
His eyes were a blazing yellow
choking and coughing up blood
his flesh developed sores
and the screams echoed throughout the night

We put him out of his misery
a bullet to the brain
and a star shaped hole in his head

We ripped and teared into our flesh
we couldn't breath, the mucus became thick
and the colors were yellow and red
signs of pus and blood

The masks were suffocating us
and we couldn't see...

a yellow fog hung over our heads
no smell, no taste, just air....
 Apr 2016
My demons are in touch with me and follow wherever I go.

My demons stalk my every  move I say they are my shadow.

They hide behind my back in direct sunlight and surround me in moonlight.

They taunt my dreams until it seems I am lost to their whim.

There is a part of me that won't give in although I've had to learn to swim in darkness.

I follow ripples of light to the surface and cherish every ounce of bliss I find.

And at all times I have to remind myself to be strong for there is a place where I still belong.
Strange how strangers
Culminated to  lovers
But funny how lovers
Culminated to srangers
Not even mere friends.
#heart broken #thoughts
    #depression #doldrums
 Apr 2016
Hadrian Veska
The dust flows across the ashen plains
Since ancient times has it ever blown
From the far off lands beyond
Where neither light of sun or moon
Pierces the primordial fog

Ever have the silent wanderers
Traveled in their great pilgrimage
Across the enduring heights
To reach that solemn place
Where the lord of pyrestone lies

Upon that path do the spirits also walk
Never more than a wisp of etheric light
Mourning the lost souls below
Who without their mortality
May never return to the living

When dreams may return to that land
The ancient bells shall toll
Off in distant towers never constructed
And when they resound in the deep
Those of the pyre may rise once more

From their tombs of cinder and ash
 Apr 2016
James M Vines
I put on airs and comb my hair. I dress to impress and speak so eloquently. I practice my smile for hours and keep up with the latest styles. I know all of the latest trends and I can listen to nothing intently for hours. I project the perfect appearance of what the world calls success, yet I feel no happiness, no only self pity and regret. Though I have put on the outer shell of what I think will make me happy, the truth is I am only hiding from myself.
 Apr 2016
If my heart knew half of what my head does
It wouldn't be so easy to break
 Apr 2016
Rafael Melendez
Some nights it feels like my soul is just shattering, and when I wake up the next day I'm just picking up the pieces.
Staying awake for far too long.
~  ♢  ~

this touch
of your hair
brings me
a glimpse a
the recipe
of you
this taste~
your dna
threads of

the essence
of you~
forever to
into my
of memory
and dreams...

  ~  ♢  ~

Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
 Apr 2016
The Dedpoet
Poems, the consciousness of minutes
Plucked like corn from the ear
Of language,
Between the here and now
Of echoes reflection,
A door to everywhere and nowhere
At the desk,

An escape from the peoples,
From the abyss that fills,
From the sulfuric melancholy
Where unconquerable ruins
Lay at the foot of memory
Armed with an assault of words.

The beneficent metaphorical
Divinities of the moments we
Connect like spinning webs,
You, me, him, her,
They, poets and every one else.

We compact time ripping off
The facelessness of vanities,
Provokers of thought,
Erupting the sensitivity and
Stirring the pit of emotion.

Every poet must know a lover
To cut the cord from the ink
And commit to the experience
Of the realised, words become
What we have done.

Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, these things
Are tools to the inner soul,
We become prophetic and speak
The Fallen,
We know the children of dust
And ignite the realised poem
In each of them,
This is how poetry exists,
How philosophy exists,
And love,
And even hate.
And if these things don't exist,
Then I do not exist,
Neither do you.

Somewhere in the darkness
A prisoner of words begins
Writing the light brighter
than any under the sun.

The first of first, her hair in the
Motion as she flicks slender finger
With her eyes gushing in a half
Smile, the music on the radio,
The memory of Mother, everything,
Everywhere, poetry is life,
It writes itself!

And here in this decalogue,
Every love survives,
Every pain manifest,
Streaking in the heart the
Blood races to the fingers and
Bleeds words to paper.

Every poem is a sacrifice,
Time, energy, pieces
Of you, pieces of I
Scattered in the penumbra,
We become as crystalline structures,
Transparent translation of the
Spirit that burns.

Every man and woman
Writes the experience,
Life and its unique constellation
Of emotions, enormously
We must write the world,
The poem is real,
The images speaks itself.

Poetry is life,
Deserve your poem.
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