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 Jul 2020
A long day,
A winding valley,
Between two ancient cliffs.
A song of a sparrow breathes through the air.

A lone traveler,
Along the dusty road,
Formed by man's sweat, blood, and bone.
Living on until it fades.

Nothing in this lonely place,
Will survive the plague of time.
For in each long lost memory,
Everything will die.

The sparrow song stops, stilled by death,
The winding valley loses its shape.
The two towering peaks tumble into weeds,
And what is becomes what was.
 Jul 2020
People these days,
Always "that's wrong" and "that's right,"
But what are your thoughts?

What is wrong?
What is right?
Test answers?
Video games?

Do people really know
What those labels mean?
Right, wrong,
They're just words.

Words on a piece of paper.
Words flitting from mouths.
Words flung about casually,
that, in truth, have no meaning.

So, I'm asking you,
Teachers and students and parents,
Am I right?
Or wrong?
 Jul 2020
You would think that a broken heart could be mended,
All broken things can.
Or, you would think that it would break further,
Like a shattered mirror.

My heart didn't do either,
it turned hard,
and heavy,
and now my heart is a stone.

When I try to feel, my heart is unyielding,
It was once human but now isn't.
Not mended, but not broken, just

Dead, like the way I feel
every night,
my heart filled with dread.

Dead, like when,
when I'm all alone,
I will peek inside,
allow it to soften a moment.

And then, once the pain and years of being unwanted,
a troublemaker,
a pest,
an outcast,
come flooding back to me,
wave after wave of sorrow floods me,
and I have no choice but to
push the feelings deep inside
where no one will find them.

I can't bear the pain,
that fills my heart
and makes it hard,
a sharp, heavy stone.
 Jul 2020
Truth, what a flighty tempest,
what a silent storm.
How strange it is to speak it,
feel its mark on your tongue,
the metallic taste in your throat.

Mine has always been a silent world,
So words have not been easy,
some words have been easy,
greasy as words.

As another lie,
slips between my lips,
soft as a breath of wind.

And I have denied, and then denied
that I denied.
I have invented myself,
so many times,
so that others would believe.

They would think
that I was who they thought I was, and I suppose,
so that I, too, would believe.
And also for
I have lied, and that is
the truth.

— The End —