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43.7k · Jan 2011
The Moon and the Sun
The Sun shines,
the fog blinds,
together they make,
a rainbow in the sky.

The Moon stares,
into a lake,
and wonders why,
he's a big mistake.

Why can't he be the Sun,
and light up the day.
Why can't he be the one,
to make the bad go away.

Why can't he be the light,
that brightens everyones day.
Instead he sits in the night,
wishing the Sun would go away.

The Moon glows,
the stars show,
a pattern of love,
that lights the Earth below.

To himself,
the Sun confides,
that he wishes,
he controlled the tides.

Why can't he be the Moon,
and turn darkness into light.
Why can't he be the one,
to light up the great night.

Why can't he have the grace,
of being with the stars.
Instead he sits up in space,
wishing he could take his place.

But what they both don't know is,
they need each other.
What they both don't know is,
that they are brothers.

We live in jealousy,
envying each other.
Please, just be thankful,
and happy for others.

The Sun needs the Moon,
to keep the night lit bright.
The Moon needs the Sun,
to produce his shining light.

The Sun needs the Moon,
and the Moon needs the Sun.
If they work together,
they can be one.

If they work together,
they can be one.
if they work together,
they will be one.

If we work together,
we could be one.
If we work together,
we will be one.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
19.6k · Aug 2012
Haiku #3
In one ear and out.
The average American.
We're oblivious.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
14.5k · Aug 2012
Haiku #2
Greedy CEO's,
mindlessly hoarding money,
as the poor suffer.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
13.8k · Aug 2012
Haiku #1
Industrial love,
western manufacturers,
they **** us over.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio - This is the first of 54 haiku's I wrote while on a Haiku frenzy. Bare with me.
13.0k · Apr 2012
It was a cold, wintry December day.
I was at home,
sitting by the fire.
The fire was hot,
but from where I sat,
it felt like a warm blanket.
my ******* started to lactate,
I did not know what was going on.
I lifted up my soaking wet shirt,
and put my hands over my *******,
in an attempt to stop the lactating,
but it did not work.
And then,
it stopped.
I squeezed my *******,
to see if they would lactate again,
but nothing happened.
I went to bed,
hoping this nightmare would be over in the morning.
But it wasn't.
When I woke up,
I went into the bathroom to perform my daily morning activities,
when I realized something on my chest.
A third ******!
I tried to rip it off,
but I couldn't.
Later that day,
at dinner,
I was eating a juicy, tender steak,
when suddenly,
all three of my ******* began to lactate!
I tried to stop them,
for they were lactating all over my steak.
Then, like before,
it stopped.
This proceeded for many days.
I woke up with another ******,
and everyday around six o'clock,
they would all lactate,
until one day,
the unthinkable happened.
I woke up.
I could not move.
I had no legs.
No arms.
I was a giant ******.
"NO!" I screamed.
as usual,
I began to lactate,
and then I exploded.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
12.7k · Mar 2014
His Father's Gun
He never felt more power,
He never felt so invincible.
He never felt this feeling,
when holding something so simple.

He never in his life,
wanted to **** someone.
That was until,
he held his fathers gun.

Found it in his dresser,
under layers of underwear.
Behind the eyes that only stared,
was a machine in need of repair.

He picked it up with care,
and held it in his hands.
He felt his mind turning,
thinking, plotting, yearning.

Yearning for attention,
he didn't get from mom and dad.
No friends, no love, nothing at all,
he took the gun and ran.

He knew what he was going to do,
make the his parents and the bullies pay.
So he waited,
waited till the next day.

And when the school bell rang,
on a new day,
as the kids ran in from the playground,
he waited.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
11.8k · Oct 2014
I can feel you,
radiating unto me.

Love and pain,
we go unseen.

You're my plutonium,
my queen.

I'm nothing,
a dying ****,

Pull me up,
roots and all please.

In the hole,
plant a seed.

Watch it grow,
watch it bleed.

Heal its wounds,
make it believe,
then toss it aside,
when it becomes a ****,
like me.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
8.5k · Sep 2011
Please Comeback
Please comeback,
and help heal these scars.
Please comeback,
I need back my heart.

Please comeback,
can we restart?

Please comeback,
you don't have a clue.
Please comeback,
can't live without you.

Please comeback,
we have much to do.

Please, comeback.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
6.7k · Sep 2011
Mother Nature
The crimes we committed against nature,
mother nature,
please, forgive us.

The crimes we committed against the land,
mother nature,
please, forgive us.

We murdered and ***** the forests,
for the development of polluted cities.
We did not care,
until it was to late.

The damage was done.
The damage is done.

We act before we think,
a common human error.
Nothing new,
but it’s becoming an issue.

Mother nature,
please, forgive us.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio- From Traveling Through Time
6.2k · Sep 2011
Over Population
At first we had to,

Then we had to,

We had too many babies,
too, too many babies,
too, too many babies.
Too many babies,
too, too many babies,
too, too many babies.

Now the government has to,
the population!
The over population!
The over populated population!
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio- From Traveling Through Time
Politicians are corrupt,
Americans have had enough,
politicians are corrupt.

Politicians are corrupt,
Americans have had enough,
politicians are corrupt.

We don't need your resolution,
we don't want your final solution,
we just need a revolution, an evolution.
We've waited for far too long,
and watched you do so much wrong.
It's time for us to help ourselves,
help ourselves.

Declare freedom upon the land,
show it's not controlled by man,
declare freedom upon the land.

Declare freedom upon the land,
show it's not controlled by man,
declare freedom upon the land.

We don't need your resolution,
we don't want your final solution,
we just need a revolution, an evolution.
We've waited for far too long,
and watched you do so much wrong.
It's time for us to help ourselves,
help ourselves.

Recognize a genocide,
show that peace is on the rise,
recognize all genocides.

Recognize a genocide,
show that peace is on the rise,
recognize all genocides.

We don't need your resolution,
we don't want your final solution,
we just need a revolution, an evolution.
We've waited for far too long,
and watched you do so much wrong.
It's time for us to help ourselves,
help ourselves.

The evolution of a revolution,
the evolution of a revolution,
the evolution of a revolution.

The evolution of a revolution,
the evolution of a revolution,
the evolution of a revolution.

We've waited for far too long,
and watched you do so much wrong.
It's time for us to help ourselves,
time for us to save ourselves.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Originally a song, but I decided to use it in my final countdown before my hiatus.
5.7k · Dec 2011
The White Clan
A white man,
he made a plan,
to make a clan,
only white man.

And this white man,
he made a plan,
to rule the land,
with his white clan.

In a world of fools,
racism rules.
It's for the weak mind,
the bane of mankind.

The KKK,
that was their name,
they showed no shame,
enjoyed their game.

Enjoyed their fame,
they received for their game,
and they showed no shame,
the KKK.

In a world of fools,
racism rules.
It's for the weak mind,
the bane of mankind.

Society has gone too far,
racism is all wrong.
Society has gone too far,
racism is all wrong.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
5.6k · Jun 2012
Rough Seas
Love is deep,
deeper than the sea,
and is as rough,
as the waves.

It has no limits,
no boundaries,
and it moves,
through you and me.

The oceans waves will tear our ship apart.
But we keep on sailing,
we knew the risks from the start.

Our sail is torn,
mast snapped in half,
but we still follow,
our charted path.

I can see,
bright skies ahead,
rest easy my love,
we are not dead.

The oceans waves will tear our ship apart.
But we keep on sailing,
we knew the risks from the start.

The sunshine will lead us to promised land.
Lead us down the right path,
take my hand.

The sunshine deceived both of us today.
The seas are still rough,
led us the wrong way.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
4.6k · Jul 2013
Onion Ring
My wallet is empty,
all it holds is an onion from an onion ring,
and I couldn't be any happier.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
4.3k · Oct 2012
The Harvesters
Destroying the ecosystem,
we ravage the land.
We take what we want,
because we are man.

It starts with one tree,
one thing leads to another.
Then the whole ******* forest,
Mother Nature, we love her.

She makes us money,
so we continue to **** her.
We take the land, her body,
and turn it to paper.

And her blood, her rich blood,
we drill deep, to the core.
No matter how much we get,
we always go back for more.

We harvest her organs,
with our metal machines.
We take what we want,
not what we need.

We are the men,
destroying our ecosystem.

We are tyrants,
but we can't live without Mother Nature.

She is so beautiful,
full of life,
she has so much to give.
But we think that means to take,
until she's *****,
till she dies.
But although we bound her,
she will always be stronger,
then you and me.

We are the harvesters.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
4.3k · Apr 2012
Goat Blood
It was a Friday night,
I was on the phone with my grandmother when I looked at the clock suddenly remembered,
it was time for the ritual.
I immediately hung up on my grandmother,
and stripped of my clothing.
The ritual required I be naked.
I then took some goat cheese out of my refrigerator,
and put it in the microwave.
I waited.
The goat cheese seemed like it took forever to melt,
but it only took a few minutes.
In those few minutes,
I just sat there,
and played with my left ******.
Finally, the timer went off,
and it was done.
I took the melted goat cheese,
and poured it onto my body.
It burned,
but I suffered through it.
I would do anything for the Goat Gods.
Once the melted goat cheese was poured onto my body,
I began to lather myself in it.
Soon, I was covered in melted goat cheese.
The smell,
was horrendous,
but in a way,
I enjoyed it.
Then, I removed the goat blood from my refrigerator,
and poured it into a ***,
which had been on the oven all day,
I began to boil the goat blood.
I took a sip of it.
"No" I said as a shook my head in disappointment.
I had been ripped off again by my goat blood dealer.
There was no flavoring in it.
It tasted like goat blood.
So I threw in some carrots,
and a dollop of horse radish.
While it was boiling,
I went to my bedroom,
to my closet,
where I found my goat mask.
A real goats head I had carved out and made into a mask.
I put it on.
When I had it on,
I felt like one with the Goat Gods.
When I returned,
the goat blood was done.
I poured it into a Tupperware container,
sealed it,
and put on my shoes.
By now,
the once hot and slimy goat cheese,
was dried,
and stuck to my body.
It was crusty,
like the crusties you get in your eyes,
just all over your body.
I walked out the front door,
across the street,
to my neighbors house.
I tried to open the front door.
They knew I was coming this time.
Last week,
they forgot.
So I left the goat blood on their front steps,
and left.
When I got home,
I immediately went to the TV,
sat down,
and turned on "Antique Roadshow".
I looked out my window,
and saw my nervous neighbor grab the goat blood,
and bring it inside.
"Soon they will join the Goat Side" I said as I repeated it to myself, "Soon they will join the Goat Side".
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
4.3k · Jul 2015
Event Horizon
Marble skies roll over golden fields,
in the silent winds, whispers travel to the ears.
Their faces are free, painted with joy,
under the setting sun.

Born on rocks and forged with hate,
their worlds collide and separate,
and now they find themselves sown together,
under the setting sun.

Warm air swirls and curls and flows,
down from the sky, and through their bones,
waiting for an event horizon,
they feel the setting sun.

Gods are known to tear apart,
the sacred chains that bind two hearts,
but nothing can stop their everlasting love,
under the setting sun.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
4.2k · Apr 2012
The Rocking Chair
Do you see that rocking chair,
rocking on the front porch?
Unsteady, creaking, rotted wood,
rocking back and forth.

Do you see that elderly man,
sitting in that rocking chair?
Fragile, old, withering away,
running his hand through his grey hair.

Do you know that elderly man,
and what he's done for our country?
Fought, killed, risked his life,
all for the "Land of the Free".

Do you feel for that elderly man,
sitting alone on his front porch?
Has no family, no wife, no kids,
no one to carry his torch.

Where did that elderly man go?
For sale sign in the front yard.
Heart attack? Seizure? No, suicide.
Looks like living got too hard.

Do you see that rocking chair,
rocking on the front porch?
Unsteady, creaking, rotted wood,
alone it rocks,
back and forth.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I wish you were here tonight,
the stars are peering through the clouds,
it just finished down pouring out,
you can smell the pavement.

I'm cruising down I-93,
there's a blazing red, smoldering on the horizon,
probably just light pollution,
but it's burning up the sky,
burning it alive,
and it fades into the black night,
like the fire in your eyes,
only not as bright.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
4.0k · Apr 2018
Motel Rwanda
Rainy nights thinking about Rwanda,
fog seeps out of the woods.
Like smoke, it crawls across the fields.
My head lights attempt to cut through it,
as it intensifies, inhibiting my drive,
but it’s nothing compared to Rwanda.

I arrive at the Mobil,
wait five minutes for the cashier to notice I’m here.
When she does, she hobbles over.
I attempt to buy a pack of backwoods,
my card gets declined,
but it’s nothing compared to Rwanda.

I get in my car,
and have a fit when I can’t find my keys,
but it’s nothing compared to Rwanda.

I begin to drive,
get cut off and curse fellow man,
but it’s nothing compared to Rwanda.

I ***** and I moan,
an entitled little ****,
but I’m alive,

which many can’t say after Rwanda.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio

I wrote this after watching Hotel Rwanda one night. The title comes from the idea that a motel is a lesser version of a hotel, and my problems are much lesser than the people of Rwandas are, along with many others who experience such brutal violence. Let me know what you think, and if the title works. Thanks!
3.8k · May 2012
The degression,
of my progression,
shows I'm suddenly losing steam.

This here disease,
is killing me,
and I can't fight off this cancer.

I am willing,
to fight this killing,
but will power,
ain't enough.

So I'll sit here,
and fight the fear,
of dying,
and of suffering,
through it all.
through it all.

My life bleeds,
as this disease,
slowly eats me whole.

From the inside,
to the outside,
there's no escape from being devoured.

So I'll sit here,
and fight the fear,
of dying,
and of suffering,
through it all.
through it all.

I surrender,
to the illness,
and it takes control.

I'll just lay here,
no longer fear,
because I'm gone.

Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
3.8k · Sep 2011
Fears! and Phobias!
on your self-conscious mind.
Like rain,
you can’t even tell time.

more than ever before.
you can’t take this anymore.

Fears! and phobias!
Lost and you don’t know which way to turn,
your body begins to burn.
Fears! and phobias!
Hopefully someday you’ll finally learn,
how to handle this burn.

tearing yourself apart.
is your innocent heart.

you don’t know what to do.
The truth is,
you have nothing to lose.

Fears! and phobias!
Lost and you don’t know which way to turn,
your body begins to burn.
Fears! and phobias!
Hopefully someday you’ll finally learn,
how to handle this burn.

Handle this burn,
someday you’ll finally learn,
how to handle this burn.
You’ll finally learn,
how to handle this burn.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio- From Traveling Through Time
3.7k · Jul 2011
Can we see,
or have we lost sight,
of what is wrong,
and what is right.

Are we lost,
or do we know,
where we are,
and where to go.

and temptation,
both lead you,
to a damnation.

A clear mind,
attempts salvation,
of your thought,
and your temptation.

Are we blind,
to all the lies,
we despise.

Feeding them,
giving them,
our money.

and temptation,
both lead you,
to a damnation.

A clear mind,
attempts salvation,
of your thought,
and your temptation.

Why are we giving them,
our hard earned money?
For them to horde away,
in endless bank accounts.
For them to use,
against us.
Dangling it above our heads,
giving them power!

and temptation,
both lead us,
to our damnation.

A clear mind,
attempts salvation,
of our thought,
and our temptation.

Stop giving them money,
that's what they want.
Stop giving them power,
that's what they need.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
3.6k · Mar 2011
Watching Genocide
Debates, filled with hate,
candidates, go irate.
Put it on national television,
for everyone to see.
Make a disgrace,
of our beloved country.

News lies,
babies cry,
watching innocent people die.
The world falls apart in front of your face,
with issues like the economy, borders, and race.

The news lies,
babies cry,
watch our innocent people die.
The world falls apart in front of your face,
with issues like the economy, borders, and race.

******, scams, and robbery,
all over the **** TV.
Bias reports on politics,
this is how we get our kicks.

Violence, lies, and trickery,
overload the dying TV.
You will soon find,
they’re hypnotizing our weak minds.

News lies,
babies cry,
watching innocent people die.
The world falls apart in front of your face,
with issues like the economy, borders, and race.

The news lies,
babies cry,
watch our innocent people die.
The world falls apart in front of your face,
with issues like the economy, borders, and race.

Don’t try to misguide,
the evidence we provide.
Don’t try to hide,
your disgusting genocide.

Don’t try to hide,
don’t hide,
don’t hide,
don’t hide,
don’t hide,
don’t hide,
don’t hide,
your nationwide genocide.
Genocide, genocide

News lies,
babies cry,
watch those innocent people die.
Stand to the side,
watch a genocide.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio- From Traveling Through Time
3.5k · Jul 2011
Sunday Night
She says, "Give it to me",
so I do.
She says, "Do it harder",
so I did.
She commands, "Go faster",
I obey.
She begins to moan,
as she smiles.
This is it,
a Sunday night,
a holy day.
She begs for more,
Then I ******.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
3.3k · Jan 2013
Everything About You
I must be quite frank,
that when I see your face,
I am filled with delight,
and literally melt inside.

You're beautiful blue eyes,
make me tingle inside,
from my head to my toes,
and even in my nose.

And when I hold you in my arms,
with your body close to mine,
I wonder in my mind,
why are you with me?

How did pure perfection,
end up in my arms?
And how did someone as stunning as you,
end up with me, a loser?

Truth be told,
you are gorgeous,
you are brilliant,
you are perfect.

Everything about you,
from your hands to your feet,
to your cute voice,
which I find so sweet.

Everything about you,
I find to be amazing,
or perfect in some way,
I promise, it's true.

So take this to heart,
when I tell you,
I truly love you,
and that is the truth.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
In the shambles of the homestead,
broken light fights through the snowfall.
There's a fire burning so strong,
you can feel it from beneath the rubble.

Black sunlight shrouds the corpse of the Son,
a catalyst of things to come,
he lay like a silhouette against a blanket of snow,
breath comes out like plumes of smoke.

The tears freeze in his bloodshot eyes,
blood outlines his body,
as he watches for the stars,
twinkling in his frozen eyes.

And it's up in flames,
a catalyst of things to come,
a fire burning out of control,
is it in the rubble or in his heart?
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
The wind, it whispers like a choir of hags,
under the light of the moonbeams,
there lay a broken child.
In his filth, he mutters,
in his dirt, he shudders,
so quick to judge we are,
the Prodigy Son.

Crackling trees and dried up leaves,
under the light of the moonbeams,
they shelter the child.
It cannot be said,
that the everlasting dead,
can't raise the living youth,
and show them how to be alive.

Out of the furnace and into the fire,
one mans plight is another mans pleasure.
Buried beneath garbage, recycled from his head,
his undeniable will is hard to measure.

The chatter is growing louder,
among the who's and what's,
the where's and when's,
the how's and why's,
they're racing round,
throwing sand,
throwing stones,
blasting the boy,
the fears he holds,
the anger he stores,
they set the trees on fire,
the dry leaves burn ten fold,
it's a hot box,
a red hot forge,
it melts his skin and bones,
then dies as quick as it caught,
and from the ashes, the Imperfect Son is born.

Rising above the smoldering orange embers,
under the white light of the moonbeams,
there stands the Imperfect Son,
and he washes his hands with mud.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
3.1k · Dec 2012
War is Suicide
War is a suicide,
of the body and the mind,
releasing spirits to the sky,
war is a suicide.

War is a suicide,
a fatal sacrifice,
of a life.

When all the stars align,
will we realize,
that it is time,
to end war.

How can man,
sacrifice his life,
for a falling mankind.

How can man,
risk it all,
just to fall.

War is a suicide,
a fatal sacrifice,
of a life.

When all the stars align,
will we realize,
that it is time,
to end war.

We're hungry for war,
we're hungry for more,
we're hungry for gore.

We're the mass murderers,
we're the world killers,
we're the war mongers.

How can man,
sacrifice his life,
for a falling mankind.

How can man,
risk it all,
just for the great fall.

War is a suicide,
a fatal sacrifice,
of a life.

When all the stars align,
will we realize,
that it is time,
to end war.

War is a suicide,
of the body and the mind,
releasing spirits to the sky,
war is a suicide.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
3.1k · Aug 2015
On the border of unknown,
waves crash into shore.
The waters chill grabs my ankles, like a ball and chain.

Somewhere in the infinite,
there's not a single sound.
But right now on this beach there's something singing underground.

The vastness of the ocean,
it's something we can't see.
It stretches far beyond the likes of infinity.

And while I stand here straddling,
the known and the unknown,
I hope you hear the songs I sing for those I used to know.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
3.1k · Jul 2011
Opposites attract,
the loving dove.
Rules of magnetics,
that apply to love.

The north and the south,
are no different.
Other than their names,
which are irrelevant.

Magnets never fail,
magnets never die.
As will our love,
as will you and I.

I am finally here,
I am here to stay.
I will give you the love you deserve,
always, everyday.

Magnets can't attract,
when they're far apart.
But we're always together,
inside our hearts.

The strength of a magnet,
cannot be compared,
to our love,
for our love is rare.

Magnets never fail,
magnets never die.
As will our love,
as will you and I.

I am finally here,
I am here to stay.
I will give you the love you deserve,
always, everyday.

But unlike our love,
anything can get,
in between the connection,
of a magnet.

Forever and always,
always and forever.
When will we see the end,
never, we will never.

Magnets never fail,
magnets never die.
As will our love,
as will you and I.

I am finally here,
I am here to stay.
I will give you the love you deserve,
always, everyday.

Magnets can't attract,
when they're far apart.
But we're always together,
inside our hearts.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
3.0k · Oct 2011
Imagine a world,
with no Holocaust.
Imagine a world,
where no soul is lost.

Imagine a world,
where nobody cries.
We only need to,
when somebody dies.

a new world,
the new world.

the strength of,
the worlds love.

Imagine a world,
where all love is strong.
Imagine a world,
where no one does wrong.

Imagine a world,
where nobody lies,
and everyone loves,
each day they're alive.

a new world,
the new world.

the strength of,
the worlds love.

Imagine a world,
where there is no war.
Imagine that world,
no one serves a tour.

Imagine a world,
where peace rules the streets,
and we learn to love,
everyone we meet.

This can be our world,
only if we try.
We can live in peace,
or we can choose to die.

a new world,
the new world.

the strength of,
the worlds love.

the flight of,
a white dove.

the strength of,
the worlds love.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
3.0k · Feb 2012
Traveled across the world,
traveled to see my baby girl.
My one and only love,
sent down from the heavens above.

Our love was perfect,
nothing could hurt it.
So we traveled the world,
traveled with my baby girl.

Do you remember our love?
Do you remember the morning sun?
Do you remember Venice,
do you remember our final kiss?

Spent our lives together,
for what felt like forever.
But forever wasn't enough,
when the going got tough.

You gave up on me,.
in Venice, Italy.
Spent our lives together,
a wasted forever.

Do you remember our love?
Do you remember the morning sun?
Do you remember Venice,
do you remember our final kiss?
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.8k · Dec 2013
The jagged teeth in my flesh,
is this what you did to the rest?
**** and twist till my flesh tears,
grab and pull out all my hair.

A cannibal, you rip me to pieces,
and I'm here hoping the pain ceases.
Dig deep into my chest till you find a heart,
pull it out and take it apart.

You're an animal, a cannibal at heart,
tearing apart poor souls,
and swallowing them whole.

Reach deep into my chest and squeeze,
grab my lungs and make me breathe.
Rip out my organs and rearrange them,
then send me on my way.

Send me far away,
far from home.
Somewhere to roam,
and be alone.

Don't let me see your pretty face again,
I might rip it off.
How much did it cost,
the mask you wear?

You're an animal, a cannibal at heart,
tearing apart poor souls,
and swallowing them whole.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.8k · Aug 2015
Benevolent Spark
Broken miscommunication,
building on our frustrations,
with the strangers that we live with.

Fabrics of our families fraying,
our history, we love erasing,
anything to break the natural bond.

We don't want to be alone,
but we don't want to share the world,
so instead we live in darkness.

I live for the people I meet,
my neighbors aren't strangers to me,
why close the blinds when you can let in the light?

The world we know lives in the dark,
hoping to avoid that benevolent spark,
that's why I'm here holding the torch.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.7k · Feb 2014
In The Space Time Continuum
I lay here, paralyzed,
under the vibrant evening sky.
Clouds float on by,
this, I've never seen.

Such beauty before me,
I've only heard of in stories.
It's mesmerizing to see,
almost unbelievable.

What's inconceivable to me,
is that we're the only ones here.
There must be more out there,
in each tear in the space time continuum.

Birds fly overhead,
singing songs to the dead.
Some words are better unsaid,
her bed will be empty tonight.

Night slowly approaches,
as darkness encroaches the light,
the sunsets on another day.
Paralyzed, I close my eyes,
as I lay outside my shattered car,
only a few feet away.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.7k · Nov 2012
Crying Crystals
Look at the grass grow,
look at the spirits flow,
look at the sun glow,
look at your sons go.

Look at the rip tides,
look at the grey skies,
look at the black flies,
look in your own eyes.

Look at the hurricanes,
look at those in pain,
look at the pouring rain,
look at those showered by fame.

Look at the burning coal,
look into the black hole,
look deep into the soul,
look at the world as a whole.

Corporate conquerors conquer the economy.
Seven sickos ****** with ******.
Honest Al has no honesty.

Some poor sinner selects to sin.
Whiny woman want to win.
Crazy killers **** their kin.

No! Lets keep the show going!
Skies are clear, but it is snowing.
Rowing, flowing, with the stream,
is this all a dream?

A dream?
Awaken me!
I scream!
I flee...

I'm floating on a stream,
crying in a dream,
waiting to be seen,
by you.

See me,
hug me,
kiss me,
love me.

Hate me,
shun me,
as long as you loved me,
then I can die,
I can dream,
in peace.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.7k · May 2012
The Key
Man searches for the key,
the key to immortality.
There is no key,
for this unbreakable lock.
To open the door,
the door to endless life,
is not possible.
there is one key.
Death is the key,
to immortality.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.7k · Oct 2018
Thomas the Tank Engine
I used to watch Thomas the Tank Engine as a child,
now it's called Thomas the Train.

I have pictures with Thomas the Tank Engine,
not Thomas the Train.

I love Thomas the Tank Engine,
not Thomas the Train.

Why did they change it to Thomas the Train?

He's a tank engine...

He's Thomas the Tank Engine.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.6k · Apr 2012
Sitting by the River Bank
Sitting by the river bank,
slipping in and out of consciousness,
realizing my life's a complete mess.
What's the point of living it?

Sitting by the river bank,
stripping myself of my clothes,
destroying my I.D. so no one knows,
who I am.

Sitting on the river bank,
head submerged underwater,
committing the act of manslaughter,
on myself.

Floating by the river bank,
all is calm and serene,
not a living soul is to be seen,
and I am happy, free.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.4k · Oct 2013
Living The American Dream
Crying ******* the side of the road,
a broken girl and nothing more.
A tainted soul, unguided *****.
A broken girl and nothing more.

Homeless man begging for some change,
a homeless making minimum wage.
****** his life and threw it all away,
for a ***** white in some nice lingerie.

Tattooed man behind cold steel bars,
thought he'd get away with stealing cars.
Looks like he didn't get too far,
another ****** ******* up our tax dollar!

Drugged up man on the beaches of L.A.,
took his life and threw it all away,
for used needles and a little *******,
thought addiction was a game he could win, what a shame.

**** it all and throw it away,
looking for life in all the wrong places.
I will admit though, just this one time,
their life sure sounds more interesting than mine.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.4k · Oct 2013
Crooked Cabin
I walked a lonely path once,
through mountains and valleys,
through deserts and woods,
till I stumbled upon a crooked cabin.

You sat on the front porch,
Yet you're smiled screamed,
"come in."

And so I did.

The floor was shaky,
and creaked with every step I took.
You offered me a bed,
my own little nook.

I smiled and accepted,
and quietly, I rested.

When I woke in the morning,
I found your on the porch yet again.
You smiled and stared at me and I stared back,
then you asked if I'd be you're friend.

We spent years in the crooked cabin,
painting walls like waterfalls.
Trickling down to the ground.
We planted flowers,
and trees,
and watched the bees,
as they thanked us the flowers,
with golden honey.

I could never leave,
I was at peace,
until one morning,
I opened my eyes...
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.3k · Nov 2012
Botanical Garden of Love
Botanical garden of love,
show me the path back to life.
Show me the path to righteousness,
not the path to the knife.

Botanical garden of love,
in all your beauty,
if I abide by the rules,
will you free me?

Botanical garden of love,
grow unto me.
Make me one with your beauty,
only you can set me free.

Botanical garden of love,
paint me with the skies.
I wish to never be forgotten,
by her soft brown eyes.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.3k · Aug 2011
oh brother.

Brother, can't you see,
you're tearing me apart.
Brother, won't you see,
this war beats on my heart.

Brother, please remember,
when we were once one.
Brother, please remember,
all the songs we've sung.

Brother, oh brother,
can we still be friends?
Brother, of brother,
this can't be the end.

Brother, have we lost,
everything we had.
Brother, can we erase,
all that has gone bad.

Brother, have we killed,
all our brotherhood.
Never thought you'd hate me,
never thought you would.

Brother, oh brother,
can we still be friends?
Brother, of brother,
this can't be the end.

Brother, oh brother,
we will never be friends.
Brother, oh brother,
this will be the end.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.3k · Jan 2012
I was hungry.
So I ate my dog.
It's flesh got stuck between my teeth.
Which is good.
I can still taste it now,
when I am hungry.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.2k · Dec 2019
My Lioness
My lioness
golden and soft
soft as a silk woven dress
strong as an elegant lioness
I have adored you since your time began
and I will adore you till my time ends

Oh lioness
fair and so sweet
sweeter than any candy
I will never forget your face
aged for a lifetime but still the same
as the day I fell in love with your grace

My lioness
standing tall
on a rock in my backyard

My lioness
you are not far
you are always in my heart
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.1k · Jul 2013
Grand Adventure
Blankets woven with yarn the color of the sky,
on a cloudy afternoon, when the sun don't shine.
Pillows, soft and as fluffy as clouds,
greet you as you lay down.

And a circus of clowns surrounds you,
dancing and honking their noses.
Flowers fall from the sky,
dropping thousands of roses.

The world is a marvelous place,
filled with grand adventure.
Gold, love, and magnificent sights,
all in just one night.

The fields of golden grains and pastures far and wide,
are resting under the sun high in the sky.
The mountains cast shadows,
on the valleys below.

The world is calling your name, calling for you,
there are so many things that you can do.
Roam the pastures, and the fields,
climb the mountains, explore the valleys.

The world is a marvelous place,
filled with grand adventure.
Gold, love, and magnificent sights,
all in just one night.

Because someday, you will shrivel and die,
just like the rest of us,
we all live the same life.

So get out there, and enjoy it while you can,
'cause someday will come,
where you lose the upper hand.

The world is a marvelous place,
filled with grand adventure.
Gold, love, and magnificent sights,
all in just one night.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.1k · Aug 2021
I Saw A Man Fly Today
I saw a man fly today
As he latched onto a last hope
A one way ticket to a land unknown
Didn’t care if he lost it all

I saw a man fly today
Thinking he was freedom bound
But he lost his grip and was earthbound
Strangers wept from the ground

I saw a man fly today
To our capital to give a speech
About a city that had been breached
By radicals who know no peace

I saw a man fly today
On a plane, vacation bound
And while his plane safely touches down
Millions of innocents cries resound
For those in Afghanistan whose lives have been disregarded and tossed aside like a used toy by an absolutely inept American government that doesn’t care about them.
2.1k · Mar 2011
It is up, to the mind,
to take out thoughts, and divide,
all the truth, from the lies,
we are fed, while alive.

For the truth, it will hide,
behind fear, and its lies,
it becomes, hard to find,
so we must, use our minds.

Over time,
it has changed.

Faults by man,
lost in time.
Cover up,
all our crimes.

lied to.
By people,
like me and you.

It is up, to the mind,
to take out thoughts, and divide,
all the truth, from the lies,
we are fed, while alive.

For the truth, it will hide,
behind fear, and its lies,
it becomes, hard to find,
so we must, use our minds.

built on lies.
**** the truth,
watch it die.

It's time to,
open our eyes.
It's time to,
realize the lies.

It is up, to the mind,
to take out thoughts, and divide,
all the truth, from the lies,
we are fed, while alive.

For the truth, it will hide,
behind fear, and its lies,
it becomes, hard to find,
so we must, use our minds.

Don't let the lies,
penetrate your mind.
Because over time,
they can hypnotize,
they can hypnotize,
they can hypnotize,
the weak mind.  

They can hypnotize,
they can hypnotize,
they can hypnotize,
the weak mind.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.1k · Dec 2011
Into the Morning Sun
Yesterday I took a trip,
into the morning sun.
And it was really great,
man it was really fun.

Yes I took a trip,
into the morning sun.
And it was really great,
man it was really fun.

I woke up in the morning,
and I brushed my hair.
Went and fed the dog,
he gave me that same old stare.

That's when I decided,
I need to have some fun.
That's when I took a trip,
into the morning sun.

Oh yes I took a trip,
into the morning sun.
And it was really great,
man it was really fun.

Oh yes I took a trip,
into the morning sun.
And it was really great,
man it was really fun.

So I found my girlfriend,
and I told her the news.
Told her I found a way,
to get rid of the blues.

Told her I took a trip,
and it was really fun.
And when she asked me where,
I told her into the sun.

And we took a trip,
into the morning sun.
And it was really great,
man it was really fun.

Oh yeah, we took a trip,
into the morning sun.
And it was really great,
man it was really fun.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
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