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if only
the heart was made of
elastic materials
then just maybe
it will only bend

 Sep 2015
our bread and butter...
     the web of stars,
     the scatter of moons
     and orbiting planets.

the entire universe
harvested and crammed
into the metre,
of a poetic verse.

our bread and butter...
     harnessing the regal rays of the sun.
     inflating the fluff of quiet clouds.
     drinking up the winds of the weather.
     revering the magic in the flight of birds.

we fill our cups to the brim...
with fantastical dreams
and let spill
over parchment
the cornucopia of idealised words.

our bread and butter...
the incessant peeling and picking
on healing wounds.
of which we have learnt to savour...
     let bleed
     the willing blood...
     feed the seeds
     with impending flood.

nurture to fruition
thoughts stunted in discretion.
bring to light
thoughts hidden in the nether.

our bread and butter...
we dip...
the nibs,
of our word worn feathers.
let them sink,
shallow beneath the surface
to the sanctity of a familiar place.
     *casting our trials,
     and tribulations...
     pent up emotions,
     and what we think
     unto paper
     with the burn of
     everlasting ink.
 Sep 2015
She floats just above the ground
whenever visitors decide to come around
from room to room she roams
when she's feeling all alone
and, she longs for the laughter that once was --
that echoed up and down her halls
her children are all gone with time and, distance
its made her spirit ache it's been so long
there's the sound of a ticking clock
(tick, tick, tock)
reminding her of a half knitted infants sock
where she remembers leaving it before she left
Oh, and she'd cry if she had any tears
but all she has is her ghost house year after year...
where she roams from room to room
(waiting, always waiting)
waiting for her children to come home soon.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove  September 3rd, 2015
 Sep 2015
Mysterious Aries

Who will listen to you? Who will lend an ear?
To give a little light? really! You don't deserve my dear
Come and be yourself again, don't pretend to be a white seer
Your dark thoughts was the highest wisdom that one could bear

Yes! thy stygian reflections, they are beautiful as you are
You've already surpassed the sageness of the farthest star
So why stepped backward to the land of hope
And be part of that could be people who's belief are made of smoke...


To give a little light, truly a nice start to begin with
Someday it'll beautifully spring up, your tiny glowing seed
At no time surely your wound will be fully healed
Welcome to serenity my friend, who's tired of seeing a battlefield

The other side might said that to only smoke our belief
What matter most here you've sensed comfort and relief
Believing in Him, indeed a good start
I know you could feel His presence, truly in your heart...

written: January 7, 2014 @ 7:20 pm Philippine Standard Time

Mysterious Aries
 Sep 2015
Nathan Pival
So sensitive
And sentimental
You touch my heart
With all that you are

I once felt hopeless
The way you look at me
Leaves me breathless

As I write this
I understand
That no words can give justice
To what is happening between us right now

As a man of words
You leave me speechless
And yet our connection says more than any that have come before

I realize now that I have been lost for years
And I finally feel like I have found my way back home
Your light guided me to somewhere safe
A place I can call my own

Whatever fire I've walked through
Which led me to this
This point in time and place
To you
Was more than worth it
You were the passion I've been searching for
So many Warriors with powerful words and strength.
Each of you are Christ strong Warriors and I appreciate you
I love reading your words for your poems are Mighty.
There are some that I see have different beliefs here.
But Jesus  does the Saving and working out the salvation.
So until we meet in the Heavens above each of us.
I just thank Jesus because he is God alone and wise.
He can reveal himself to people of different religions.
Through their dreams he can draw them unto him.
So I shall not try to judge anyone else and their Faith.
 Sep 2015
A Lopez
If you are going to let me fall
Have the *****
At least
To pick me
 Sep 2015
Mysterious Aries

White! keeps me thinking for awhile
An innocent color maybe
Doves that often fly in the sky
Symbolize peace that gives smile

White! a blank pages that longing for an ink
A new born child, so pure, no sins
But as time passes by, we need not to blink
A child grown up, whitish color, now was just a dream

White! I can't wait for you to show your true colors
Definitely time will paint something in you
Be shaded by green, red, black and blue
White! tell me... What's the color of your hue?

 Sep 2015
Mysterious Aries
To all of you advertisers
Throw your thing on its proper place
Will you just stop please
Don't vandalize this sacred face

This is where our feelings ride
The journey of our low and high
The future will learn from our joy and pain
For us to move faster, end your foolish game

That's why it's Hello Poetry not Hello Adverts
I know you know how to read lines so please divert
I beg you once again find another room
We are POETS here and simply... this is our HOME...

Mysterious Aries
 Sep 2015
Mysterious Aries

The radiance of my pen was already ebbed
My outcry seem now, not that much effective
But this could not be the hindrance for me to go on
For as long as my pen breath I won't ceased

But foe owed a vigor and have a lot of arms
That it needs a miracle for them to be ruined
But as a mark of history, armor was defeated by a pen
That wisdom count most than those of precious gem

But now indeed the battle was not mostly of war
Instead a disease that ruled the heart of many earthlings
That thy deeds sound very earsplitting
Do I have enough ink to calm their flame?

But maybe this time I was destined to be defeated
For I am weak and one breath away to death
Oh sky!  I should be dead! But this i'm quite sure
That my pen will continue to battle....

written: June 14, 2001 @ 9:00 AM

Mysterious Aries
 Sep 2015
brandon nagley

Through ourn year's
Through ourn year's;
Beyond death mine love.


When thing's
Get bad;
And day's get tough.


It's already been
(Thirty) twenty-four hours;
Happy one month anniversary, Filipino flower.


I looketh ahead
To eternity's bed;
With ourn plume's to toucheth, garbing ourn head's.


How fortunate I am
O' how privileged I am;
To haveth mine queen, the one of mine dream's, a gem in hand.

(HAPPY 1st anniversary Queen Earl Jane nagley)

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication/ 30 day anniversary
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Actually anniversary would of been yesterday for me and really today for jane lol because me and Jane are twelve hours apart exactly when its AM here its PM there or switched around... So yesterday was mine anniversary with her due to time zones and today's her anniversary for me hahahaha.  Meant to post this yesterday but had already made her anniversary gift on Facebook reciting poem vid hahah. Happy 30 days queen earl Jane nagley.. As I look forward to an eternity with you in life and beyond moreee baby me moreeeeee!!!!! Hahahahaha
 Sep 2015
come alive and decipher the wiser
burn higher, with a fire in every fiber
try to find the mind of a survivor
guide your time like the stride of a tiger
leave behind the life of a fighter
you're defined by the ride and the rider
out of line to slide with the viper
let light shine through eyes of a spider
try to be advised by your desire
take no sides besides the side that is lighter
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