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516 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
He was always seeking approval.
But at the end of every week,
He was still unaccepted.
504 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
Why am I addicted,
To the thing that causes me the most pain?
498 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
Music is a refuge
A sanctuary
From the people looking down on you with disdain
From the worlds pain
From the people driving you insane
From the things worse than *******

From the people you can't trust
From the ones seeing only disgust
From the things you wish you wouldn't have discussed
From the moment you think you might combust

From the anxiety
From the peoples mood variety
From the bad notoriety
From the loss of sobriety
Music heals all
332 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
When you move
My heart will miss
You're amazing kiss
It will always approve
Of your love

When you leave
My body will ache
For goodness sake
It will grieve
For your touch

When you bid farewell
I'll surely miss you
My mind and soul will be thrown askew
I won't be well
For I will never desire someone more than you, Daisy

I love you
309 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
You never forget the aroma
Of your true love
285 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
You used too love me.
I was enthralled with your body.
I wanted you more than life.
But when I got you, you used me.
Once you left me, you ignored me.
I thought we could do this long distance thing.
I actually thought we could be together for years.
You wished me the best,
But I'm left in tears.
283 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have
                                 ~Joyce Mayers
262 · Nov 2019
Quinlyn Nov 2019
Oh how things can change
In a matter of months
My feelings rearranged

I was desperate after losing Daisy
I was in a frenzy of love
You made me crazy

But suddenly something flipped
It's impossible to explain
My love for you just ripped
And was thrown down the drain

one day things started to go down
I know you realize this
It leaves us both in a frown

I'm not sure of what is to come
But know that this heatbreak
Also makes me numb
209 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
You can't recycle
waisted time
205 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
I was always told that I can do anything I want if I put my mind to it.
But I swear, everything I work hard at ends up in flames.
197 · Feb 2019
Not Good For Me
Quinlyn Feb 2019
You're confusing
Always abusing-
My heart, My emotions , My time
It's bad how when I started dating you, I ended up losing-
The good Christian boy I used to be.
Can't you see?
You're not good for me.
196 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
I thought they were okay,
They hadn't argued in years.
Until one phone call in the night from him,
Left her in tears.
170 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
All good things must end
That includes our little love story
I wish I could pretend
that we could work

I've tried to unbend
Our crooked relationship
I can't possibly comprehend
What you'll do with other guys

This trend
Of constant disparity
I could never amend
I always hurt

I lied when I said you didn't hurt me
So many times I was left in agony
But for some reason, I could never flee

You were mesmerizing
I couldn't let you go
Nobody's ever loved me as you did
You led me on in your hypnotic flow

You make me feel better than any other guy
You make feel stupid for staying with you

I love it when you say you love me
I know you're still thinking about other guys

Say you won't find anyone better
You must not know how beautiful you are

Say 'I'm yours'
You've cheated could do it again

All good things must come to an end
164 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
Our future...
Could we have had one?
Or did it just burst asunder
When you left

Was it all a lie?...
When you wouldn't talk...
I fell apart in a sigh
Sometimes I doubted your commitment

If I doubted you when you were with me..
How can I trust, when you are away
Did you play me like a DVD?
I was YOUR crutch, helping mend YOUR problems

But I'm still in love with you
I loved your hue
Or was I lying to myself...

Will I ever see you again?
Is my heart set to grieve?
Or did you just deceive
When you said I was your love
161 · Feb 2019
My life
Quinlyn Feb 2019
My life is boring
I have few friends
I spend my life adoring
While everyone else transcends

I'm an introvert
I'm selectively social
I'm covert
I'm anti social

Unsatisfied with my life
I have it all, yet so little
I look back on myself with strife
I'm lame and I'll never change a bit or tittle

I never hang out
I live day by day
My life is dried out like a drought
I wish I could just run away

I won't do anything stupid
I'm not psychotic
It's just really complicated
Maybe even chaotic

I'm never content
Always wanting more
Never satisfied
I abhor-my life
158 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
You rarely leave my mind.
My thoughts are signed-by our time together.
You were my everything, you left.
Now what do I do?
The center of my mind was you!
And that was okay because you were mine.
But we are nothing now, so I'm forced to realign-my thoughts.
I want too text you, but I'll end up getting hurt. Waiting for a response, it puts my on high alert.
Anxious about what will be said.
How are you handling this?
I imagine you don't care, you threw our past into the abyss.
You will move on, you've had more 'loves' before. Pass your love off like a baton. You don't want me anymore.
155 · Feb 2019
Moving on..
Quinlyn Feb 2019
There has to be someone else.
Someone that can mend my broken heart and part my love for you.
Only another can help me recover.
Another girl just as beautiful, or even more.
Someone too make my heart soar above reality and uplift my vitality.
Someone who can say sweet things and make my heart drop, and just fill me to the top.
Someone who appreciates me for me, and doesn't want me to change.
Someone who looks into my eyes, then smiles, and never stops.
Someone who I can look at and say "my love for you will never decay."
Someone who will never doubt our relationship and never make me doubt it.
Someone who I can always talk too, a friend.
Someone I won't have to pretend-to love.
144 · Feb 2019
Our Universe
Quinlyn Feb 2019
Your lips
They're pristine
Better than fine cuisine
I love it when they convene-with mine

I could kiss you all day
Finesse your body
Hold your hand

Your lips are big
They just feel so good

Your cute cheeks get red
Your leg quivers
Nothing is said
So much occurs

All thoughts go away
Just me and you
In a universe of our own
No cares
No worries
No red flares
Just our love
124 · Feb 2019
Quinlyn Feb 2019
When will I get over you?
Constantly reminiscing over our good moments,
The intimate times.
I'll always prefer-to be with you.

I remember your lips,
Your hands,
Everyone misunderstands,
I was truly in love

In love with your body,
Your ability to take charge,
Your beautiful face,
Your amazing aroma.

Your awesomeness would put me in a coma
It was only you.

I wish we were older so we could be together,
Would you want that?
We could always be alone..
But I can't keep dreaming about that..

These fantasies,
Changing my mentality,
Haunting me because I know they aren't reality,
Ruining my vitality.

I push away the thoughts.
I drive away the sadness.
But you always appear in my mind,
So many things remind me of our bond.

I wake up and immediately think of you.
There's so many things I wish I could undo.

I go too sleep reflecting on our past.
I'm Depressed, because I know we couldn't last.
118 · Feb 2019
Fake face
Quinlyn Feb 2019
I'll put my fake face on.
Ask me how my day goes I'll say "good" or "meh", but really I've been sad since the crack of dawn.

— The End —