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 Apr 2015
Babu kandula
Reality is I am a soul

Started my journey as a zygote
It took me to final level as an infant

Then struggled for my first step
Played like an innocent angel

Became busy with my work as an adult

Knowledge seeked from experience and now I am an old and learned man

Finally I am a dust buried deep like a fossil
Life is something more than we know
 Apr 2015
Sia Jane
You did not waste any time
     sweeping in, an eagle collecting prey
      yanking my tail just as
  I crawled in to the burrow of
unkept promises littered like
grains of sand infiltrating
the darkest corners of my mind
      your sharp talons, a beak now at
the base of my skull, but
     you don't **** me, you drag me
          through the air
shaking out your despair, soaring high
       with the hawks and falcons, rising above
             marking territory that is only yours
                 the others disperse, but
            you have me, you always
                                                      catch me.

© Sia Jane
Robert Burns, "To a Mouse,"
“The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.”
 Apr 2015
Nat Lipstadt
"I suffered, so, I learned, so, I changed"

her pale white arm,
back and forth,
flashes before my eyes face,
cutting my few blonde many grays,
she tumbles pieces of
now dead me,
to the floor,
in cut wet clumps

there, across her underarm,
placed there to be but
my Bostonian via Albania haircutter,
(I am a human explorer)
reveals a tattoo uttering
in Arabic
that cuts me
then any scissored blade
she metal possessed

I suffered, so,  I learned, so, I changed

revelations daily granted me,
this one,
as she cuts,
I imagine,
my mused blood superheated,
clotting this poem

oh the words are readily understood,
but unknown is
the inspiration,
the event
so formative
it was deserving of being
transcribed, inked,
permanence earned by,
recording pon human flesh,
yet hidden

and I dare not inquire...even I...

who among us dare say
that they have not

yet, you,
say the word slow
hiss* it
in two parts,
then ask yourself again,
have you experienced
the unimaginable
as real?
and needy to record it upon thy own
human flesh?

I have walked
empty mirrored hallways unending,
stood by rivers imploring,
begging me to join their current,
sleepwalked for days without count,
punishing penance for
acts of commission,
acts of fearful cowardice

I learned
I changed

for the betterment
of my united untied
bodied bloodied soul

my tattoo?
readily visible!

in every word I ever wrote
 Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance
Seek solace in solitude
There’s a world of silence
Mirrors the inner beauty
A reflective mind ponders
Enwrapped in the echoes
The mantra of eternal truth
Soul elevated to a stage
Sweet harmony of realization
Hymns of pure ecstasy
Pours through the ears as honey
Sweetening the existence
Shimmering light is kindled
An unusual radiance enthralls
Meanings of life deciphered
Gifted with moments of bliss
I want to do a movie-marathon,
Running from morning til noon to midnight.
Watch all the saddest movies ever filmed.
Or spend this day reading stories, novels, proses.
All told by broken souls, fueled by heartaches.
'Til all these pain metamorphose and birthed into tears.
'Til all these hurt goes away along with this release.


I am growing tired of saying "It's okay. I'm fine."
Enough of the lies!
Those lines..
It kept me from being  human,
For it suppress
the cries,
the screams,
the state of fragility.
It kept me from feeling weak,
from being vulnerable.


I need to hear your voice, to soothe my restless soul.
I need to feel your hands holding mine, making me feel that i am not alone.
I need to see that look in your eyes, penetrating inside me,
reviving embers of my being
that is slowly drifting away.
I need to...
Oh please!
I need you.
Anything you can offer to take away this emptiness.

*Until I can see I.
Until I can hear me.
Until I can feel and be myself again.
I cannot cry when I'm depress.
And right now, i cannot cry.
I'm in so much need of tears.
 Apr 2015
Breathing in your alluring scent
Enjoying the ride, as the wheels go round
Cherishing the times we have spent
Smiling to our 'question', an answer we have found

This romantic attraction
So beautiful, truly spellbinding
An intimate connection...
That's what we are sharing

Having simple meals together
Indulging in chucklesome little talks
Laughing cheekily, we teased each other
Ambling along the smooth sidewalks

This deep affection
So beautiful, truly spellbinding
An intimate connection...
That's what we are sharing

Fulfilling your heart's desire
Appreciating your genuine kindness
Seeing you smile from ear to ear
Bringing back the long lost happiness

This sweet satisfaction
So beautiful, truly spellbinding
An intimate connection...
That's what we are sharing

Cuddling in your loving arms
Holding back my tears
Embracing me with your hidden charms
Taking away all my fears

This perfect expression
So beautiful, truly spellbinding
An intimate connection...
That's what we are sharing
#intimateconnection #answer #you #me #special
#beautiful #straightfromtheheart #perfectexpression
 Apr 2015
Lori Gibson
Looking to the sky,
I see stars pass me by.
Or am I the one moving,
Without even knowing?

The depth of my thoughts,
Go darker than the ocean.
I can't see you most days
Because of all the emotion.

I can't understand why my feet never move,
I can stare right at you,
Without being known.

I look at your face,
And see your eyes pass my by.
I know I am not the one moving
Why can't you see?

I am looking right at you,
Are you the ghost or me?

 Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance
Poetry does not limit
Expands the consciousness
Beyond the realm of known
From the land of wilderness
Where many possibilities roam
So many ways to portray
Wildest of feelings and emotions
Poetry captures them
To release them to their freedom
Poetry does not limit
Poets get a new lease of life
With each poetry that’s written
Insignia of the muse remains etched
In the heart of the poet
Poetry does not limit
 Apr 2015
K Balachandran
A baby girl gently smiles in sleep
a young woman clad in military fatigue,
in a war zone, somewhere, for now quiet,
startled, not knowing why, wakes up,
the baby dreams a yellow butterfly
alighting on a bright red flower,
when mama was carrying her around
in a bid to put her to sleep, slapping
gently on her bottom; sleepy eyes close.
The 'woman soldier' (an oxymoron
for all those who could think)  a mother to boot,
is thinking about the plummentting population
of monarch butterflies, in the woods she once roamed,
the town she grew up, she now misses, in her thoughts flap wings.
She is worried about the change of climate,
though all she thinks is about the plight of the butterflies.

Now, she hears a gun shot at distance,
shudders thinking about the children
sleeping under the blankets, expecting no harm.
She imagines a baby smiling, gently in it's sleep
and on the shades of that memory, she feels calm,
gripping at the handle of the machine gun,
kept ready at hand to fire first at an enemy, any time.

One talks about peace, as fear gnaws deep at the heart,
the flame of love is  protected by cupped female hands
children securely sleep,in the  protective heat of mother's breast,
rise and fall of the *******, the smell of milk,enveloping my body,
til the day in my mother I  was enshrined in,
                                                                      I still can trace in my brain.

The woman soldier, may fall dead,hit  by a bullet
intentional or not.A war is a war, even a butterfly killed,
is considered enemy, at that time and place.It's grammar is hate.
The baby may have to live, for ever not seeing her mother,
who in the scene above was absent, may not return, ever.
The monarch butterflies would die in thousands and fall from skies.

We still try to cry, but there isn't any tear,climatic change burns eyes.
It's night, a pale moon mourns for the orange sun of the evening.
when the climatic change strikes, it's not in one place or time.
it erupts all over the globe, hearts bleed, love dies little by little.
 Apr 2015
I left this morning without a backward glance.
I boarded the train without a moments hesitation.
I started work, continued my day without a secondary thought.
I operated on autopilot, smiled, laughed and bantered accordingly.
I thought of nothing much outside of work.
I like that I'm lost in a crowd.
I waited for the clock to hit five, then left.
I cut a lonely non-descript character.
I like that I'm not seen.
I like that I'm not noticed.
I like that I'm not thought of.
I like that one day someone will say:
"I never knew".
00:35 BST
 Apr 2015
The outline of lips puckered in the bright pink hues of lust
The slow blink of a gaze that drinks in a vision
The gentle touch that ignites the fire
The air heated slowly with growing anticipation
The love that infuses a soul
 Apr 2015
Sia Jane
I hear you in the silence of another lunar cycle
       your predatory stare scares me to death
  the intimacy we share writes like
the history of a "Divine One"
    the Michelangelo of modern times
you promised me healing as you
           studied me intently
  eyes filled
a storm drain overflowing with rain
  your gaze no longer reflected
        in the glass
   you are now stood by

  at just thirteen you held my soul
  on rose pillows of chiffon fabric
you were more than just the oxygen I breathed
    you were the beauty I saw in
    every dark haunting thought
my mother told me that my
    primal wishes were the most childish
  fantasies she had ever heard
a pure example of human interaction
                 I yet again

© Sia Jane
Missed you guys and Hello Poetry soooooooooo much!
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