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  Nov 2014 Christian Victoria
John. I haven't read one letter since you left. I'm scared to open an envelope and see the same note you left before you let your dreams, goals, days all hang from a rope. To be honest I don't know what it was that you needed to hear, what words could've saved your life. But I can say that old coffee shop feels emptier. My room feels colder. My eyes look darker. I don't smile at seasons changing anymore. I've been avoiding all mirrors because I can't bare to see myself without you.
    You were the best person I've ever met. It almost seemed unfair that I let such a perfect person be with a broken mess like me. You were so funny and the way your eyes lit up when you told a story...Oh God. I'm not religious but when you looked at me that way I thought we were both going to hell. Your laugh was all I needed to make a bad day better, oh what I would do to make you laugh.
   I know you hated long car rides and you knew I hated distance. Who knew 6 feet could feel longer than 100,000 miles.? Because now you're resting underground and I don't sleep without sleeping pills. I miss you so much. I miss you. I miss you.
I love you.

Hey Thanks,

Thank you for the long talks on the phone,
Thank you for all those fights and arguments,
Thank you for all those times we yelled and swore at each other,
All those times you said we where done.

Hey Thanks,

Thank You for staying after we fought,
Thank you for never giving up on me when everyone else has,
Even though I'm a big weight to carry.

Hey Thanks,

Thank you for giving me hope,
Thank you for giving me meaning again,
Thank you for making me a better person.

Even though we talk less now,

Hey Thanks,

Thank you for loving me.
I thank you for being the greatest gift god has given me, I pray we can fixed everything that we have wronged, and become that same happy person when we started talking.
Dead conversations fill my phone,
Wondering where all the life went,
Nothing but sadness creeping up my bones,
My heart yearns for the times we have spent.
  Nov 2014 Christian Victoria

I've stared...
Longingly forever into you
You'd stare back but you never really knew
Hands of hours, minutes and seconds I've shook
All the time I've carelessly took

I've witnessed...
That etched on each one, that amazing smile
A crutch forged of sunrays that had carried me many a mile
It's all that I have to know of you
In this endless chase I've sought to pursue

I've envisioned...
Different ways you'd wear your crown
Various trimmings on lavish gowns
Smitten by the way you sport your paint
The nectarous song sung in your gait ever so faint

I've imagined...
The addictive rise and fall of your every breath
Bringing me back to life after every death
Pulses of sweet nothings that never did ebb
Ensnaring my heart with your silk spun web

I've believed...
You are the queen of my future tale untold
I've felt it so real like verses written in bold
But I've awakened from slumber into terrifying reality
Pains me to realise that you're nothing but imaginary...
I miss you, there is no denying it.
without your grace I feel unfit.
You glow like a shining star,
Giving hope to this broken heart.
I took a drag of a rolled, unlit, cigarette.
You have no idea how truly pleasing it was.
That cigarette had her lipstick on it.
It was like kissing her all over again.

I lit that rolled up, lipstick stained, cigarette, just to feel like she was here with me again.

The smoke had burned my eyes and scratched at my throat.
I tried to breathe but I started to choke, suffocating on the last of my free will.

For a minute, it felt like I wasn't going to survive.

I took deep breathes and remembered it was her love I never wanted to forget, so I smoked the rest of that rolled up, lipstick stained, cigarette, but by the end of it, I was dead.
To Her.
all my cigarettes
taste so sweet.
At least there was smoke
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