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 Dec 2014 Brider Olen
a girl
she's shy and unseen
often walks tired
but looks at you
weary blue eyes
like ***
laughing timidly
for mystical reasons
always beautiful
and easy going
but  hard to love
Stars are in the darkness
I never been baffled,
The beauty of darkness
Even as far as she stays

You're in the fog
Mist in the shadows,
Grows very agile into me
Though it could be lost within the darkness

Boat on the river
Wave's chest gravel
No matter how far away it is travelling
That only owned this world

Moon bows to this dim earth
Bees come back to the chest of flower
As you come back to me again,
Surrender to the love-
@Musfiq us shaleheen

ভালোবাসের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ
অন্ধকারের মধ্যে তারারা  
আমাকে হতাস করেনা
আধারের সুন্দর্য,
সে যতই দুরে থাকুক না

কুয়াশার মধ্যে তুমি
ছায়ার মধ্যে কুহেলিকা
আমায় অতি চঞ্চল করে,
যদিও সে মিলিয়ে যাই ওই আধারে

নদীর বুকে নৌকা
ঢেউ এর বুকে নুড়ি
সে যতই দুরে যাকনা কেন,
সেটা এই পৃথিবীর    

ফিকে পৃথিবীর কাছে চাদ নতজানু
ফুলের বুকে ওই মৌমাছি হারমানে
তুমি ফিরে  আসবে বারবার আমার কাছে,
আত্মসমর্পণ করবে এই ভালোবাসের কাছে
@মুসফিক উস সালেহীন
Surrender to Love/ভালোবাসের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ
rest in peace to the teens
who wore long sleeves all year round
so no one would notice what they have done
rest in peace to the teens who drank and drank
to blur out someones name
rest in peace to the teens who just lit one too many
cigarettes just to fit in
rest in peace to the teens who couldn't make it to 2015
maybe i like the way he makes me feel wanted and worthless at the same time. maybe i like the way he breaks my heart but stitches it back together with his kisses. maybe i like the way he never calls me beautiful, but the way he looks at me when i enter the room sends chills down my spine letting me know he thinks so. maybe i like the way he sends me home crying until 4 in the morning and texts me telling me he loves me two hours later. and maybe, just maybe i like the way he hurts me. maybe i put up with all of this because i'm just too scared to loose him.
i'm not sure if i love him or i'm just too scared to loose him
In the morning she eats garlic,
A bowl of them, boiled in a mixture.
Then medicine, then some kind of a
Breakfast. She stares into the blank
Of a day. Everything the same.
She does her usual things: clean,
Sweep, exercise, sometimes she reads.
I do not know what she does in the day,
Only the setting sun tells me of the lights
She doesn’t leave on, because “electrical bills”.

He says she spoiled the fridge, the kettle,
Even the tv doesn’t make a sound anymore.

She’s like a child. She whines, laughs,
Tells me off. She observes, dismisses.
She is the dying tip of an autumn leaf.
My silence is the autumn wind.
Cold, but not cold enough.

I do not know of the things she does in the day.
What does she do when the food is cooking in the pan?
Or when it rains and she rushes to save the laundry.
Only the chattering and muttering
From her creased mouth,
(the neighbours, groceries, the tv)
Tells me that she speaks only to herself.

She switches the tv on
before she leaves the house.
She sleeps before 9 pm.

She leaves in June, and I don’t know what she does in the day.
 Dec 2014 Brider Olen
Indrew C
Not so long ago, I used to write about love
As if it were overflowing in me.
We write because we think we are overwhelmed
by the feeling that inspires us.
I have discovered today,
that this inspiration we get comes from but a longing.
The words we write down cover up
our true intentions of wanting to feel more.
We write because what we feel
is not enough.

I know this because I have felt enough.
I have felt overwhelmed.
For the first time, I knew what true love was all about.
Since then, not a word was spilled with ink.
I tried to gather my words
only to find out that the one who had taken them
was the love of my life.
That was when I realized,
It was she who had been my masterpiece.
An artwork where I had poured my everything.
An artwork that had come to life.
An artwork that needed no words.

We are never truly inspired until we have nothing left to say.
Until we are left in awe.
 Oct 2014 Brider Olen
There seems to be
     A sea in me,

And my ribcage is beginning to leak.
are you going to let him destroy you?
use you?
he has manipulated you
he is the poison you've been drinking
its time for rehab
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