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 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
A world of dreams
Awaits for me
In the distant light
Or near future
Among the stars
My dream is one of the many stars that shine upon the night sky
Big or small
Same or different
Impossible or possible
Far or reachable
Some are there to be desired
Some left untouched and just admired

Every night I look up, they are there
Everyone’s dreams covering the night sky
Reminding us that our dreams exist
Giving us a sense of hope that we may achieve them
But also a sense of disbelief as they seem so far away
There they were
We just have to reach them

My oh my
My star may look very small among many others
But through my darkest nights it fills me with light and hope.
Because if i didn’t have these stars what would decorate my night sky? Or more so my life? My life of beautiful dreams

But when night turns to day
And morning sets in and the stars fade away
It’s back to reality
And the stars disappear like a forgotten dream that wasn’t meant to be

But when nightfall creeps in again
A glimmer of hope crosses the night sky
A shooting star
And that is when
I’ll know I will have achieved my dreams
 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
He stands near the trees,
places a hand upon them and feels their dying breath,
The final sigh
as leaves circle, drifting to the ground,
a blanket on the forest floor.
Take off your hat, lonely boy
and mourn another year's passing.
The wind will scatter him like the leaves,
blowing him far from home,
far from the place where his heart lies.
I’d tell you the pain
At any funeral
Was the suttle reminder
To love those closest to you
I’d tell you
She cries too
Her only shoulder to lean on
Was the faith you had
If I were best friends with god
I’d give you hints of who she was
How vast her love is
I’d tell you you’re never alone
Through every shadow
She could still see you
Your own light shining
If only you would pull the shade
If I were best friends with god
I’d tell you why we were created
How everybody needs a friend
Someone to love
To be loved by
I’d tell you her only power
Was making love
If I were best friends with god
I wouldn’t have to think
About a future without me
Never finishing watching
My kids grow
I’d tell you heaven was real
I’d describe it in vivid detail
How instead of gold gates
It’s only cobblestone walkways
White picket fence
And a light on the porch
In case you arrived at dark
If I were best friends with god
I’d tell you how she smiles
When her temper tantrums
Leave ruined lives
Holding each other’s hands
I’d tell you she’s just like a child
Cute and innocent
Wild and fierce
Out for attention
Hoping you’ll find her message
Somewhere amongst the chaos
If I were best friends with god
I’d have a few more answers
Sadly I know no god
Only the moments I cherish
As I fill my own life
With the laughter of friends and family
And maybe when I’m done having fun
I’ll have a cup of tea
And start a friendship
With whatever’s on the other side
Lessons are in everything we do. How we perceive life is what we get out of it. No matter what your belief I believe there is equality in us all. Nothing should be an obstacle from loving someone.
 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
The bitter truths I’ve survived
The sweet lies I’ve lived
I still carry on
Like the hands
Of a clock

 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
my mind is a maze i can never seem to find the exit of.

constantly taking wrong turns made by my heart ,

going the wrong way ,

getting turned around.

you are stuck in my maze , too.

you are keeping me from finding the exit.

every step i take brings me closer to you ,

and farther from escaping.
 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
You whisper in my ear
My thoughts
And every fear

You know all my weaknesses
You see every flaw
You know all my secrets
You see all my scars

You tell me there is no future
And force me to believe in nothing

You tell me not to speak
Not to raise my hand
You tell me just to smile
Even though none is there

I am but your puppet
Nothing but a doll
You force me to want perfection
When I have none at all.
                    —Bella Crosthwait
I story of my self worth
If I told you my surname, you would start to laugh
It's silly, but it's mine, and it's meant to last.
It's a noun, not a verb,
it's a little bug which lives everywhere.

I am a fly but I can't explore the sky,
"I don't have any wings" I repeated as a child.
But when were are together,
no chain can forbid me to reach the heavens.
You are to me
something that no one else could be.
I feel more like that bug when I'm with you
than when I'm on my own,
How you manage to do so, it's something I'll never know.

I am a fly but I can't explore the sky,
"I don't have any wings" I repeated as a child.

But touching this light blu sky
I finally realize
That that was not the truth.
My wings?
It's you.
 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
I'm stuck between the
past and the future.
memories and dreams
life and death.
 Aug 2018 Samuel Canerday
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
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