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A simple swipe sets in motion the unexpected—sparking a deep conversation with a stranger, where dreams are shared and old wounds surface, laughter flows through written words, and suddenly, we find ourselves learning all that feels sacred to one another.

Soon, we agree to meet, to test where our lives might touch or drift apart, gazing into eyes that no longer reflect the souls behind those stories. It becomes clear—we are not who we imagined.

Then comes the hardest part: gently unraveling this fleeting connection, careful not to leave a wound. Unmatching becomes a ritual, a quiet goodbye before we return to the endless scroll, seeking something meaningful.

Dating has become a transaction, curiosity driving us to wonder what else is out there. And so, the cycle continues—swipe after swipe—hoping what we seek is more than just a distant dream.

— Sincerely, Boris
Boris Cho 15h
Today, I close a door left open wide,
But never locked, in case one day, you seek
To return to the place we called our own,
A space once shared, now distant yet near.

On my side, memories linger, healing
From the bond we nurtured, fragile yet full—
But missing still, a knock from the other side,
A sign that you remember too.

On your side, your hand lingers on the handle,
Hesitant, unsure if the past is worth revisiting,
Afraid it may remind you of a love once tender,
That slipped through our fingers like holding water in the palm of our hands.

Our hands meet—two souls on opposite sides,
Turning the **** together,
Opening the door once more.
What begins as a polite greeting
Melds into an embrace,
A hug that stretches time,
Filling the air with memories.

We are carried back,
To a time when we stood on the same side of the door,
Happy, united, alive in our shared warmth.
We leave it unlocked,
For whatever future may come.

A door is just a door—
And though we close it now,
It will never be locked,
For the love and friendship we once knew,
Still lingers, waiting, on both sides.

— Sincerely, Boris
Her intellect, an endless well of curiosity, unfolds in layers—always surprising, ever-wise. She carries a calm like the wind, her words a soothing calm to every encounter. Her presence sends ripples through my mind, lingering in the frequencies of my thoughts long after we part.

In her eyes, I see myself most clearly—my reflection brighter the nearer we stand. Those glass-like eyes, piercing and full of depth, bring me clarity with every inch we close.

Her touch, a quiet force, healing as it moves through me. It is soft and intentional, pulling me deeper into her embrace, where I never want to leave.

Her lips glisten like a secret waiting to be shared, and I’m drawn to them, wanting nothing more than to taste the moment between us.

Her voice—recognizable even from across the room—is a melody that lingers. She is a perfect harmony, a song etched into the fabric of my being, whispering of times when life was clear, pure, and full of promise.

She wears sweaters and glasses, her hair often tied in a bun. Her smile carries echoes of a younger time, an innocence and depth intertwined. Yet, every day, her beauty surpasses, not because of how she looks, but because of how effortlessly she inhabits herself, as if her presence is a kind of art no one else could recreate.

She is sharp, radiant, and endlessly fun. Her life, is her own masterpiece in progress, is the most beautiful work of art I’ve ever known.

She loves with a patient passion, a devotion that history could take notes on. To know her is to want to know her endlessly—her beauty inside and out, a universe I could explore forever.

She is everything beauty aspires to be.

She is the most beautiful woman in existence, radiant in mind, body, and soul.

— Sincerely, Boris
In the first quiet stir of morning light,
I make a solemn promise to myself,
Fifteen minutes of gratitude, a gift,
To let yesterday’s burdens dissolve away,
And welcome the new day, clean and soft.

The next quarter of the hour, I move with purpose— Making my bed, cracking eggs, waiting as the toast crisps.
I vow not to rush the ritual,
But to savor the warmth of the day’s first sip,
Knowing this moment is mine to hold.

In the next space of time, my eyelids fall,
And in the stillness, I allow my mind to rest.
I gift myself the kindness of breath,
A meditation on silence, on peace,
Each breath a tender reminder to simply be.

The final fifteen I devote to my thoughts,
Unfolding visions, dreams, and gratitude,
Mapping the horizon of what might be,
As I rise with intention,
To greet my day and its untold potential.

— Sincerely, Boris
“On this path effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure. Even a little effort toward spiritual awareness will protect you from the greatest fear.” ― Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, The Bhagavad Gita
Why does time stretch and crawl when our hearts are heavy, forcing us to linger in every aching breath, every heartbeat slowed to a painful drum beat?

How many souls across the world are moving through this endless moment, caught in the quiet waiting for time to mend the fractures of love lost?

Is this the tempo life demands we learn from, slowing the hours when we need to feel, while joy slips through our fingers like sand?

Or is it that when we are broken, we notice everything—the colors, the textures, the edges—while in happiness, we simply float, unaware of the details fading around us?

— Sincerely, Boris
Today, my heart is full of so many emotions. Wednesdays have always been my favorite, the day when Macy comes home to me, and the week feels whole again. Wednesdays carry their own magic, wrapped in love and anticipation, and today was no different. But this one is special—today, my sweet girl turns 9. Can you believe it? Nine years of you, my daughter.

When people ask me about Macy, I never run out of words. How could I? I could speak endlessly of her kindness, the way it flows effortlessly from her. Of her resilience, her bravery, the quiet courage she carries. I could talk for hours about her gentle heart, the way she treats nature and every living being with care. Or her sharp wit and playful sass, always keeping me on my toes. She’s clever beyond her years, and every day with her is a new discovery. Honestly, I could go on forever, and it still wouldn’t capture all of who she is.

Today, I’m overflowing with pride, watching the person she’s growing into, so full of light. I’m deeply grateful for everyone who’s played a part in raising her with me. Macy is a reflection of your love and kindness. But I’ll admit, there’s a quiet sadness, too — she’s growing up so fast. Yet above all, I feel blessed beyond words. I get to be Macy’s dad.

Happy 9th Birthday, Macy.
With all my love,

— Sincerely, Dad
Written on August 28, 2024
There is no better time than now to pause, to look back and honor the path that has brought me here.

For many years, I wandered lost, weighed down by a life that no longer made sense, a life that felt distant from my own heart. But in the last four years, I began the journey of reclaiming my happiness, a happiness rooted in putting myself first—nurturing my mind, body, spirit, and the love I share with my daughter.

In these years of transformation, I have emerged from a toxic, soul-wounding marriage. I’ve endured the loss of an eye, now replaced by a prosthetic, and faced the shadow of two brain aneurysms. Through it all, I held fast to hope, knowing that even in uncertainty, beauty could still flourish. Moments of falling in and out of love, of laughter shared with friends around a table, of travels that opened my spirit, and of watching my daughter bloom before my eyes—all remind me that life is an intricate dance of joy and hardship. Every lesson, every tear, every triumph is a gift I will one day pass to her.

And now, as I stand in the present moment, I am overwhelmed by gratitude—grateful to still be here, breathing, surrounded by the ones I hold dear.

As I begin another journey around the sun, I offer these words to myself and to anyone who finds them:

1. Happiness is here, now, in the present. In this moment of reflection, I am filled with joy, and I wish the same for all who read this.

2. Cherish each breath. Let meditation be your guide. In the simple act of breathing in and out, we find our way back to ourselves, to the present where life unfolds.

3. The world can be dark and frightening, but awareness opens the path to light. By staying mindful of the problems facing our planet, we can respond with compassion, knowing how to help and when to protect.

4. Practice mindfulness in each passing moment. In doing so, we cultivate peace—within ourselves and for others. Be a protector of peace, for yourself and for those in need.

So, with this next journey, I make a promise to myself: I will embrace the present with open arms. I will let the sun’s warmth rest on my skin more often. I will read more beautiful words, love more deeply, and savor every precious moment that this life gifts me.

— Sincerely, Boris
Written on August 27, 2024
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