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Press "Play" and hear me
let these lyrics help heal you
for you have pressed "pause"
A haiku.
He's broken, He's a mess, He's got habits that I yearn to detest.        
He's no good, He make poor choices, He failed to hear the voices,
to keep him in line, and in check, to keep him from things that he'd regret.

He's arrogant, he's rude, he's guilt tripping and shrewd.
He smokes and says "He's trying to stop" knowing he could flop,
knowing It would hurt me with every truth he spoke,
I couldn't bear to hear him as he said "Yeah I smoked.."

I gave him lots of chances, as he said he got better,
but his mistakes burned into me, just like hot embers.

He won't leave me alone, even when I ask,
I ask my self, "why is he such a task"
He says he cares, but he fails to see,
the endless amounts of stress he puts on me.

Guilt trips is what he does with unrest,
What is he doing, is this some kind of test?
I'm trying my hardest to see this through,
He says girls like me, are only a few.
He tells me, I made him brand new.


She's golden, She's pure, she cares about me and all that I do,
It was her, in which she helped change my view.
But strong I was not, and I soon faltered, Bad habits picked up and her love for me altered.
She's loving, and harsh, did I mention she was most caring?
the way I hurt her was most overbearing,

I tried my hardest , but I would soon be tearing,
our ties in which we held so dear , she's all I care about,
I love her indefinitely, without a doubt.

She forgave me many times but weak I am,
living with regrets, she was the only one who gave a ****.

I slowly gotten better, but that to was slowed down,
as all I ever did, was made her frown.

I won't give up as I tell her each day,
"I'm sorry It was a mistake, please I want you to stay"
Her words cut like knives, as I was soon deprived,
of the one thing I so longed to keep.

She's one of a kind, a really rare lady,
I went to her when I was in need of safety.

She was not afraid to tell me straight up,
that it was bad habits and friends, that I needed to give up.

I continue to work towards gaining her back,
for it was my heart in which she hijacked.

After this poem I'm done for sure,
Because losing you was the cure.

The cure I needed, to finally give it up all those mistakes,
For your absence was enough for me to awake.

I long to hear you voice
So I will prove to you on my choice,
To finally be the person you deserve.


The "Yeah" at the end was our special saying.
  Nov 2014 Christian Victoria
I come in seasons with
a heart of summer
a soul like spring
but find me falling every night
succumbing to the curse that is winter.
  Nov 2014 Christian Victoria
Jaimi M
You wonder
why I wiggle
so much
why my legs
and my hands
Truth is,
my mind
can't slow down
It doesn't know
how to take a day off,
its far too good
at tormenting me
more and more
with each
passing second.

These clothes, they hide
These clothes, conceal
And when these clothes slide off
There's nothing left to reveal

Unhooked clasps
Undone buttons
Just unwrap this body
'Til absolutely nothin'

My raw self for
Only you to view
Removing this fabric
Is saying that I trust you
  Nov 2014 Christian Victoria
That is all.
The title explains itself.
And if I could have back my wasted time,
I'd waste it on something else.
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