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evan peters,
your so fine.
i've seen your behind, atleast 4 times.
i think you should know that you're a dime.
will you be my valentine?

evan peters,
is one hell of a man,
he can even pull off lobster hands.
evan peters i am your  biggest fan.
i would love to tell you this over a can of spam.
but ****.
you're emmas man.

evan peters,
you're so fly,
you're bootylicious,i can't denie, to hell with shakira,
your hips do not lie,
american horror story, until the day i die!
I don't believe I have ever felt so alone in a crowded room,
At the same time I was next to you,
You were talking like we were best friends,
But in all honesty,
We were never friends.
 Dec 2014 Barkley Layne
A brief, but passionate inhale.
Who would have thought,
of the autumn in her eyes?

A sweet, delicate voice.
A beautiful sound to detect.
And never forget.
And never regret*.

The stud of a nose
Her own clothes and eloquent verbose
An unheard of strength
That she shrugs off like dirt.

And she knows of Dad.
Because she has been there too.
Not just for the smell of *****,
Or for the pain of just one bruise,
But for the depth behind
A clenched fist
and the struggle for eye contact.

It was 6 AM.
In the autumn.
And things just happen.
But see,
it wasn't just a thing.
It couldn't be.
The way I held your hair
And hid it safely behind your ear.
And accepted the kiss
That my fear could not initiate myself.

It was the blue,
And the blonde.
The black of the beanie,
And the spots of the sweater.
It was the look
and the smile
and the inhale.

And then
it was the stars.
And the stone wall.
And the Boston skyline.
It was the teasing.
and the alcohol
and the spot by the river.
And it was autumn in her eyes.

It was heaven in the trembling of my knees,
and in that kick in the shin,
and in the brownie brittle,
and in the passionate kiss in the room upstairs.
It was hell in the uncertainty.

And as the time will pass,
We will attract or repel.
And where this ambiguity chills me to the bone,
I find autumn in her eyes.
Passionate kisses, touching, arousing, pleasing,
Leaving a trail of sensations, covering
Every inch of my body, finally being
Adored by your mouth, watching you
Sweat and starting to writhe, the pleasure is
Even more than I thought possible, ever.

From moments like that, to moments like these,
Usually, I'm not that much of a tease, please...
Come on, get a little closer, wrap me up in you,
Kick off the **** covers, I really wanna move

Moments are to be savored, with a sweet ****** thrill,
E**ven after I'm devoured, I want so much more, still....
My First Acrostic :)
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
The core of your
true self is never
lost nor turned to
ashes and dust.
Believe in so
because it's a must
for you to trust in
the core of your self
and crawl out from
under that crustacean
shell you've been hiding
in as to protect you from
one's own hell* ~
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
She's the kind of girl
who would share a bottled water with a rose
But leave over half so "the flower wont get thirsty"

She would buy you a coffee
because you had a bad day
with the last dollars in her pocket

She gives her heart in all she does
Just because she likes how people smile

Most don't understand what its like
to want others happiness
more than you want it for yourself

She just wants to spread some love
And maybe get lucky
on a good day
and feel loved in return
she had to learn how to make her own sunshine
now everyone wants a piece of her glow
I know you aren't all prudes and have thoughts like me.
Just because you don't say it don't act as if that's not how u like to be.

I LOVE *** and all the time...
don't act like you don't when you know you have thoughts exactly like mine.
Don't act like a nun when your truly a *****.
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