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 Oct 2015 Arabella
I refuse to fall in love.
And even though I fall
Into a beautiful trance whenever I gaze
Into his alluring eyes,
I will not fall in love.
Even though I can talk to him
For hours on end
Without ever getting bored,
I cannot be in love.
His dark hair
His handsome smile
His jovial laugh
The way he makes me feel complete....
I still refuse to admit that I do indeed love him.
For someone truly special to me....
 May 2015 Arabella
You used to be so innocent

Never questioning why your brother was gone for weeks
Why mom and dad weren't talking
Why your teachers always gave you such sad looks

You miss the days when your biggest problem was getting the wrong ice cream
Not making it seem as if nothing is wrong
Putting up a false front
Trying to please others

You miss the days when your parents made friends for you
Not how you walk through the halls alone
Keeping your head down
Hoping not to see the looks you know you’re receiving

Nights spent alone
Having no one to turn to

You miss the days when everything seemed so perfect
When you didn't shake in terror at the mere thought of school
Having to deal with everyone
Acting as if you’re okay

You miss the days when you were innocent
 May 2015 Arabella
I looked over, and by chance
I saw you
You came to visit our school for the day
Because you were thinking about moving there
I thought you were pretty attractive
But I knew you would never think that of me
I started being nice to you, because of the kindness in my heart
Like when you smiled at me, I smiled back
And even when you couldn't find the restrooms, I showed you
When J came up to say "hi", I introduced you
Little did we know that we would become best friends
Let a year go by, and I'm in sixth grade with J
You were in seventh, but we still had class
You told stories of how you came to this world, and saw J
A little poor boy on the side of the river, his eyes a light blue
You said you adopted J, then went out for more exploring
About a month later, you said, is when you saw me
A little imp, lost and confused, with gleaming grey eyes
You said that's how we became family
J and I, brother and sister,
While you were the father holding us together
But you knew that wasn't true
You knew that it was really I who was the glue between us
Holding together the girl who acted like a boy,
The kind and gentle Californian-looking boy,
And yourself, the obnoxious but sweet new kid
But we were inseparable, no  matter the differences
Skip another year ahead, when J and I were in seventh
And you were in eighth, the last year of the school
We tried to make it work
But alas, we were doomed to shatter
I was a girl
J a boy and you a boy
It would never last forever
We were still friends, but no longer "the trio of classmates"
No longer best friends
And as you graduated, I could hardly keep my tears from flowing
J squeezed my arm, too sad to have sanity
Before you left the building,
You engulfed us in one last group hug
Before walking into the future
Leaving J and I behind, forever
The year after, it didn't feel the same
There was always a hole in my heart,
Yelling because I had lost a part of me
I had lost one of my best friends
To W. I will never forget you, and I hope you do well in life. Maybe we will meet again.
 May 2015 Arabella
They say I'm too young

Too young to chase after my dreams
Too young to try and make a difference
Too young to be a leader

They say, "leave it for the adults", but I am one in my mind

Too young to help
Too young to try and do good
Too young to be brave

But no matter what they say,

I am never too young to dream
For the dreamers!
 May 2015 Arabella
I have a little secret
That's not ***** nor scandalous
It's just a little shadow
That follows me everywhere I go

I do not get afraid,
But I do have a fear.
It is like an annoying person...
That you want to hit in the face with a brick

I push it down and crumple it up
But it keeps coming back to me.

Now, as you may have noticed,
I have not said one thing about what my fear is
But you have to remember
That it is my secret fear

And secret secrets are no fun
Unless you tell
No one.
Haha! Suspense! I MIGHT write a poem about what the fear actually is, but I don't know.
 May 2015 Arabella
My Soul
 May 2015 Arabella
What is my soul?
An indiscernible force?
Or is it just nonexistent?

I love the snow - maybe that is my soul
But then again, maybe not
For I am not as cold as a mid-winter blizzard

Maybe water is my soul
I am naive and I can easily elude
But water is not my soul - my emotions are as hard as rock

Maybe a rock!
Ah yes, a rock! A rock is my soul!
But, then again, I have some feelings (I hope)

After many moons of thinking,
I may have come to a conclusion
Of what my soul really is

My soul is fire
My spirit burns bright
My determination never-ending

I have my soul
But what is yours?
Please tell me, before my flame goes.
A weird idea that I had. Now that I read it again, I realize that it got pretty dark at the end.
 May 2015 Arabella
 May 2015 Arabella
5 steps to walk out of the room.
23 steps to make it to the front door.
2 steps to be one with the wind.
1 step to follow a dream.

5 times you fell.
23 times you didn't believe.
2 times you almost did.
1 time you gave up.

5 ways to handle this.
23 ways to make an excuse.
2 times to get rejected.
1 time to put it to sleep

31 roads and excuses to no where
everyone needs happiness it keeps us all alive
puts a smile upon your face helps your life to thrive.

helps you carry on keeps your life so bright
takes away the sadness and fills you with delight.

fills you up with joy makes life seem worthwhile
all you need is happiness and great big smile
 Apr 2015 Arabella
Chloe Nicole
 Apr 2015 Arabella
Chloe Nicole
When I see you,
The memories come flooding back,
And they drown me.
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