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Blood on my hands
A knife in your back
I hope you understand
My reason for attack

But you never looked away
You never made a sound
The words you would've said
Now they spill to the ground

Breath hanging in the air
Like cigarette smoke
I said, "those will be your death."
Now I see the irony of that joke.

So the deed was done
No returning to the past
Name etched in my chest
With a shard of glass

December's waxing strong
I remember why I'm cold
Make a fire from my flesh
To try and warm my soul

I realise that your gone
The knife still in your spine
I lay my self down
Maybe I'll sleep just fine

I'll see you in my dreams
Another life to start again
I'll ask you for a chance
For forgiveness for this sin
This time of year always makes me think the past. The good times me and the gruesome. At the age of 25 I still have ghost I can exorcise, but do I want to? Distance doesn't remove you from the place of memories.
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
You always come to mind
when winter rolls around.
I can't help but to recall the time
we spent burning marshmallows
by the bonfire in your backyard
or how your mother would make
hot chocolate and beckon to
our hiding place underneath your comforter.
I remember the winter of freshmen year,
after we had grown up and apart.
Out of jealousy that was unnecessary,
my heart ruined everything.
It took so long to get Us
back to normal...
Nearly two years.
Now here we are,
closer by heart than by body.
A little bit older, a little bit colder.
Let's see what this winter brings.
I've tried and tried to rewrite this and work it out...
This is what I've decided was "worthy".
For Scott. Welcome back, bud.

 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
Margo May
sitting here
en la clase de español cinco
listening to the strangest music
while we’re supposed to write about
and art.
but it’s friday
y nadie quiere estar aqui
listening to the strangest music
while we’re supposed to write about
and art.
no motivation to write this spanish essay...
Burn my fairy-tale gifts- those
lovely flowers, beads, words and colours,
like you burned my Love and faith!
Heart is a treacherous fellow
because it still beats for you;not for me:
If it cries, 'll cut it's veins and
send it to the shore where silence blooms.
Here is my blood; Here is my flesh:
Drink , eat and be a merry boy.
Don't need a life once more.
Don't want to love once more.
One who fails in Love,
hates to resurrect!
One who fails in Love,
fears to resurrect!
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
Emma Aa
"my entire bodyweight consists of sorrow and pain,
if only it was joy and laughter I would not care
how much it said on the scale"

but I knew what I said was a lie,
of course I would still care
for sorrow and joy
weighs the same
 Nov 2014 Barkley Layne
You drive me crazy, you drive me insane but most of all you give me pain, pain, pain that I'll endure because I love you
pain that will never get old because I love you pain
pain, it's insane of how much pain I get from you, It's Insane that the pain you give me gives me life
Am I going insane? Or are you the blame? I'll endure the pain forever if I can, because with love comes pain. Without your love I wouldn't be whole again.
I rise along with the sun
A new day
A new start
The mistakes and success' of yesterday are long since gone
It's a new day
Some I want to end just as they begin
others to last forever

No matter my mood
My strength
My Fatigue
It's a new day
It's a new start
Choices are made
To show love
To show hate
To work strong
Or fall to FATE
These choices all must face
Ones that lead to good
Others--- not so much

As the sun descends
The day comes to an end
We face the consequences of our daily wake
Hearts broken
Hearts mended
New friends
New enemies
But here we enter the forgiveness of the night
A new day
A new start.
She wonders if behind her bubbly exterior anyone can truly see her. Her reflection still lingers in the mirror but as she gets nearer it becomes an unrecognisable figure.

Conflicted, constricted as her life is restricted to the kitchen.

Her starsign was on the dotted line of this contract, not to be lived out as Taurus but for us! Them and a community that's idea of unity is spreading rumours about other families between sips of tea.

Sitting head in hands, these boundaries are bound to be the end of me is all she sees.

But this is my life! Why the continual strife? May as well pick up that knife on the side left from breakfast, better act fast and cut me, cut me deep, put me to sleep, Cause I can't walk this path, the one you lay before me.

The red carpet that fades to pink as it's left in the rain. The most I can hope for is the same in terms of my pain, that it erodes as I rust, become a husk of what I was and instead of tread that path, haunt it.
Written for my best friend, cause sometimes it can be hard to reconcile two cultures
My fickle heart is confused.

For it longs for a place to call home, but much like a drone
It aimlessly drops bombs while moving along

My fickle heart is confused.

For it never had a reason to stop and stay
Much like the wind, it prefers to swing and sway

My fickle heart is confused.

For it's familiar with the motions of its ever-changing cruise
But you came along its path, and stopped it in its tracks

My fickle heart was confused.

Changing its beat while it roamed a few feet,
And then it met you, found love and it's muse

My heart is no longer confused.

A wanderer in every sense
The moment it found you was its biggest suspense

It was you all along, the words to my song
My heart remained still ever since

*-Bobbie Leigh
The moment you realize you've found the one.
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