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 Aug 2014 Humblebee
i exist in the 4th dimension
you got stuck in the 3rd
cause you didn’t stop
to think for a 2nd
if it was not the 1st time
you had been lied to
 Aug 2014 Humblebee
Third Eye
 Aug 2014 Humblebee
I see something that faintly glints
In the back of your eye
I reach in
Dig deep
Pry it out
And find I am holding the entire universe
In my own two hands
Idling away is inspiring
Mind wandering afar
Supine on the soft grass
Every tuft cradling me
Becoming a mediator
Between the sky and Earth
Earth holding me firm
Sky is the vast canvas of my dreams
Flying high with the winds
Watching the birds fly
Flapping their wings in coordination
Mediating my earthly dreams
With the celestial sphere
Cocooning my simple dreams
Idling away makes me happy
So many colors on nature’s palette
There are many moods and emotions
Picturesque gallery of many paintings
Forever framed in the travelers mind
Masterpieces cannot be recreated
If we only hold onto black and white
Immerse the soul in nature’s color
Many shades will color the spirit
Absorb the silence around
Know the silence and it messages
Connect with the inner self
At rest is the soul and mind
Moments that reveals the truth
Silence douses the flames of uncertainty
Rendezvous with silence
As silence is there to be deciphered
Blow out the candle when the mind is enlightened
 Aug 2014 Humblebee
My heart, and mind thrown into a void
endlessly falling into some kind of abyss
An abyss of something beautiful
yet seemingly deadly.
Strange as it sounds
As I fall deeper and deeper into the void
I find myself more
And I ask...
What is this peculiar state?
Why does it's existence throw me off my mind?
Really, I don't know!

It leaves my soul unrest!
It captures my mind!
like I've discovered the ultimate discovery of all time
It's a whole new level of enigma!

This void
This place
Has torn me into two pieces
A piece of me that is intrigued, and captivated
and a piece that is scared, and frustrated

How can I explain such mystery?
surely it can't be missed, but it's not as easy to understand.

It comes in many forms and it goes like it will never leave!

Surely, it has left me in some kind of disarray
but as I find myself
falling deeper, and deeper into it
I couldn't feel more alive,
and different.
(in a good way, i think)

But it's a unnatural fall
like the world has turned upside down.
Like I'm falling deeper into the clouds
rather than falling deeper into the ground.

It almost seems surreal
but it's not.

I may sound crazy...
but really...
I am crazy.

I'm crazy because I've found this thing
that's finally getting me to run
I'm crazy because I know it might end up a hard fall
but who knows?
it might be otherwise.
 Aug 2014 Humblebee
This is when the world is golden.
When sun shimmers on the branches of forever-green trees
And light dances on the apple blossoms, white since spring came.

This is when the world is alive.
She is truly a women,
glowing and happy, radiating unrestrained joy,
Smiling at all the little moments of wonder she held in her day.
She caresses the leaves with gentle sunlight,
lulls the trees into a careless sway with the deep lavender
of the evening breeze.

This is when the world is golden.
When she is singing.
Wine, spinning, we dine,
Candles and moon making love,
.  .  .  Sparkle in her eyes.
Rain water soaks us
Runny mascara, but you still think I'm beautiful
Lips so soft
Lips so sweet
We're pressed up against each other
Bare chest to bare chest
You on top
Me on bottom
Hips locked in place with the other
Warm soft sweet lips slowly caressing my body, my lips and my neck you **** on
Soft gentle hands caress my ******* thoughtfully
Finally, her lips reach my thighs, I, trembling with lust and fear
I was scared and she knew it
Her hands and lips touched me
*So softly, so gently
My first erotica poem. Hope you like it.
It is not about me though. I'm still a ******. Comment what you think about my poem please?
Thank you.
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