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3.0k · Jan 2015
It’s not yet time, but I can feel it coming my way
I’m regretting this already, with each aching day
It’s like this huge beast that I simply can’t defeat
Yet without it I am utterly incomplete

I can’t help feeling this way; you can’t blame me for the dark
That deep, seething rage that always leaves its mark
Just close in one the pain and let it all repeat
But without it I am utterly incomplete.

And the songs of the black whisper well into the night
Yet I revel in its presence and welcome its sight
And if this is how it ends, then its no great feat
For I know that finally I will be complete
2.4k · Mar 2015
Spool of grief
She spent all her time
Knitting with crimson wool
Because there was nothing more tragically
Than unfurling grief
Into woven harmony.
1.7k · Mar 2015
It wasn't until her fingertips bled
Against her raw, numb skin
That she realised that her pain was
Not superficial
Carved across her bones and
Etched into her veins
1.0k · Oct 2014
It’s the same thing over and over again
Bright lights, silhouettes, graves of the rain
Drink in the woes, shut out the pain
But she can’t stop, it drives her insane

Running through the fog; she can’t reach the other side
Running off a cliff; she’s empty inside
And the waves don’t call her home to rest forever more
Stuck in wisps of smoke with nothing to root for

But the words will guide her through chimes of the night
The words will linger to move her to the light
And they will whisper in her ear to fly
To the woven glades of life, up in the sky
And radiant suns beckon her into their embrace
Finally, the spirit of faith has found her place.
816 · Sep 2014
it's cold outside and i can't feel a thing
i'm numb from the pain this nightmare brings
i shut my eyes, i don't open them, not just yet
there are my demons and savages i haven't met

it's dark in here, i can't see the light
where is my angel to guide me through the night?
i'm just going to let my walls break away
i've got nothing to lose if i don't live to see the day.

there's no where i can hide now, nowhere i can go
where's the path in life when my dreams will grow?
i've lost my way and can't get through
resort to my demons
it's all i can do.
796 · Aug 2015
people really should stop building homes out of bones. when all you're left with are tears and blood, and your memories slowly seep into your veins until you can't bear to think of them at all unless it means ripping apart yourself, that's when you know that not enough humans in this world realize that their words are knives that penetrate your spines and shatter your skulls and your head can't hold any of the dark anymore and you'll shut your eyes tight hoping you'll wake up and it'll all be gone but it won't, it won't and you'll feel the familiar pangs of remorse through the spaces between your fingers and the tips of your hair and it will ache everywhere and that's when you'll need you the most because face it, nobody is going to hold you up better than yourself and it's high time you realized that.
782 · Mar 2015
I want to heal, but how can i swallow the stars if I'm already choking on the ashes of his love?
The blood of his voice is seeping into my wounds and I can't breathe. He's gone ahead and set fire to my ribs that once used to embrace his butterflies.

Sometimes all it takes is time.
708 · Mar 2015
His eyes are all i see when i shut mine. I wish the dark would hold me closer than he ever could and seep into my fingernails to stop me from biting them to fragments. And on silent nights, even if stop paying attention to the ticking of the blue wall clock and shut out sound, i can still hear his heat beat in a rhythm that leaves me yearning to tear down my walls and build up a fort to stop myself from missing him.
511 · Sep 2014
She said she was over that. But I knew  she remembered every single detail, everything just the way it was. The smell of coffee in the room, the colour of his skin, just greying and almost withering away, and the pattern of the curtain that hid the world from his dying breath. She said she was over that, but at night she breaks down and weeps and all the strings inside of her break down and I can feel her crying even though she thinks I'm asleep, and her tears burn her skin and she whispers his name in an earnest effort to bring him back from the embrace of death but she knows he can't find his way back and her eyes cannot hold any more sadness than it already does. She says she's over that. But I know better.

— The End —