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 Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia
Under the lamp,
I sit with a pen and a pad,
Searching for the right words to write,
To describe you,
As I think and think,
I realize I have no words that can describe you,
It is so hard to write on you,
But then again I'm lost because of you,
In this dark illuminated light that falls on my pad,
I put my head on the pad,
And doze of in a deep slumber,
Dreaming what would it be like in your arms.
 Aug 2015
Rainey Birthwright
i remember waves
on the sea at night,
of billowings above
your touch, rowings
with me under stars,
what should be cold
feeling steep as bath
water in midsummer
and our fingers held
such ocean of swirls,
forms on silky sleeks
and running with hair
tangled in slick kelps
as seals slide unders
to murmuring waves.

*for Beth
 Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia
The sound of the windchimes,
I find so divine,
It feels like you're mine,
Every morning I wake up,
I breathe the words you speak,
Feel your pulse and the blood seep,
It makes my heart skip a beat,
I feel like holding on to you forever,
And never letting go !
 Aug 2015
CJ lebron
I want to feel like I matter to someone
To feel like I'm worth someone's time
I'm the guy who always wants someone
But is unwanted by that person
They say if you want something hard
You will get it
There is nothing I want more than her
They say if you work hard for something
You'll have it
I've tried so hard, there's nothing more I can do
Should I settle just so I'm not alone
Because I know I won't feel the same for someone else
 Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia
Throwing her body in the ocean,
The water felt like needles stabbing her,
Making her breathless,
In that moment, all she could think about was the man she loved,
The water started emerging in her mouth,
Filling her oesaphagus,
Her lungs felt like they were going to explode,
Nevertheless she was sure she was going to die.
Minutes were flying past,
Time was crucial,
Then suddenly a hand came in pulling her body out,
But it was too late,
She had already gone,
Leaving nothing but despair.
 Aug 2015
Don't run from me
Don't play this game
I want to love you
And I'm not ashamed

Of what I'm going to show you
Yes, show you tonight
There's another side of me
So please don't put up a fight

Just hear me out,
Listen to what I have to say

You're a beautiful girl
I could look at you everyday

You're already my princess
So let me be your prince
Don't push me to the ground
Then I'd have to go rinse

The dirt off of my skin
But the pain will remain
Forever in my heart
Making me eyes steal the rain

So love me a little
Love me tonight
Come over here
Let me kiss you light

I'll be your knight in shining armour
I'll protect you every day
It's in your hands now
All you have to do is stay

Close your eyes and count to ten
Imagine the life that we could begin
We could go on an adventure
Just like Huckleberry Finn

My love for you is real
I swear it won't falter
So marry me
I won't leave you at the altar
My attempt at writing in a boy's point of view! :)
 Aug 2015
i smoked the cigarette of the moon
on the lip of a river
with a quilts feet
full red & shy
i put my ear
on the wine
hopeful to hear your voice
but with a loud revenge said
i injuring the grapes heart
and it's quenching me blood
Oh ! i'm in love , yes i'm in ...
i ride the Aladdin carpet
on the higher waves desert
Looking for the smile secret
Of the sun to the moon
i walked and winds under darkness fiddle
the symphony of winter on
the autumn string
saturate breath to dead sea
tweeting long to see your face
Oh! a flower in my heart garden
time pick you & strength the dry
is life a Housemates ?
or the mirror time is a juggler !
how can i be sane and your sights
settled the bristles walnuts mosaic
oh ! blond entity,the breeze of your tufts
fertilize the honey more sweetness
Treachery time On me
by the smile of enemies
i wouldn't trust ,but the good hospitality
The arrows war rip my desire
shall i know if
can i escape you love?
 Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia
She walked in the field alone,
Looking for a place to mourn,
She had lost her true love,
Thinking how  he took her hand when she last wore gloves,
That was at her wedding,
Tears started shedding,
Her eyes yearned to see him,
He left her amiss,
She looked back at the good times.
Now nothing seems to help,
People always leave,
Leaving nothing but a reason to grieve.
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
( Brandon)
wilt thou have this woman
to be thy wedded wife,
to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony?

Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as ye both shall live?

Me (to mine queen earl Jane nagley) I MORE than DO!!!!

( earl Jane)
wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him so long as ye both shall live?

Jane- ( I MOST definitely DO)

( me putting ring of amour on Jane's hand)
I, Brandon Nagley, take thee,Earl jane, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.

(Jane getting ring from her father putting ring of amour on mine)

I, earl jane, take thee, Brandon Nagley, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.

Forasmuch as, Brandon Nagley and earl jane nagley have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have pledged their faith each to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands and by giving and receiving rings; I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride......

( me) getting down first before kissing her, I kneel, kissing both her hand's on one knee. and staring in her eye's, ( tear's come down) from all the happiness and joy inside me... I stand up......
( kiss for ten minute's) tears flowing both of our eyes)
Clapping and smile's in the crowd of friend's and family.....

I sing for her..... In front of all, as we dance.......
On that wedding floor,
Until the night end's,
Though we stay up the whole day
Until a day and a half later
We fall asleep into eachother's arm's..
In heaven
In bliss...
Two hand's
In one marriage....
As tis when we waketh up;

Mine queen stareth at me
And sais
" I loveth thee most"
As tis I sayeth back
Me more......

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley/wedding day dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Hahaha notice I say "I more than do" when saying I do, and jane sais I MOST definitely do loll.. Me and her have a thing I always say I love her more... She sais me most.. As two kids.... Loll love it..... As this day will come and look forward to it... Daily (:::: one problem not til death do us part... We will never part.. Death isn't the ending . something pastors seem to forget...
 Aug 2015
O my love
Your soul is so,
glittering, like gold
alluring, like aquamarine
treasury, like topaz
preciously, like pearl
ravishing, like ruby
Shimmering, like sapphire
dazzling, like diamond

O dear love?
Are these praise,
enough for you to forgive me?


To be continued..
Sorry seems to be the easiest word
Forgive seems to be the hardest act
 Aug 2015
Amber MacWilson
Moonlight sonata
a mystery, a delight,
rain even more rainy,
I stunned, I cried,
the chords, amazing,
dark-romantic tune,
remain, soultry,
I fall so deep.

— The End —