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From fascism to fascism,
Through a softer, sly disguise,
Under Satan’s dark baptism,
Tiny worlds meet their demise.

Genocide and degradation,
Artificial to the core,
Spirit’s death and mind’s stagnation—
Drowning deep in filth and gore.

Fear and blind submission lead us,
All foundations cast aside.
From fake plagues to beasts they breed us,
Till the herds are stupefied.

Fools don’t set the night in motion—
They need sheep, not hell unleashed.
Empty heads find full devotion
If their coats are soft and sleek.

But what path is left for moving?
Hell is here, it’s not ahead.
Hellspawn rule us, all-consuming,
Feasting on the souls they bled.

Politics is just a circus,
Where the clowns obey commands.
Truth is drowned in lies on purpose—
Crowds don't bite the guiding hands.

So, they earn their fate in measure,
For the madness owns their breath.
Not for years, but times unmeasured
They have worshipped lies to death.
 Jan 29
Igor Vykhovanets
The broth is thin, the stakes are low,
The bottom’s near, and off we go.
Wax your skis, prepare to slide —
The abyss waits on every side.

But here’s the catch: the tale's the same
In bigger lands with grander names.
The broth turns sour, the rot sets in,
Most drink despair, a bitter sin.

Few will rise, resist the game,
In this grotesque world of shame.

In Russian:

Марионеточные режимы маленьких банановых псевдогосударственных образований

Уровень пониже,
Так как щи пожиже:
Дно всё ближе, ближе —
Навострить лишь лыжи.
Только вот проблема:
В б'ольших та же тема —
Щишки прокисают,
И дерьмо хлебает
Большинство народца.
Мало кто бороться
Может — мир уродцев.
 Jan 26
K J McCarthy
What if you fall?
But what if you fly?
You'll never know
'Til you give it a try
It's holding you back
Fears whispering lies
Your wings wouldn't flap
If they weren't meant for the sky.

 Jan 12
dead poet
it terrifies me sometimes…
the ugliness that smears the world -
with shades of despair, and evils unheard.

there’re things you hear, and learn, and know,
and wonder how mankind could stoop so low.
your fury knows what must be done, yet -
powerless you watch the madness grow.

the night is no longer the custodian of evil;
we see it day in, and day out.
the morning news, the afternoon bites;
come evening, you’d rather gouge your eyes out.

the screams of anguish of a woman bent over -
on the tasteless floor, her innocence devoured.
the wrath of a community, on the back of one man,
who dared speak his mind - his life is over!  

the game of politics,
the lies, the trecheries;
men without jobs - or homes -
living on the streets.
an animal slain to please a God,
as a child watches,
only to repeat.

yet it all goes on,
as though a **** in the wind.
the world tells you,
‘grow up, man! grow a thick skin.’
i wish i could tell you otherwise -
a story not so bleak.
but there…
they probably beheaded a son before his mother,
as we speak.
Life's about the suffering
Peace a destination
What is more important
Is what happens duration

Impossible to self-pardon sins
Plagued with doubt and fear
What if darkness creeping within
Sronger than the light inhabiting here?

Worrying is not worth the toll
I have to pay my dues
No one can walk path for me
Don't wear the same size shoes

Each break and bruise instruction
Finish line forever unknown
Happy endings fantasy
Majority synthetic like silicon

It has to shift before we surrender
To assimilation of society
In-between consciouslessness
And controlled compliancy

After Point A wandered astray
Point B hopeless cause
Meandering sheep in a deluded daze
Progression practically on pause

Creativity and cerebration rare
Killed in each as a child
Brainwashed being obedient
Different labeled 'wild'

Those in power yearn to program every step
Shaping image to fit their mold
Corrupt agenda is nothing new
Most don't realize they are trapped in their hold

I want to lead uprising
But I simply am too afraid
Remember when surroundings were calmer
Present for past I desperately long to trade

We had plenty of time to correct behavior
There is an existing disconnect
From planet earth and each other
Too immersed in screens for paths to intersect

A thousand unanswered questions
In silence reality is revealed
Up to us to find purpose in this dimension
Stumbling blindly through this battlefield

We are closer to cliff than we realize
Inching towards edge each day passing by
Shadows halting vision with uncertainty
Wings clipped so we are unable to fly
About the way society is in relation to our government and just how we have been regressing and it's exactly what those in power want. Wake the **** up people, especially Americans!
 Dec 2024
Ashwin Kumar
We humans have messed around
With Mother Nature and her eco-system
For years and years
Decades and decades
Centuries and centuries
Felling gazillions of trees
Turning forests into concrete jungles
Filling ponds, lakes, rivers and seas
With tons and tons of toxic waste
Releasing enough carbon monoxide into the air
To wreck the entire troposphere
The list of sins against Nature goes on and on
With no end in sight
Given all this, who are we to complain
When Mother Nature has had enough
And unleashes her fury on us
Through earthquakes and tsunamis
Avalanches and volcanoes
Hurricanes and tornadoes
Floods and droughts
And so on
Remember, Mother Nature has blessed us
With oodles of riches
In the form of plants and trees
Mountains and forests
Ponds, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans
And last but not the least, oxygen!
It is time we show her some gratitude
And more importantly, respect and compassion
And stop messing around with the eco-system
Remember the famous old saying
Live and let live
It doesn't mean infrastructure shouldn't be developed
We can build roads
We can build a railway network
We can build houses
We can build schools and colleges
We can build hospitals
We can build libraries
However, as my grandfather used to say
There is a limit to everything
And we should also plant trees
Build gardens and parks
Switch to renewable sources of energy
And cut down severely on emissions
A balance should be maintained
After all, messing around with Mother Nature
Will only bring about our own downfall
There have been enough natural disasters
Caused by human negligence
Let's not add to the list
Which is already longer than the river Nile!
 Dec 2024
Man, I tried to get it so I could fit in, but I had to dead it.
As I grew up, all I knew was that this pad and pen is
My escape from everything I've set aside,
'Cause when I jot my little rhymes, the only time I feel alive.
I know my mind's much organized,
And not a moment passes by
When the roles I've played align.
But as I'm piecing these components, this becomes the closest for a poet just to cope with all that agonized.
Yo! You can't philosophize if you're avoiding the sunlight.
My soul disperses all these verses, hoping that each line could shed some light.
We're all alike, here's my advice: put some work in,
Don't forget you're still a person.
Learn to get immersed in what you love
Because the universe will draw your blood.
 Nov 2024
Amanda Kay Burke
Every morning I wake up next to you
Afraid our time is running out
Wondering when you'll stop loving me
All day long I'm plagued by doubt

Havoc wreaked on my insecure brain
I am unable to process why
You could give your heart to anyone
Yet drop it in hands that hardly try

Don't you realize I am not strong enough
Are you blind to my numerous flaws?
Reliant on you to stand on own feet
I just can't comprehend the cause

I worry I am a storm sent to disrupt
Your peace in a second or two
Yet even after months of tolerating my rain
You hold me down through and through

Across the spectrum of devotion
I fear we reside on opposite ends
Strive to continue making progress
So every cut inside you mends

I am aware you look and see no apparent results
Your disappointment affects me more than you know
Lost in the fog of dependency
Glimmer of hope to you I owe

Playing your voice over and over in my mind
Making sky seem blue when it's grey
I have given you the key to my heart
Promise me you won't throw it away

I caved and let you peer into my soul
When I hear your breath it makes me feel alive
Connecting with the invisible tethers tugging
Your encouragement fuels my once waning drive

Stress melts away when you hold me in your arms
Within my body a fire is lit
Trying to evolve into the image you desire
There are times I'm convinced it'd be easier to quit

I stopped counting my apologies
Sure you hate the way "sorry" sounds
Forgiveness hanging from strings hung high
Echoing through darkness that surrounds

Spoken words simply empty air
They still hit harder than a stone
Their meaning beats me black and blue
You might leave me behind here
All alone
"I fear that one day you will wake up and discover that I am not as great as you once thought I was"
 Nov 2024
Amanda Kay Burke
We all need something to help get us by
Whether you realize it or not
Some of us make the choice to get high
On methamphetamine
****** or ***

Even if just a little bit
Everyone has a vice
The unfortunate succumb to it
Wiser try only once or twice

Still others choose a different crutch
To aid them in their distress
*** and such
Are addictions nonetheless

We tangle pain with love and fear
The knot increases in size
Swallow it down and chase with a beer
Or drown it in exercise

Pour a drink made with clear liquor
Mixed with a dash of frustration
Anything to **** feelings quicker
Avoid any sensation

If we don't face the cause of our heartache
Problems will only get worse
Each day in this nightmare our lives are at stake
Each fall closer to the hearse

Once we accept that we need to change
We can forgive ourselves and heal
Freedom and peace are not out of range
If we stop running from what we feel
So true
 Oct 2024
Joanna Alexandre
The world is round but its edges are sharp,
Love and hate weaving light in the dark.
We rise through the pain, we bend but don't break,
For joy only blooms from the storms we must take.
The warmth of the sun, after shadows have passed,
Reminds us that nothing is meant here to last.
The tears that we shed, the scars that we bear,
Are proof of the strength that was always there.
In darkness, we find the flicker of light,
The stars shine the brightest against the night.
Happiness whispers from sorrow’s refrain,
For only through loss do we treasure the gain.
The duality dances, a balance so fine,
We stumble through heartache but still realign.
In love, there is fear, but also release,
In hate, there’s a lesson that leads us to peace.
So we hold to both—both the light and the shade,
Knowing through contrast, the beauty is made.
For without the rain, the sun has no worth,
And through every ending, there's always rebirth.
The world is round but its edges are clear,
We learn through each joy, we grow through each tear.
The fire of anger, the calm after rain,
Are threads in the fabric that ease every pain.
For how could we know the beauty of day,
If night never came to lead us away?
And how would we cherish the touch of a hand,
If we never felt what it’s like to withstand?
In breaking, we’re mended, in silence we hear,
That love isn’t perfect, but always sincere.
Through loss, we find value, through grief, we find grace,
And even in absence, there’s warmth we embrace.
The sharpest of edges carve wisdom inside,
A mirror reflecting the tears we once cried.
But we learn to dance with the cuts and the scars,
For they make us shine brighter than all of the stars.
The duality breathes, like the ocean’s soft tide,
Pulling us under, then setting us wide.
In moments of darkness, we learn how to glow,
And love shows its depth through the pain we let go.
So we stand at the edges, unafraid to fall,
For in falling, we rise—taller than all.
Both shadow and light are part of our story,
Each step through the dark brings us closer to glory.

— The End —