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Feb 2021 · 319
Even Angels Fall
Cari Hannaford Feb 2021
Do you ever feel like you don’t belong?

Look around and feel like everything is all wrong?

That you can’t fit with all your crazy dreams?

Or maybe that this isn’t really your scene?

But not as in a bad way,
but more as in a good

That you knew your life has been somehow off

Like you believe more than your friends

Or maybe that you knew you were just a little different

Have you ever looked around and wondered why light has become your enemy?

You may be broken,
but you can now see

You may have fallen deep,
but you can still be set free

Because there’s a little saying that you should know,
it might be common to those around

That god knows,
even angels fall
Jul 2018 · 441
Cari Hannaford Jul 2018
Stop calling yourself a failure
There are planets and stars in your eyes,
There are fires and oceans in your veins.
Your head is a forest,
Your heart is a meadow,
And you are a work of art
May 2017 · 556
Cari Hannaford May 2017
After I discovered
The light in your eye,
I finally recovered from
the existing high
I cannot comprehend the future, goodbye
but I can pretend that there is not a why
Even when you consume my mind

~ H.M & C.H
Mar 2017 · 729
Ghost Free
Cari Hannaford Mar 2017
See for me
this place has begun to feel a little haunted

At first I thought it was haunted by you
but now I think it was haunted by me

But no ghost is at peace until it finally moves on

I need a change
And I think you do too

This place needs new life
So please
make our old home
your new home
For it is now ghost free
Mar 2017 · 739
Cari Hannaford Mar 2017
My heart breaks
As I'm in a state of confusion
I don't know what to do
Or how I'm feeling

My head aches
At the thoughts of your voice
But my heart says different
Did I make the right choice?

You hurt me my dear
I cried many tears of sorrow
For my heart was shattered
It feels very hollow

But you didn't care
Don't act like you did
It's okay though
I'll be fine in the end
Mar 2017 · 394
4 o'Clock
Cari Hannaford Mar 2017
4 o'Clock
4 o'Clock
Never let me sleep
I close my eyes and pray
For the garish light of day
Like a frightened child I run
From the sleep that never comes

4 o'Clock
4 o'Clock
Out of bed I creep
To climb this tower of shame
But the hour's still the same
Only madness knows my name
At 4 o'Clock

Why can we never go back to bed?
Whose is the voice ringing in my head?
Where is the sense of these desperate dreams?
Why should I wake when I'm half asleep?

Sure as the clock keeps its steady chime
Weak as I walk to its steady rhyme
Ticking away from the ones we love
So many boys, so little time

Why can we never go back to sleep?
Mar 2017 · 510
Velvet Rose
Cari Hannaford Mar 2017
For tears that fall
On hollow cheeks
When the weeks feel like years
And the years feel like weeks.

And you sit by a grave
Where the roses grow
But the rose that you seek
Is buried below.

You have my heart
Heavy with sorrow
For the velvet rose
With no tomorrow.
Dec 2016 · 620
Who Am I?
Cari Hannaford Dec 2016
Mirror Mirror on the wall… Can you tell me who I am at all?

The biggest question we ask ourselves is “who am I?”
   But no one knows the answer.

You may think you know who you are,
   But is it the inner
               Or outer you that you know?

Our outer self is what we portray to the world,
   Our inner self is something no one knows about -
      Sometimes not even ourselves

Mirror Mirror on the wall… Can people look inside and gaze into my soul?

Our soul is a representation of who we are.

Some are as vibrant as glistening stars.
   They’re young,
      Still blooming
         And living up a storm

Others are as black as a raven’s back.
   They look ecstatic,
      They have life in their grasp.
But on the inside they shriek for help,
   Plead for someone to see and let them out,
      They ache for understanding.

Most people deem themselves a star,
   But deep down they have their doubts.

They’re entangled between what they want
   And what they feel.

Mirror Mirror on the wall… Is this real? Or have I been dreaming all along?

This is what most dreamers ask.

They’re caught between reality
   And make believe.

They’re typically blind to what’s in front of them.
   They could have a partner, who treats them astonishingly,
      But they’ll have an image of how this person should look and act.
They’re oblivious to what they already have.

Mirror Mirror on the wall… Is this who I’ve grown up to become?

Many people think that once they’ve matured
   There’s no way of changing.

But it’s your will power
   And strength
      That makes change in your life.

If you crave change
   Then go out and make it happen -
      Don't wait for someone else.

You are obligated to make change in your life.
   You have the key to your own happiness.
If you truly believe in change
   Then what’s preventing you from it?

Mirror Mirror on the wall… Can you tell me who I am at all?

I am me.
   I am the author of my life
      And happiness.

I am 5”3.
   I have long brown hair
      And blue eyes.
I portray to the world that I’m young and courageous;
   That I can dominate whatever life throws at me.

But deep down I’m small,
     I still need my mom around to hold me.

There are 2 of me:
   The outer me is easy to distinguish, Yet the inner me is much more complex.
   Many don't know the full inner me -
      Including myself.

The inner me has entangled itself in the web of fairytale.
   It clashes between fantasy and rationalism.
       It has a need to be cherished, but not abandoned;
            To appreciate, but not suffer.

Part of me is fascinated by my complexity
   But the other wishes it would stop.

To those who wish to know the inner me,
   I am a labyrinth
      With everlasting dead ends.

But that's what makes me

All are welcome to join the journey into my labyrinth mind.
   Let's solve this puzzle together.

This journey won't be easy,
   But nothing ever is
I know my cloudy soul won't rest
   Until my journey ends.

Mirror mirror on the wall… I am one of countless others with an unsolved soul.

This is who I am.
Sep 2016 · 671
Little souls
Cari Hannaford Sep 2016
8 years old
We're told "you're too young to unlearn how to smile and hate the world"

8 years from now on
You'll forget the art of care freeness
and little girls

So 6 young hearts
Kick start
And venture into
A labyrinth
Of question marks

We had nothing to hide
Our smiles were bonafide...

We dreamed of superpowers
Meteor showers
Climbing towers
Magic, meremaids
Flying ships
And finding home

In our unlock golden coffer
All we had was love to offer
A currency that once was just enough....
Guess we grew up

Theses days
We've ceased
To give
A frail and feeble ****
We've got new better plans

Crystal clear
Each year
Since June of 2010
We've grown cavalier
And bland

We used to dance in rainstorms
Fight our battles, win the whole world
We spoke in flames
And held hands while we burn

Now all we ever do is *****
Apathy, we mop it
With apologises  
I'm sorry's
I worry..... I worry,
We grew up

Things have changed
And minds have aged

We're so far in this infeasible maze

When did black and white decide
To propagate
Cause everything now seems so.... Gray

We've forgotten the beats of our own drums
We've lost touch in tunes we used to hum
We smell of sin

And no longer bubblegum
Our season is yet to come

We're houses with water stained walls
We're standing
But no longer tall
When did we stop having a ball, I don't recall
I don't re-call

Here... We are
So far
We've walked a lonely road
We're like nomads finding home

But some-where far inside
The 8 year old resides
Whispering "you'll be alright"

So let us live
Let live
Forgive and hope we don't
Fail the souls we used to know

Let's walk each other home
Little souls please don't let go
The unknown is ours to roam
Our little souls will walks us
Sep 2016 · 546
Singing In The Storm
Cari Hannaford Sep 2016
She was the girl that liked storms
      and books

She was the girl that would hum to the pounding rain drops

She dreamed to be free
   She dreamed to fly around

To be one with the wind
   And one with the ground

She had many pains
   And many sorrows
      She thought it was time to leave this horror

And as she stepped up to meet her bridge
   She was gladly met with the roaring winds

With rain drops pelting up against her skin
   She could only think of having wings

She sang such soft melodies with open arms
   Embracing the world she so greatly loved

Upon her lips, she spoke great words
   Unspoken to those who need her most
      "When my soul no longer takes this form,
           You can hear me singing in the storm"
Jun 2016 · 34.8k
Our Broken Education System
Cari Hannaford Jun 2016
Our parents are always telling us , you have to go to school, that you'll learn everything you need to know before you're ready for the big world, and that'll you need it to get into your dream job

But now a days our education isn't about learning, its about passing
Our education now isn't the same as it used to be

It teaches us that if you're not at a certain grade level, you will not succeed
That if you don't meet a certain criteria, maybe you're not for fit the course

This education system doesn't teach us whats really important for the big world

It doesn't teach us how to live, how to do taxes or how to survive

It never taught us the living expenses or how to buy a home
Never taught us what to expect once we leave for college or how to balance our schedules

No. It only taught us homework, about a plant cell, about tangents and circumferences

It taught us that homework is more important than family
That it's more important than being a kid and having a life

It taught us that if you spend time with loved once and didn't do your work, you're setting yourself up for failure

They pile us with work it feels like we cant breath
They never once thought of the other class assignments that must be due not even 24 hours later

They make us memorise things that will no longer be important when we apply for a job

We study for hours in hopes to pass that final test that we'll soon forget

But what are we suppose to say when someone asks us how we're feeling?
We were never taught that
We never memorised an equation to help us find the answer
We were only ever taught to keep our mouths shut and do our work

Its quite funny what we learn in school now
Things more than 80% of the students will never have to use let alone see again

School was suppose to prepare us for our future
For the job choice we pick

Instead we meet and learned quadratics and plant cells
We were taught homework is what your focus should always be on

We were never taught about the future and what to do

And most importantly
We were never taught how to love ourselves and the things we should be greatful for

They've turn us into sad, mindless robots that's are more concerned about grades and passing than whats going on with the family

We lock ourselves in our rooms doing homework for 6 hours than talking to our mothers or fathers who wonder about us

We were never taught the importance of family before it was too late

Every single highschool student wishes they can turn back the clocks, but it'll never work

We were taught the hard way that you don't really know what you have until its gone
Something we weren't prepared for

They never prepared us for the future
Instead, we prepare our self for the possible failing outcome

How are we suppose to make a living for ourselves when all we have learned was the stress over homework and family?
The depression over a failed test or assignment?
The lost feeling of the lost time?

How are we suppose to love ourselves when all we do is put yourself down because of school?

This education system never prepared us for anything
Instead, this education system officially has broken all of us.
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Even Angels Fall
Cari Hannaford Oct 2015
Do you ever feel like you dont belong?

Look around and feel like everything is all wrong?

That you can't fit with all your crazy dreams?

And that maybe this isn't really you're scene?

But not as in a bad way
But more as in a good

Like you have known your life has been somehow off

Like you believed more then your friends

Or maybe that you knew you were just a little different

Have you ever looked around and wondered why light has become your enemy?

You may be broken
But you can now see

You may have fallen deep
But you can still be set free

Because there's a little saying you should know

It might be common to those around

That god knows

Even angels fall
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
Light up the darkness
Cari Hannaford Oct 2015
The stars twinkle above my head
illuminating the trees

As I walk this lonely road
No stares are on me
For I am invisible

Only darkness knows my name

No match or no candle to guide me home

I am lost in this world

I reach for the stars but I can never get there

But I keep going along this path

I am my legacy
I am my legend
And I will light up this darkness no matter how hard it is

Just light up the darkness
Light up the darkness
Sep 2015 · 2.8k
Cari Hannaford Sep 2015
I am the captain of my soul
I am the master of my fate

With the twinkling stars, I set sail to my new life

Where the music hums carelessly
And the children play freely

Where parents aren't allowed and there is never a frown

There's never a glumy day because that's where darkness likes to hang

We're known around here as the children who like the roam
For adventure is our middle name

So come with me where your dreams are born and where darkness never plays

With the twinkling stars to guide our way, all the way to this place

This oh so wonderful place

To the place that is called...

Sep 2015 · 765
Cari Hannaford Sep 2015
Dreams are where we go to when reality seems to blow

Dreams are where we go to when we're feeling lost in the dark

Because that's where things tend to come true

Lost in this generation where the only things that matter are *** and alcohol

We've seem to have lost touch in what our imagination is for

Our imagination is for the thoughts and wonders about the world

Our imagination is to look at things we have never seen before

Our imagination is what makes us different

But our imagination seems to be lost in this world just like this generation

There's too many deaths of the young ones
There's too many grave stones piling up

What happened to this generation and why can't it be stopped?

Its rare to actually seen a happy teenager with all these demons breaking out

So to all you depressed teens out there

How about bring back your imagination and let it run free

Dreams those unforgettable dreams  and dont let those demons break free

Dont let the demons break free
Sep 2015 · 684
The blue lilac
Cari Hannaford Sep 2015
The girl, the blue lilac and the monster had finally been within the grasp of each other

But as the blue lilacs heart grew warmer and warmer the monster can only ache harder

Denial cannot defeat memory

His past was all he seemed to think about

A past where a beautiful girl would still love him

A past where he was still human

He was fitted to the image his family; his clan wanted

And that image was distort by society's ignorance and fear

A creature as ****** as him would be liable for the destruction or another pure soul

He didn't want to lose his little blue lilac too

And she didn't want to lose her own monster to unknown causes again

A bond between horror and beauty is both dangerous yet wonderful

But no matter how anyone looks at it:

Horror and beauty

Purity and sin

Yin and yang

Its all the same

Love is an eternal essence that will always remain

Even in death.

— The End —