i had a houseful
of old friends
milling around
a lakeside town
their summer was
my half of a winter
and they spoke things
that i believed in
but had absolutely
no reason to say.
they were
alive to me
more alive
than anything else.
i don't know where
they went
trapped somewhere
inside a screen
buried alive under
my own problems
are they still
in a graveyard?
or is she in jail
and is he seeing
someone else?
they were my
just pieces of
and i'm hoping
that somewhere
inside me he's still
strumming a
ukulele and she's
standing on the side
of a waterfall and
looking down
i hope they're
alive and well
(knowing them
he's probably
sad but fine and
she's probably
just as crazy as
when i left her.)
but i don't know
i can't promise anything
i lost them
and i lost who
i was when i was
with them.
take me back
a year
take me
i can only promise
one thing
that i haven't
forgotten you.
Copyright 7/31/16 by B. E. McComb