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Nov 2016 · 572
Life's Ocean
Coleseph Nelzsun Nov 2016
If I can't be your rock
Let me be your stepping stone
Use me as you walk
Up the steep path toward your throne
Whether you just want to talk
Or feel your heart's come home
I can be the harbor's dock
In life's ocean where you roam
Nov 2016 · 370
Coleseph Nelzsun Nov 2016
Nothing matters?
But “nothing” is a concept we can never experience since we are all something
Yet nothing has to be something
Because everything is something
So nothing has always mattered
Aug 2016 · 380
Are Desires my Chains?
Coleseph Nelzsun Aug 2016
Sometimes I think I would be freer without the pleasures of my life
For parting with a good thing hurts like the stinging blade of a traitors knife

Why can't the good things be the norm instead of the exception
If you believe that anyone is always happy you've been tricked by their deception

Because to balance is to live
With only take there is no give
Aug 2016 · 351
Losing Self
Coleseph Nelzsun Aug 2016
What I am becoming is hard to put a finger on
Lots of what I thought was me seems at times to be completely gone

Maybe this is why some old folks get so bitter
Looking at things from their perspective sure can make me shiver

But I also know that I can still hold onto my old self
The happy me the hippie me, thats better for my health
But to be honest it can get boring and life must be a journey
I like to feel all types of ways even if its me I'm hurting
Jun 2016 · 801
Resting Place
Coleseph Nelzsun Jun 2016
"I love your feet for how they found me"
Those aren't my words but there sure true
Because this life is quite the journey
I'd like to travel it with you

We'll find new comfort in the thunder
And let the silence speak its peace
Just happy in each other's presence
As the days turn into weeks
I'll be the one to hold you tightly
And reassure you that your whole
I know this world at time seems lonely but your heart stays warm dispite the cold
Jun 2016 · 403
No Defense Needed
Coleseph Nelzsun Jun 2016
Let down your walls
Your defenses must fall
To truly feel the fire that runs through us all

Because there's no limmit to the love we could share
You dont want to admit it, like your heart is not there

Fear will keep you from falling its true
But when fear is your compass you can't truly be you
May 2016 · 275
Live Art
Coleseph Nelzsun May 2016
The need to be understood can be compared an unceasing itch or an executioners hood
Holding me hostage to self-deprecation
Leaving me feeling so empty and vacant
But when I stop placing value on the perception of others, I learn to accept critics as sisters and brothers
Whether you love me or hate me, I'm here till the end
Just being myself with no need to pretend
And just being me is so very fulfilling
I feel more alive, and honest and giving
I believe that art is meant to be an outlet for your truest form of self-expression to be channeled through. Whatever is burning within you must be released. To only make art that appeals to the masses is to hide the realist version of yourself in fear of rejection.
Apr 2016 · 258
Learning Process
Coleseph Nelzsun Apr 2016
I gotta learn to love me for all that I am
For all that I'm not
With all that I have

I gotta learn to trust me
For what I am doing
For who I am now and for what I am pursuing

Cuz one day I'll need to let me
Let me just fade
Into oblivion
Where my body decays
Apr 2016 · 745
Stay True
Coleseph Nelzsun Apr 2016
I rationalize out of fear and shame
Saying love can be a game

She doesn't light a flame inside
But she looks every bit of fine

Maybe I can trick myself
Relationships are good for health

She's nothing like me but people change
Maybe we'll become the same  

But she does not think for herself
She accepts the truths of someone else

She lacks a passion, flame and creed
That I believe all people need

To lie to her would not be fair
I must break her heart because I care
When you start to loose love for yourself, one of the many things you loose is your objectivity. I am lonely. And so is she. But I won't fake love to simply have someone to hold. I must regain my focus and realize I need nothing but my own conscious mind to be fulfilled.
Apr 2016 · 770
Mirror Bonding
Coleseph Nelzsun Apr 2016
Stare into your beautiful eyes
See the lenses through which you have captured endless moments
Now they look back into themselves so deeply and strain with all they have to know themselves

To know you

To know me

To know anything

To know everything
Wanna trip out for free? Stare into a mirror and directly fixate on both of your pupils at once with your nose nearly on the glass. Do this for as long as you can. Then ask yourself, "what am I?".
Mar 2016 · 359
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
I spread my arms and tilt my head and let the sunlight bathe me
The smile on my face is wide and worries they are fading
The river runs and current swirls in a glorious way yet lazy
It passes me and reflects green trees that stand so sure and greatly

I feel more than at home right now, this is a deeper love
Blame it on my hippie mind, but nature is my drug
Mar 2016 · 1.9k
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
The essence of striving
Breaking my will till I feel like I'm dieing
**** mediocre I'm yelling and writhing
Breaking platues 'cause I live to keep climbing

What is this in me that lives for the pain
People who don't do this they call me insane
But I'm not here for glory or to make a name
I'm here to prove to me that my will makes me change
"There's something you have to understand about training. .. There's an integration of mind body and spirit that's at play.. Lifting barbells isn't just lifting ******* barbells"
-Elliott Hulse
Mar 2016 · 304
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
Everything that happens has happened can't you see
Everything that happens to happen to you and me

Everything that happens they say happens for a reason
And when it does it brings a change and shift of seasons

Whether it is fate or all random in the end
Let's just accept the truth and realize now and then
Things like this happen and they happen fairly often
These things won't stop until your laying in your coffin
Mar 2016 · 554
The Fall
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
Beauty is in your own eyes so look deeply into her's
You'll dream about this in the future but now its so absurd
The feeling that's comeover you, you can't put into words

But know that this is something that you won't encounter often
Rarely can just a touch or smile make your defenses soften

She must have practiced magic because its well beyond what's natural
The way she fills up all your mind and makes your heart her castle

A bittersweet endeavour because to fall this ways a risk
You'll still emerge stronger and wiser whether your her victim or her prince
This is my description of falling in love; and I think I'm ready for it to happen again.
Mar 2016 · 354
Being the Breaker
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
I know how much she cares for me and I care for her to
But if I said I wanted to be with her that just would not be true
I can only go so far to make her night with my attention
In the morning there is emptiness
Because between us are different intentions
Yes I know the pain and the feeling of rejection
Which is why I lead her on this way but avoid a real conection
I understand now. All the girls who have ever "led me on" were just avoiding the pain that would come with their honesty. But I won't do that anymore. Truth is freeing, no matter what pain is attached to it.
Mar 2016 · 544
Temples of Fear
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
In the modern age, the valued sage is an archetype that we can't explain

Because it seems that every man
Who claims to hold truth in his hand

Needs your cash and its his plan
To build an army that will forever expand

Its not enough for you just to fear him
He wants your trust and time and freedom

Tells you to live a certain way
And that better not be queer or gay

And if you are he'll surely say
That you could not be born that way

He'll make you feel such guilt and shame
For being you, yes that's the game

To make you need that saving grace
That's found within his holy place

The walls and roofs of institutions
Save you from hell's dark exclusion
Mar 2016 · 599
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
Find what makes you feel okay
Find what makes you feel okay, if you have to search or pry pray, okay?
Its in you that you will find, you've been okay
You'll be okay
You are okay
So be okay
CUZ even in the pouring rain your still okay
The rain won't stay, but rains okay
And you'll find what makes you feel okay
Mar 2016 · 347
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
Another year older on this spinning flying rock
Hopefully today someone ***** on my ****

If not I won't be mad
Its not all that bad
Because the last few years I've grown so much as a man

My mind and my soul have surely matured
I've learned how to laugh even when I'm perturbed

Had my heart broken and healed and broken again
Grown stronger from pain and found self love within
I know life's not a game but you can still win

Happiness is within me and the way I interpret
A good life is a choice, so how it is now will always be perfect
Coleseph Nelzsun Mar 2016
It's soooo attractive when you ***** and complain
You talk so much but never make a change
Same old **** on a different day
I think that Eeyore might be your name

How bout you just stand up and fight
This isn't about what's wrong or right

You gotta ****** hand delt, maybe so
But you won't get gains till you tell yourself to grow
When people complain about **** that is in there control or even things that aren't in there control, it disgusts me.
Feb 2016 · 648
Half empty but still half
Coleseph Nelzsun Feb 2016
What a vast limitless universe we live in

It is daunting when you realize the likely miniscule effect that one individual will have on our planet's societies alone

You can do so very little

So the worst mistake

Is to do nothing
Coleseph Nelzsun Feb 2016
The truth is I don't know where I stand
On the most important issue that has always puzzled man

So many different people claim to hold the keys and the solution
Those raised up with one belief never search for their own conclusions

They experience encounters that they claim are more than mental
But fail to realize the Bible is as inconsistent as my academic schedule

Those from different religions are ****** to burn in hell
Yet their religion is as real to them as yours is to yourself

Where you focus faith and energy in puts you on a path
A lifestyle and way of thinking that could be good or could be bad

The mind is very powerful; it can bring peace or strife
Religion has caused mass pain and death but also joy and life

But why must we trust in a force that's clearly nowhere near?
If God is love and has plan then why is he not here?

He created us to know him so why can't we clearly see his will and plan?
We refer to God as he so maybe he's just a man

I'm not saying your religion for a fact can not be real
But use your brain to access logic and don't be such a schill
I wrote this five years ago. When I had just begun to take a second look at my belief system. Since then I have continued to search for truth and along my journey I have grown immensely.
Feb 2016 · 610
Anxiety Gong of the "Doers"
Coleseph Nelzsun Feb 2016
Thoughts of the future are like hammers banging the anxiety gong of my mind

It rings through me and its vibrations send worries about the unknown and guilt about things I have already done or have no control over

The good news is that there is a way to quiet this gong

As I aimlessly wander and sit in nature, I initially feel guilt because I have left the cult of "doers"

I am doing absolutely NOTHING

And to the vigilant capitalistic robots of this society, ceasing to "do" is the greatest sin of all

The hardest part of the battle is to defeat this conditioning

To rise above this guilt and simply be with myself, is a great victory indeed

Time slows as thoughts of the future are no longer weighing down the present moment

The residual hangover that is the result of a lifetime of drinking the poison of worry, still lies with me, but everything no doubt seems to take a turn toward... Not perfection.. Not even always happiness.. But certainly peace.
Feb 2016 · 357
Inevitable Collapse
Coleseph Nelzsun Feb 2016
In a condescending tone I hear the way you judge my life
At first I want to take offense and give into the strife

Then I take a step back and objectively observe
I realise your the one who's lost you proved it with your words

You asked me shallow questions only focussed on externals
Then judged me based on made up scales that give no weight to the internal

Its proof to me that this same scale you use on your own life
And soon you will not measure up and fall on your own knife

Because you never can be good enough,  at least not for forever
Your shiny stainless ego will soon rust from stormy weather
I used to let the judgement of others weigh me down with guilt. What a mistake.
Don't take offense to those who judge you. Rather, feel empathy for them. Those who are full of judgement must live with that poison inside of them at all times and in the end, they no doubt will end up inflicting the most venomous of judgements upon themselves.
Feb 2016 · 496
Coleseph Nelzsun Feb 2016
"Hows life? 'Oh you know, same old ****..'"

Well that sounds fulfillin....

Same old ****.

There is NOTHING worse than a complete and utter deficiency of novelty and experience in life

Dont walk the traveled path anymore
It will you leave morbid sick and sore

All my life I've felt an urgent roar

Was like an ocean I had not explored

To reach out far and then still stretch more

I can't believe I have been transformed

Fear holds you you ransom so you crush down fear's door

And beg fear valiantly to give you more
Conquering monsters  helps the true hero score.
Feb 2016 · 290
Tied To What Your Not
Coleseph Nelzsun Feb 2016
I saw the utter paralyzing pain in his eyes

So much of the identity he had constructed to represent himself today, was a product of the attachment to an idea of who they were together
Like a cartoonist he painted a separate reality with broad romantic stokes
One where she existed for him
While he did not admit this to himself, it was true
Because when she was her own woman
He no longer possessed her

Did he truly love her?
Or did he love the image and feeling of being attached to her?
Could he simply appreciate the time they shared?
Or would he spend every present moment worrying and ensuring that she would stay with him through the future?

Although he was with her for years
He was rarely ever truly WITH her
He was only with the image he projected onto her
The image of girlfriend
The image of wife

And he was never truly himself
He was the image of boyfriend
The image of husband

So when these illusions fell away
And she went on to live a life free of his expectations
His world fell apart
He lost his role
He lost his identity
He lost his life
A cautionary tail that is all to commonly true for those who get caught up in their life roles. Don't get attached to your ideas and expectations of what something should be. Just live and let live and appreciate what you have.
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
She asked me, "Do you think you will ever meet 'the one'?"

I smiled because I see this as a trick question

"Well, no.." I replied..

She looked shocked

I continued.. "Because we all are the one"

You see I sincerely believe that love is a state of being

It is not as if you need some magical key that is only in the hands of one to unlock your heart

As long as the spark of love is in you and you can see that spark reflecting back to you in the eyes of your beloved you have found the "one"

But don't stress yourself with searching far and wide

Because you can arrive at this state of oneness with oh so many beautiful souls
Jan 2016 · 272
Clear out you inner cellar
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
Stored away within the cellar of you soul

You keep good deeds never done and stories never told

These items stored will serve no purpose

So just give them away

A compliment, a smile, or hug, can change somebody's day

Give and give, then give some more because you can't run out

The love will just keep on returning; this fact I do not doubt
Jan 2016 · 406
Be Like The Sun
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
The sun does not care who delights in it or who grits there teeth and hides their eyes from its blazing light
It just continues to shine on
The sun does not discriminate on whom it will share its warmth with
It shines on sinners and saints; on beggars and the rich; on villains and heroes
"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."
Matthew 5:14
Do not hide your "light" from anyone. By light, I mean the true essence of your unique and beautiful nature.
Jan 2016 · 425
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
Your there when you no longer doubt yourself
When you can just breathe and feel no pressure to act, speak, or think
When your essence is beaming with the inner light that resides within every human being
When you feel complete acceptance to the point of forgetting all of your faults, shortcomings, and imperfections
When people say they feel "at home" they don't usually mean in a literal sense. It is a state of being. A place that can be found within you. You can get there with the help of someone else or by following your own inner road map to the final destination of self-love and enlightenment.
Jan 2016 · 11.5k
Treasures of the Earth
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
The soil brings forth precious gifts, not tainted by mankind
But we choose to poison them, to me that is a crime

Anything is justified when profit is involved
But food should not be business because food is life for all

Faster, cheaper, longer lasting; all these things sound great
But the truth is most of what we eat is far from food and fake
People hear "organic" and they role their eyes. They have become so brainwashed that they see food that is genetically altered, soaked in poison, and filled with preservatives, as the new normal.
The health of your body has a direct effect on the way your mind operates. Science has proven this. The mind and the body are essentially one. Your mind dictates your thoughts, your thoughts dictate your actions, and your actions DEFINE YOU.
Jan 2016 · 322
The Dark in You
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I guess life is much more simple when you never have to think
Your scared to open up your mind so you numb your fear with drinks

Don't dare to ask your inner self if happiness has found it
Because the truth is that your phony smiles are what your realness drounds in

All these expectations that your dieing to fulfill
Whatever it may take to fake it;  clothes or friends or pills

You tell me everything thing is fine
But when I look into your eyes
I see pain beneath the lies
I can tell you need to cry
Let it out don't run or hide
Jan 2016 · 521
I have stopped chasing
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
The urge to attain is a curse that will steal the beauty of the present moment
Chasing this urge is the trap that all of us fall into
In the chase you will never be content with where you are
Because there is always somewhere better
There is always something else
Someone else
So I have stopped chasing
I have surrendered my will to the rivers of fate and I will float down this river until it takes me across the great divide
Jan 2016 · 500
life as a novel
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
What is better than a perfect success story?
A story where the hero is knocked down over and over only to find the strength to get up again and keep pushing forward
A life with only peaks and no valleys is like a story with no tragedy
Like a movie with no suspense
Where is the novelty in a predictable flow of butterflies and rainbows?
The risk of loss and the conquering of darkness is just as beautiful as the most wonderful pleasures that this world has to offer
Jan 2016 · 346
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
You always have to have an answer
To every why and every what
Its like a rotting horrid cancer
That eats your inner trust

Time to slow the pace and let down your sails to drift
Stop talking and just hear your life
To listen is a gift

Don't just listen with your ears but with your entire being
Because only when you soak it up will everything have meaning
Everyone thinks that talking is a skill. That writing,  singing, and exclaiming is a skill. These surely are wonderful gifts. But to listen with all you have, in every way, not just with your ears but with you entire being; that takes effort.  And the rewards are indescribable.
Jan 2016 · 576
Let Go
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
You may well feel as though you have found the key, the missing link, and the answer
But know that this is only temporary
Like the receding tide, this sense will fade away
Deep inside you will feel it again
The unfulfillment
It will continue ro return
Untill you truly realize that you are already fulfilled
Your existence is the collective breath and entropy of source
You fulfill your purpose simply by realizing who you are
And you do this, only by letting go of all you THINK you are
All you call yourself
All that they call you
What can harm you when you discover this truth
This awakening
Jan 2016 · 584
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I can take the rain on the roof is the empty house
But what I can't take is the way you wear that blouse





In honor of my last poem:
Also a recorded freestyleD song..In all honesty I should just be saving these poems as Microsoft Word Documentss buuuttttt **** it.
Jan 2016 · 438
one night
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I just need this and nothing more
Call me shallow or a *****

But I'm a man who's neglected desire
And you turned me on and started a fire

I want to breathe into your neck
And swim in all of you that's wet

I want to see you squirm and squeel
Oh how good I'll make you feel
Jan 2016 · 343
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
Don't drift away
But rather stay
Keep on drifting every day
But don't drift away

Don't disappear
Just stay right here
Keep on living every day
But don't drift away

You go missing
When your mind is drifting

You drift so far that you miss today
So don't drift away
I freestyle sang this last night and luckily it was recorded for me to write.
Drift in the sense of living and letting live. But don't drift too far. Stay present or you will miss the subtle beauty of every moment.
Jan 2016 · 363
Haunted Dreams?
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I'm over you completely, your not stuck on my mind
But bits of you that lit my world must deep within reside
Because its in my dreams that you time to time appear
And I feel your really there because my heart beat I can hear
But I can't say you haunt me, 'cause these dreams don't bring fear
They bring the heightened state of councious I got when you were near
Sometimes people can stitch themselves so deep into your heart that your subconscious mind still finds them and brings them back to you in the realest way  possible...
Jan 2016 · 297
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
My eyes open to another day
Oh my God what can I say
How did so much just float away

But time doesn't pass, its always here
So don't dwell on what has disappeared  

'Cause when you do that your someplace else
And that's stress which hurts your health

Love all you can but please stay true
Do the things you love to do

Don't get trapped by expectations
Create your own based on sensation
Don't manage time. Live outside of it.
Jan 2016 · 1.8k
Our Society
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
Justifies the bad
Takes credit for the good

Convinces you to go to war
And that your desires make you a *****

Your weird if you don't like our junk food
And you better not express your real mood

Your personality is not your own
And if it is your all alone
In the past few decades, counter cultures have started to push the importance of individuality. But at the end of the day, our society (at least America) is pretty homogeneously bleak and gross.
Jan 2016 · 644
Your all
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
You are not defined by the mistakes you make
You are not defined by your success either
You are not the identity your parents gave you
You are more than the body you inhibit
You feel this truth
You know this truth
You know that trying to pinpoint where your consciousness lies is impossible
You exist outside of this reality
You are timeless
You will not cease being when your heart stops beating
You will go on

Because you are part of source
Part of the fabric that is all known existence
All you know is part of you
All you know is you
You are everything
Jan 2016 · 348
I can't hurt her
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
They say that to feel everything so very deeply
Is both a blessing and a curse
Nothing could be more true
I don't truly want her
Not in the way that she wants me
The spark just isn't there
But I care for her so much
That to reject her now
Would crush her
And in turn crush me
But to be disingenuous with my desire
Is like starving to death instead of just biting the bullet
Both parties suffer in cases of unrequited love.
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
"Don't waste your hate. Rather gather and create. Be of service. Be a sensible person. Use your words and don't be nervous. You can do this you got purpose. Find your medicine and use it." - Nahko Bear

Our medicines are the gifts and passions that make us so uniquely elegant
Still those who doubt and hold you back will say those things aren't relevant

But it must be shared and given to heal others and your self
This does not just concern your purpose; its an issue of your spirit's health
Do not neglect your talents and passions. Find that spark and fan it till its a flame. And burn all that surrounds and inhibits you to ash with your flaming glory.
Jan 2016 · 373
Internal Resistance
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
Even when you manage your external mission
Your internal demons will still be there at the end of the day
We have mastered the projection of our image as human beings
But the deep issues we keep barried in our subconscious
We are not fulfilled at our deepest level Because we search for happiness in all the wrong places
There is a bias in society to focus all of your energy on a false definition of external success
But work on your soul is completely neglected
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I see so much **** on here that is strictly negative. I get that great art, especially poetry comes from sadness and dark places. But it seems like there is never ANYTHING positive on here. There is beauty in positivism too you know. In rising OUT of the ashes.  In getting up and doing something about the state you are in instead of dwelling on it. I wanna see some poetry about how you are fighting your depression not basking in it. About how you are moving on from the ******* that wrecked your heart not dwelling on them like your Adele or Taylor Swift or some other sad sap victim that this weak society looks up to... All right rant over.
I guarantee you I will get **** for this. Bring it on.
Jan 2016 · 392
Nature Heals
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
I turned my eyes to the stars and gazed into infinity
In that moment all of my problems were put into true perspective
I lost sight of them completely
All that mattered was that I was an individual
Existing on this rock we call earth
Hurtling through the cosmos
How lucky am I?
To possess this human incarnation with boundless potential
To live on this beautiful planet
For the first time since my heart had been
I began to cry
Not tears of sadness
Not even tears of joy
Tears of gratitude
Get back to your roots. Connect with mother nature. She will do you good.
Jan 2016 · 243
Coleseph Nelzsun Jan 2016
Truth is like poetry.

Most people don't like it.
Overheard at a bar
Dec 2015 · 480
Don't get in your way
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015

The head often tends to get in the way.

We are like a river that strains to flow with all of its longing

But we choose instead to hold back our nature with dams we construct

Dams of fear and doubt

Of ego and shame

Of hatred and lies
I no longer want to willingly be detached from my will.
Dec 2015 · 274
Living Darkness
Coleseph Nelzsun Dec 2015
I lie here, secure and warm in my own bed

But something lurks within this darkness and I swear to myself its not just in my head

At the age of five to my mother I said
That dark scary creatures watched me while I had slept

I'm 22 years old now and its not just the creatures
Its more often dark presences that lack any features

A fear all past darkness could never create
I sense them and feel them in a half-councious state
They whispered my name; just that thought makes me shake

Call it a dream, call it insanity
Its as real to me as my waking reality
Maybe its sleep paralysis. Maybe my screws are loose. Maybe its real.
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