When he looked,he saw with an eagle's eye
To tell dirt from clean, truth from the lie
When he knew, he wanted every detail
Of information in wholesale, not retail
When he loved, he did it with a passion
For whom he fell was special, not just any person
Whom he treasured,he did like the gold
And when he promised, he promised a world
His embrace was a magical thing of wonder
Which made hearts beat as loud as thunder
In his absence, his mistress' heart grew fonder
And she was the only thing he loved as he did Uganda
When he kissed, he stole her pain and worries
And from the first kiss realized he'd be the one she marries
So much so that in the night like fountains in the stream
He was the constant variation in her every dream
When he spoke, he whispered probably in fear
Of the world or probably because he was always close to her ear
Yet when he laughed, he gave romance meaning
Besides a strong shoulder worthy of trusting and leaning
He was a thing every lady in the universe wanted
A thought that saved her from being haunted
By the monster of a lifetime of impairing loneliness
A gorgeous illusion which gave her some happiness