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2.0k · Dec 2019
My Lioness
My lioness
golden and soft
soft as a silk woven dress
strong as an elegant lioness
I have adored you since your time began
and I will adore you till my time ends

Oh lioness
fair and so sweet
sweeter than any candy
I will never forget your face
aged for a lifetime but still the same
as the day I fell in love with your grace

My lioness
standing tall
on a rock in my backyard

My lioness
you are not far
you are always in my heart
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
You never think it'll hit you like it does,
headlines, top stories, dead classmates.
Subtle news that causes an earthquake,
rumbling through your chest.

It's not your everyday story,
but it seems it's becoming that way.
"Overdosed on ******", I read,
but it doesn't surprise me.

Just another soul the Devil grasped,
torn from the heart and left to pass,
another good man broken down,
another motherless child in doubt.

Another headline gone ignored,
another cry for help lost,
in the drowning sound of the thousands,
trapped beneath the crippling disease.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
2.0k · Sep 2011
Greedy Bastard
I'm sorry to say,
it's a habit of mine.
Pushing away,
time after time.

Never thought I'd have you,
but what can I say?
I took you for-granted,
and I just didn't care.

I like to get lost in myself,
lost in myself.
Got my money, got my wealth,
I'm lost in myself.

Now if I said, that I cared,
well I do apologize.
To me, didn't mean a thing,
must have been drunk or high.

And if you thought, it was forever,
well I'd laugh in her face.
Whatever we actually had,
was a big disgrace.

I like to get lost in myself,
lost in myself.
Got my money, got my wealth,
I'm lost in myself.

Got my money, got my wealth,
got my money, got my wealth.
I'm in love, with myself,
don't need love, got myself.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.9k · May 2013
the smile across her face,
as she licked her lips,
and moved with grace.
One and one together,
making one together.
A lover like this will never,
come by again.
I'm pinned,
I grin,
we sin.
Worth every moment,
every movement,
every breathe,
and then you left.
like a sweet lullaby song,
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.9k · Aug 2021
I Saw A Man Fly Today
I saw a man fly today
As he latched onto a last hope
A one way ticket to a land unknown
Didn’t care if he lost it all

I saw a man fly today
Thinking he was freedom bound
But he lost his grip and was earthbound
Strangers wept from the ground

I saw a man fly today
To our capital to give a speech
About a city that had been breached
By radicals who know no peace

I saw a man fly today
On a plane, vacation bound
And while his plane safely touches down
Millions of innocents cries resound
For those in Afghanistan whose lives have been disregarded and tossed aside like a used toy by an absolutely inept American government that doesn’t care about them.
1.9k · Jun 2015
Inside the silence,
there were voices.
Some just scratched the surface and that was all.
Whether it was the madness of the season,
or the chill running down her spine,
she left sometime in the Fall.

Her eyes glazed over with a silver lining,
lips vermilion like the cardinals in the trees,
cheeks rosy and very much alive yet,
she'd speak not a word to me.

Nor to anyone else who came to visit,
they sat, perplexed, much like myself.
No words, no cries, no, nothing at all,
could bring back the ******* the shelf.

So she sits there, just like me,
waiting for something to change.
Will flowers sprout,
and continue to grow,
in a cold month of May?
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.9k · Apr 2015
Unfocused Rage
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.9k · Jan 2012
I stare at the clock,
as it slowly ticks.
Tick, tock,
tock, tick.
I can't wait any longer.
I dig my nails in,
into my skin,
and peel.
I peel off my skin,
revealing my bare flesh.
The skin comes off like a banana peel.
I then take the skin, and slowly sew it together.
Then I wear it,
as clothes.
I look handsome.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.9k · Dec 2012
Atoms of Love
If I had,
the words you possess,
I would take them,
and clean up this mess.

But I have no control.
I was a toy and now I'm sold.

seal my fate,
claim you hate,
what you can't see,
you can see me.

Slicing our love,
slicing an atom,
you drop the bomb,
under a setting sun.

A fire burns inside me now.
And no one can put it out.

You feel,
what I feel.
Tell me,
is this real?

Slicing our love,
slicing an atom,
you drop the bomb,
under a setting sun.

You smiled,
as you walked away.
I loved you,
in every single way.

You slyly slipped me the poison,
before I could run.
Next time, do me a favor,
make it quick, use a gun.

You smiled,
as you walked away.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.8k · Nov 2011
A generation,
of aggravation.
No determination,
to save our nation.

Concentrate on one,
care about no one.
And it's just begun,
the era of one.

****** up is man,
and no one gives a ****,
about our ****** up plans,
we'll destroy all of man.

****** up is man,
and no one gives a ****,
about our ****** up plans,
we'll destroy all of man.

We're the gods of war,
our people beg for more.
Enticed by the gore,
our people must see more.

Created guns,
to **** everyone.
Everyone will run,
from our mighty guns.

****** up is man,
and no one gives a ****,
about our ****** up plans,
we'll destroy all of man.

****** up is man,
and no one gives a ****,
about our ****** up plans,
we'll destroy all of man.

Driven by needs,
we created machines.
They took our work,
and kicked us to the curb.

And while this goes on,
we destroy the Amazon.
Thinking we're not wrong,
this era won't last long.

****** up is man,
and no one gives a ****,
about our ****** up plans,
we'll destroy all of man.

****** up is man,
and no one gives a ****,
about our ****** up plans,
we'll destroy all of man.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.8k · Dec 2012
The skyline in her eyes,
a future awaits her,
of pain and sorrow.

Who turned out the lights,
on our future,
the children of tomorrow.

For the weak they fight,
to make it safer,
their souls, we borrowed.

Our mother,
she dances,
with such elegance.
Her love is forever.

No other,
could forgive,
those not innocent.
Her love if forever.

We walk in the streets,
of the big city,
the lights are blinding.

We walk in the streets,
of the industry,
the smog is blinding.

Can somebody please,
listen to me,
our mother is crying.

Our mother, she dances,
with such elegance.
Her love is forever.

The faith of the silent,
is dead!
The future is painted,
blood red!

Look at the clouds in the sky,
drifting by.
The grass in the fields,
sways with the wind.

If no one will save mother,
how will we survive?
We must bond brothers,
sisters unite.

The faith of the silent,
is dead!
The future is painted,
blood red!

No other could forgive,
those not innocent.
Her love if forever.

Brothers and sisters,
Brothers and sisters,
we must fight!

Our mother,
she's needs us now.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.8k · Jan 2012
As of recent,
there has been an infestation of cockroaches in my house.
I want to rid of them, but I cannot call an exterminator.
I do not want him to find the bodies.
So I decided,
I could only rid of them,
by eating them.
And I ate them all,
one by one.
Each roach crunching between my teeth.
The tangy juices,
squeezing into my mouth,
and down my throat.
I must say,
after a while,
they did not taste bad.
They in fact tasted quite delicious.
So delicious, that I started eating them with meals.
Soon, I was only eating the roaches.
Now, all I eat,
is roaches.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.8k · Apr 2012
Beggar Man
And old man, a beggar man,
on the side of the road.
Where that man truly belongs,
no one really knows.

It's not like anyone really cares,
tossing quarters in his jar.
Like the money that they give him,
will get him very far.

It won't give him a shelter,
it won't give him a home.
It won't give him healthy food,
it won't give him warm clothes.

An old man, a beggar man,
roaming the streets at night.
Just another common fool,
fighting for his life.

It's not like anyone really cares,
as they slowly trot by.
He's just another guy,
on the side of the road.

He will never have a shelter,
he will never have a home.
He will never have healthy food,
he will never have warm clothes.

An old man, a beggar man,
on the side of the road.
Who that man truly is,
no one will ever know.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Like a dream deferred,
our dreams are put down,
and crushed under the foot of the government.

A government once built on dreams,
is not all that it seems.

Our government is now built on cash.
Our government is falling fast.

They took our dreams,
and denied them.
Said we need cash,
to buy them.

They took the money,
we supplied them,
and took our dreams,
and denied them.

And the innocent civilians cry,

They've murdered,
defiled the dream!

They've murdered,
deformed the dream!

They've murdered,
destroyed the dream!

They've murdered...

Capitalist, corporate U.S.A,
nothing will stand in their way.
No poor man, no war, no country,
no protest by you or me.

There's only one way to end the tyrant reign of the U.S. government on the American people....


React. Revolt. Resolve.
Bring justice to those involved.
React. Revolt. Resolve.
Bring justice to those involved.

Do not fear the rich,
they are just men with money.
Do not fear the government,
and they're lies, sweetened like honey.

Fear no longer,
we're getting stronger.

We will rise!
We will react!
We will revolt!
We will resolve!

We will rise!
We will react!
We will revolt!
We will resolve!

Rise up!
We've had enough!
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.7k · Sep 2011
Unreal Happiness
I found myself,
in a dream,
where I then found myself.
I was happy,
but I was dreaming,
and I knew it.
So was the happiness real?
I then found myself,
not wanting to leave the dream.
So I did not.
Unreal happiness.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.7k · May 2015
I remember,
the day you came around,
said you found a man who could treat you right.

And I remember,
thinking all I did wrong,
and how I never really put up a fight.

I remember,
hearing the church bells ring,
never thought a sound could go through a man.

And I remember,
holding onto the notes,
crumpled in my angry, sweating hands.

I remember,
the love you gave me,
you knew just how to take my breath away.

And I remember,
begging, "Lord, please",
right before I handed my life away.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.7k · Oct 2015
I'm Home
Sometimes I throw logic out the window,
I see monkeys smashing cymbals,
when I play to my condition,
all my fears come to fruition.

I don't mind the exhausting panic,
'cause I sure love being manic,
I'll challenge death any day,
if I get to live my way.

Push me please so I can push back,
I live my life on the attack,
burning bridges feels so good,
when you're totally misunderstood.

Don't feel special, don't feel different,
chances are you're just a misfit,
bleed and see you're just the same,
as everyone playing the game.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.7k · Sep 2015
When I look out the window,
I see green on the trees,
blood in my head,
blood everywhere.
Gravity isn't what's holding me down,
what's keeping me here.
I've hit a wall and there's no sound,
nothing to comfort me,
so I bleed,
all over the trees,
all over the walls.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.7k · Jan 2014
Tree Bark
My words cease to mean a thing,
the air is crisp and cool.
The trees that were once a flourishing green,
now look dead.

I wonder what makes them,
what makes me.
I'm brittle and rough,
like the bark on the trees.

I'm brittle and dead,
like the bark on the trees.
I'm nothing but me,
anything but free.

Quiet in my corner,
I wait for the coroner.
Quiet and dead,
and nothing else.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.6k · Apr 2013
You belong to me,
across the electronic sea.
The mind can be electrifying,
but only when set free.

The spire of the mind,
connecting our souls.
Telekinetic soul searching,
searching for what is whole.

Electronic based love,
connecting hearts with sparks.

I've had enough,
of living in,
a coma.

You belong to me,
across Internet access key.
Two hearts can be unstoppable,
no matter where they lead.

The dungeons of the heart,
are dark, deep, and cold.
But when a flame is lit inside,
the traveler becomes bold.

But we are two screens apart,
two screens too far.

I've had enough,
of living in,
a coma.

Databases overload,
my heart's going to implode.
Over heated hard drive,
brain is lost, brain is fried.

I've had enough,
of living in,
a coma,
a coma,
a coma,
a coma.

I've had enough.
Copyight Barry Pietrantonio
1.6k · Apr 2012
It was hot,
so ******* hot.
My house was hotter than *** with a wool sock.
Of course,
there was only one course of action I could take,
get naked.
And so I was naked.
Later that day,
I was walking to the kitchen,
when suddenly,
my belly button started to itch.
I looked down,
and out of my bell button,
crawled an enormous, hairy tarantula.
I immediately slapped the tarantula off my stomach,
and crushed it with my bare foot.
It crunched beneath my foot,
and its slimy being squirted everywhere.
Then, my ear started to itch,
and out crawled,
another tarantula.
my throat began to itch,
and my nose began to itch,
and my ******* began to itch..
I don't know why my ******* were itchy,
tarantulas began crawling out of all the holes my body had.
my **** began to itch.
"NO!!" I screamed.
But my words had no power,
and out crawled more tarantulas from my ****.
I slowly fell to my knees,
as the tarantulas poured out of my lifeless body.
I did not know what to do,
so I ran to the back of my house,
opened the glass slider,
ran onto the back deck,
and jumped off.
this did not **** me,
and I only broke both my legs.
The bones were sticking straight out of my knees,
and tarantulas began crawling out of my open wounds.
I soon began to choke on the tarantulas,
and died.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.6k · Jan 2013
Reflecting On My Reflection
As I reflect on my reflection,
I can't help but think I'm forgetting something.
Another year,
another birthday,
another love.

But what am I forgetting?

I climbed to new heights,
fell to new lows.
Crawled with crippled arms,
and even fought to stay standing.
Sometimes I was successful,
sometimes I wasn't.

But still,
what am I forgetting?

I made new friends,
lost old ones,
laughed at jokes,
and even cried when I watched "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas".
I felt feelings that honestly,
I had never felt before.

I climbed mountains,
and scaled walls.
I built bridges,
then burned them down,
only to come back,
and build them up again.

And yet I still ask myself,
what am I forgetting?

I gambled,
and beat the odds.
I gambled,
and lost.
Like when I put down twenty dollars on the record high Powerball,
and didn't get any numbers right.

But what of all things am I forgetting?

As I reflect on my reflection,
and ponder upon the year,
I remember,
I'm one year stronger,
one birthday stronger,
one love stronger.

I'm not a new man,
I never will be,
I will always be me.
But I can always get stronger,
and I always will.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.6k · Mar 2012
Chaos on earth,
chaos among man,
when the devil emerged,
and hatched an evil plan.

Beelzebub came from the ground and,
Beelzebub raided the towns and,
Beelzebub destroyed all around him,
and Beelzebub killed all the townsmen.

He marched across the land,
destroying all the cities,
killing all of man,
with no remorse, no pity.

Beelzebub came from the ground and,
Beelzebub raided the towns and,
Beelzebub destroyed all around him,
and Beelzebub killed all the townsmen.

Hell is on earth,
hell is in the sky.
Everyone who lives,
eventually will die.

Beelzebub came from the ground and,
Beelzebub raided the towns and,
Beelzebub destroyed all around him,
and Beelzebub killed all the townsmen.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.6k · Jan 2012
Untitled #6
Oh I met a girl,
and she is really great.
There's nothing about her,
I could ever hate.

She's perfect to me,
but we can never be.

She's absolutely gorgeous,
and has beautiful brown eyes.
She's always fun to be with,
and he smiles always shines.

She's perfect to me,
but we can never be.

So if you're ever lonely,
just call me,
I'm always,
here for you.

You never cease to amaze me,
you're amazing,
and it's true,
I love you.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.6k · May 2011
Manipulating the Rights
It is my right,
to own a gun,
to fight revolutions,
if there is one.

It is my right,
to own an A.K.
If you think that,
then you're insane.

It is my right,
to speak my mind.
I can say what I want,
it's not a crime.

It is my right,
to protest,
a soldiers funeral,
they are the cause of war!

I need guns to protect myself,
and protest the cause of war.
I need guns to protect myself,
and protest the cause of war.

We have gone, too far.
We abuse,
and misuse,
our rights.
And why?
We have gone, too far,
we misread, the stars.
We abuse,
and misuse,
our rights.

I need guns to protect myself,
and protest the cause of war.
I need guns to protect myself,
and protest the cause of war.

I need guns to **** others,
and so I can start a war.
I protest to protect myself,
soldiers are the cause of war!
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.6k · Jul 2015
Crashing through steel beams and concrete,
like a bullet through skin,
layer by layer, into the abyss,
hit the ground like a soft kiss.

Deep in the cracks,
covered in dirt,
blood runs through the Earth,
rushing through its open wounds.

Among the many skeletons,
lies a broken wreckage,
of skin and flesh,
blood and bones.

And through the fading sight,
of the shattered soul,
there's a glimmer of hope,
but it's just a mirage.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.6k · Jan 2012
The memory of you haunts me,
just like a ghost.
You were a parasite,
I was the host.

You ****** me dry,
of all my life,
and left me there to die.

You were my friend,
my love.
But I have had...

Enough with all the *******,
you put me through.
You give me no **** space,
no breathing room.

My mind's made up,
I've had enough,
with all your stuff,
we're through.

You were my friend,
my love.
But I have had,
You were my friend...

My world is fallin',
I am callin' you.
I realize I can't live,
without you.

So am I the parasite,
in this relationship,
who knows?

The memory of you haunts me,
just like a ghost.
I was the parasite,
you were the host.

I was wrong,
you were strong,
but I kept pushing away.

You were my friend,
my love.
But you have had,
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Jan 2014
I don't want to grow old,
alone, by myself.
My heart has grown cold,
for I love no one else.

This isolation brings pain,
I don't think you understand.
I'm sane but insane,
I'm just a broken man.

The world is so big,
and I am so small.
I find the deeper I dig,
the farther I fall.

I feel beaten down,
and lost without hope.
I'm nowhere to be found,
just another lost soul.

I will rise from the ash,
of my burnt up past,
when I find you again,
if I find you my friend.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Jan 2012
I was at the doctors,
in the waiting room,
when the man next to me started to make out with his hand.
He lathered his hand in saliva,
to the point were it was dripping onto his lap.
He slowly rubbed his tongue up and down his wet, juicy hand.
He seemed to find much pleasure in making out with his hand.
So I joined him.
I liked it.
So did my hand.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Oct 2013
Rooftop Rain Dance
The rain dances on the rooftop tonight,
making quite the racket.

It's not like I was going to sleep anyway.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Jun 2015
Burn Victim
In between the crumpled notes,
on the shifting ground,
see the colors blend,
lines parallel cross again.

Shavings of the words I said,
crack and break their form,
under chipped paint ceilings,
broke down and under fire.

Flash flood of anger and hate,
breaking late, it's a grinding collision,
and in the rubble of something called love,
nothing but division.

Burns on my hands,
my neck and my heart.
Burns everywhere you touched,
burns everywhere you touched.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Sep 2018
I broke down and wept yesterday,
at the sight of my grandparents grave.
Clutched dead grass in my trembling hands,
ripped it from the haunted lands.

Every year, it comes and goes,
the days I hoped would never come.
They say it gets easier with time,
though each year, it's another mountain to climb.

But sometimes,
you realize,
it can't get much worse.

you realize,
it doesn't always hurt.

I leave just like I always do,
struggling to bid them both adieu.
Rolling through the ghostly fields,
I wonder if it's all even real.

Another punch right in the gut,
leaves me fighting to get out of this rut.
Much like every day of my life,
filled with so much anger and strife.

But sometimes,
you realize,
it can't get much worse.

you realize,
it doesn't always hurt.

And sometimes,
you realize,
it can't get anymore dead in a graveyard,
no matter how many black clouds roll by.
It can't get anymore dead in a graveyard,
no matter how many showers pour down.

It can't get anymore dead in a graveyard.

It can't get anymore dead in a graveyard.

It can't get anymore dead in a graveyard,
no matter how many people die.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Aug 2015
Anti-Homo sapien
Lights off,
doors locked,
windows shut,
blocked off.
No sound,
no sight,
no love,
no light.
Sparks fly,
don't ignite,
blank life.
Years gone,
love lost,
never hurt,
at what cost?
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Feb 2013
In The City
See the old man,
by the alley,
by the sidewalk,
by the city.

Buy the teapot,
in the window,
in the shop,
in the city.

See the crooks,
in dark allies,
in dark corners,
in the city.

See the mayor,
by his lonesome,
not so lonesome,
******'s pretty.

The quiet marching of the drums,
towards endless shenanigans and fun.

Sweet and sour, you count down the hour,
when the time comes, you will cower.

Touch the stone walls,
in the park,
in the center,
of the city.

Hear the cars,
on the road,
on the highway,
in the city.

Smell the stench,
of the liars,
of the ignorant,
of the city.

Taste the sweat,
of the beat,
of the heat,
of the city.

And when the city gets to you,
promise me you'll know what to do.

Just come out to the country,
and visit me.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
The madness of money,
exploiting the human mind.
Never enough money,
never enough time.

The disasters of our time,
the result of natures resistance.
Rebelling against mankind,
Mother Nature can be persistent.

And while we watch the tide,
slowly go and rise,
we must remember, it won't be long,
till we are all gone.

Tornados and hurricanes,
wind whipping cyclones.
Heat waves and solar storms,
disrupting cell phones.

Landslides and flooding,
from torrential downpours.
Forrest fires and blackouts,
from ruthless lightening storms.

Some may say the sky is broken,
some may say the sky is crying.
This is natures rebellion,
Mother Nature is dying.

But our motive right now is money,
and nothing will stop our addiction.
We will pollute this world till the skies are black,
and when we do, there's no turning back.

Let the gaping hole in the ozone layer,
grow until it's big enough,
to burn our Earth down to the core,
till we are ashes, nothing more.

Mother Nature has sent her warnings,
Mother Nature, wish us goodbye.
Mother Nature will slowly die,
and nothing she does can change our minds...

We will destroy ourselves for money,
we will commit,
without knowing,
our own suicide.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Apr 2012
I Am Your Drug
I am a friend of yours,
I am a friend of hers.
I am a friend of him,
I am a friend of kids.

I will bring you down,
I can make you frown.
I can make you cry,
I can get you high.

You can't get enough,
then we'll fall in love.
You'll waste your money,
all on me.

I'll show you highs,
I'll show you lows.
I'll show you all the places,
we can go.

I am your drug.
I am your addiction.

I will tear down reality,
I will **** your family.
I will take away your friends,
and prove there's no end.

I'll make you feel,
completely invisible.
There will be no laws,
no principles.

I am your drug,
I am your addiction.

I'll let you fall,
and lose it all.
Lose your mind,
fall behind.

I'll slowly **** you,
and not care.
As you cry out,
life's not fair.

I am your drug,
I am your addiction.
I am your drug,
I am your addiction.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Dec 2013
Plastic Millionaires
I'm a liar and a thief,
I feel no grief for the poor,
if I want, I'll spend some more,
just 'cause I can.

I'm blind and I'm numb,
I love to beat my drum of greed,
come here, let me plant a seed,
I'll manipulate your mind.

And you may ask why,
why would anyone listen to me?
Well friend, it's simple,
I have money.

I'm rude and inconsiderate,
Africans starve and wither away,
while I set here and shove my face,
with exotic pastries.

I'm deceitful and plain evil,
I love hearing the masses complain,
about how I don't share, I have no shame,
******* you measly peasants.

I most likely don't ****,
because I'm rich enough to not have too.
I'm also made of plastic,
being rich is ******* fantastic.

I'm the epitome of what you want to be,
rich, handsome, and some what happy.
But I'll never be happy enough,
because I can never have enough money.

I sit at home in giant rooms,
and eat money by the spoonful.
I love the way it gleams and shines,
under the chandelier in my dining room.

Best part of it all,
is the fact that I am free.
Free of taxes,
free of work,
free of everything.

So when you see me driving to the New York Stock Exchange,
bow before me,
kiss the floor please,
and don't forget to wave.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Where were you that frightful day,
when they flew the planes into the towers?
Can you remember the exact place,
or even the exact minute and hour?

Where were you on that dreadful day,
when millions wept and mourned as one?
What did you do, what did you say,
or did you pray under the rising sun?

Where were you on that horrific day,
when the world stopped turning and TV's tuned in.
Did you sit and watch from far away,
or did you call family to see if they were okay?

Where were you on that grim day,
when two thousand nine hundred and seventy seven died?
Did you see the look on the peoples faces,
as they watched the people fall from up high?

Where were you on that sunny day,
when the smoke cleared and the flag was raised?
When a country stood tall, united as one,
unbreakable under the evening sun, and prayed.

Where were you on that September day,
when an unbreakable country grew stronger?
You are in our heart, forever and always,
victims of 9/11, our memories live on.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Jan 2012
Another lonesome day,
that the rain can't wash away.
Another day, insane,
another day in pain.

Another day alone,
sitting my the phone.
Waiting for you to call,
awaiting my final fall.

my final fall.

I have lost my heart,
to a majestic art.
Impeached from the throne,
thrown into a world unknown.

Now I sit alone,
waiting by the phone.
Waiting for you to call,
awaiting my final fall.

my final fall.
my final fall.

Let the rain,
wash away,
the pain.
Let the rain,
wash away,
the pain.
Let the rain,
wash away,
the pain.
wash away the pain.

my final fall.
my final fall.
my final fall.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.5k · Aug 2012
Haiku #7
Beauty beyond words,
she slips off her silk dress,
unveiling her skin.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Jul 2012
American Dream Murderers
America isn't what it used to be.
What happened to the American Dream?

Now we're a country that depends on foreign oil.
Fighting wars, all on enemy soil.

Our leader's a coward,
cowards are our leaders.
And mother Earth,
just look how we treat her.

We spend money frivolously,
haven't you heard?
We even are hypocrites of our own word.

The American Dream murderers,
we are!
The American Dream murderers,
we are!

Oiled up machines stealing our jobs.
As the unemployed let out weak sobs.

We let our greed get to our heads.
And now soon we'll all be dead.

The American Dream murderers,
we are!
The American Dream murderers,
we are!
The American Dream murderers,
we are!
The American Dream murderers,
we are!

We are the ultimate murderers,
of the American Dream!
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Aug 2017
It's a cold call in the middle of the night,
you're orbiting a big yellow sun with long brown hair,
and sharp, fierce, green eyes.
Now you're being thrown from her orbit,
hurdling into a vacuum,
it's like driving without headlights.
Don't hold your breath,
you're out of her pull,
out of her grasp,
don't look back.
Just collide with other planets,
crashing and burning up with no sound,
it's a silent film.
Shedding yourself,
pieces of you crumble and break away,
as your last bits blister through the atmosphere.
Stripped down,
smooth and bare, like a newborn,
you land into the arms of a planet you can call home.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Jan 2014
Save the World
The world is grey now,
I see through broken eyes.
Mislead and misunderstood in the end,
I don't cry.

I see the injustice,
as I walk through the concrete jungle.
Poor man suffers while rich man prospers,
reaps the reward of a rich uncle.

The world is crying,
and I can hear them all.
Their cries for justice and a land without corruptness,
pierce my ears.

Storm clouds clutter my thoughts,
lightning strikes my unlit brain,
now it sits, aflame,
electricity courses through the tunnels.
I feel the charge,
I shake the strife,
I feel the life,
I feel the need,
to save the world.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I'm a mere mortal,
a man looking for love.
And you are a goddess,
sent down from above.

I am the joker,
the jester, the fool.
Just some heartache,
trying to play it cool.

I am nobody,
no one, nothing.
Just another broken heart,
always running.

I am a peasant,
and you are a queen.
I beg for your love,
yet, I go unseen.

I wander and wait,
for the day you come by,
and take my hand,
ending my crusade,
for your love, which I desire.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Apr 2012
Boiling Point
The boiling point of water is one hundred degrees Celsius,
or two hundred and twelve degrees Fahrenheit.
Every morning,
my wife boils water in an old fashioned kettle,
because the new one that beeps,
well, it broke.
she broke it.
So every morning,
I wake up to the obnoxious whistling of the old fashioned kettle.
The slow rising,
higher and higher,
louder and louder,
the whistle pierced my ears,
like a spear through one ear,
and out the other.
I just couldn't take it anymore!
One morning,
I woke up with a monstrous headache.
I rolled over in bed and asked my darling,
"Do you mind not boiling water this morning for your tea?
I have a horrible headache"
"Sure" she said kindly, and went back to sleep.
one day without the screeching kettle.
I slowly drifted back to sleep.
But then,
I was awaken!
A hideous screeching noise was coming from the kitchen,
slowly rising,
it got higher and higher,
louder and louder,
the whistle pierced my ears,
like a harpoon through one ear,
and out the other.
I just couldn't take it anymore!
I jumped out of bed,
took no time to put my pants on,
and charged out into the kitchen.
"What's wrong dear!?" my wife shrieked, frightened by my sudden anger.
I did not even listen to her,
I grabbed the kettle,
opened it up,
and threw the boiling water,
onto my wife gorgeous face.
The boiling hot water sizzled on her cool face.
Her skin began to bubble,
and burn.
The aroma of burning flesh,
filled the air.
She cried out in pain,
as she fell to the ground.
It was then I realized,
I was going to go to jail for this...
So I proceeded to smash her face in with the kettle I was holding,
until she was unconscious.
I checked her pulse.
She was dead.
I looked at the clock.
"I can deal with the body in the morning" I said to myself,
as a grabbed a cold glass of water.
"Looked like you reached your 'boiling point' there, Jeff" I thought to myself,
as a chuckled.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Jan 2012
It was dark and it was wet.
A barrage of raindrops pelted my innocent umbrella.
Woe is me.
Woe is he.
Woe is she.
Woe is everyone.
Who am I to complain?
I looked around.
No one in sight.
So I held me breath.
I closed my eyes.
Blood rushed to my head,
as I slowly turned blue.
It felt good,
then I exploded.
Tiny chunks of raw flesh rained everywhere.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Jan 2011
Killing the Innocent
We started with Jesus,
ripping him to pieces.
And that's not where it ceases,
the violence, it increase.

We ****,
the best.

Jesus died,
Judas lied.
"Free Barabbas",
the people cried.

Jesus died,
Judas lied.
"Free Barabbas",
the people cried.

The people killed Jesus Christ,
they killed Mr. King.
The people killed Kennedy,
they **** everything.

Then there was King,
just doing his thing.
But his life was stopped short,
due to a killing.

Poor Mr. King,
just doing his thing.
Innocent man, dead,
due to a killing.

The people killed Jesus Christ,
they killed Mr. King.
The people killed Kennedy,
they **** everything.

Mr. Kennedy,
best president to be.
His term didn't last long,
killed while on T.V.

John F. Kennedy,
the president to be,
never got the chance to change,
the shape of our country.

The people killed Jesus Christ,
they killed Mr. King.
The people killed Kennedy,
they **** everything.

Killing is their stimulant.
So they **** the innocent.
How can they live with it?
Knowing they **** the innocent.

The people killed Jesus Christ,
they killed Mr. King.
The people killed Kennedy,
they **** everything.

The people killed Jesus Christ,
they killed Mr. King.
The people killed Kennedy,
we **** everything.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Jul 2012
Dark Stormy Nights
Dark, grey, stormy nights,
with little light.

A cool, soft, whispering breeze,
with something to read.

You, here, lifting my spirits higher,
next to a warm fire.

A nice, warm, cup of tea,
with you next to me.

And I feel,
so alive,
with you,
by my side,
on this,
stormy night,
on this,
dark stormy night.

You walk around,
without making,
a single sound.

You pick me up,
and walk me to,
my bedroom.

You tuck me,
into bed,
and kiss me on the forehead.

I'm the luckiest man alive,
to have you by my side.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Jun 2020
Painted in Paranoia
I’m afraid of the dark
I hold my breathe when I’m alone at night
I feel its hand on my shoulder
Chilling as it grips tighter
With its knife to my throat, it tells me to run
Run around corners and past open doorways
Anywhere where it’s lurking about
Uncertainty is flourishing

I see shadows painted in paranoia
Stalk me while I walk to my car
Like bad memories and college debt
All through my life

Nothing else has this grip on my life
No addiction, no disease,
Only the darkness and its vice
Have such a control over me
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
1.4k · Nov 2010
Land of the Free
We don't want hypocrisy,
we just want a democracy,
living, in the United States of America.

We denied aristocracy,
because it wasn't fair to you and me,
we are living, in America.

We fought many years ago,
for our peace.
Now that we have it,
all fighting must cease.

There are people, who disagree.
Foreign countries, just don't see.
There's a reason, we're the land of the free.
Because of people, like you and me.

We don't want hypocrisy,
we just want a democracy,
living, in the United States of America.

We denied aristocracy,
because it wasn't fair to you and me,
we are living, in America.

We like in the land of the free,
that's how the founding fathers wanted it to be.
We live in the land of the free,
thanks to the Sons of Liberty.

There are people, who disagree.
Foreign countries, just don't see.
There's a reason, we're the land of the free.
Because of people, like you and me.

And now we want to change our ways,
because of peoples ridiculous complaints.
We're becoming to politically correct,
finding unknown rights to protect.
Religion disagrees with same *** love,
saying God doesn't like it above.

We're slowly losing our freedoms,
that we fought so hard for,
because we're getting greedy,
and we always want more.

Why do we always want more?
Why can't we be grateful for,
being born into this glorious country,
welcome to the land of the free.

We don't want hypocrisy,
we just want a democracy,
living, in the United States of America.

We denied aristocracy,
because it wasn't fair to you and me,
we are living, in America.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio.
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