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  Jun 2015 aynsley
Nicole Dawn
I used think
Of suicide
All the time


But really,
Sounds like a lot
Of work

What I really wish
Is that death
Would just take me
And I wouldn't have to come
To it

That I would fall from great heights
But not on purpose

That a bear would eat me
Without prompting

That water would take me
Without my help

That I would just die
But not on purpose

Or even better
But truly impossible,

I wish I had never been born

That I had never disgraced
This world
With my presence

That I never
Met you
So you wouldn't have to pretend
To be my friend

That I never
Forced my
Ugly words
On people

I honestly wish I had never been born

So no,
I do not
Want to commit suicide

But yes,
I do want to die
Or have never been alive
Sorry, this is really sad, but it's how I feel so....
  Jun 2015 aynsley
Poppi Mae
a thorn of a broken rose
dug into my skin and i suddenly froze.
the crimson drips down my icy arm,
why is it that beauty can cause such harm?
stained with blood i blossom with the same hues as the rose,
to expose my hurt and represent a flower so beautiful is juxtaposed.
it's ironic that something so beautiful can cause such harm to you.
kind of like a lover, so beautiful; but rips your heart straight out of your chest when they're done with you.
  Jun 2015 aynsley
Kiana Lynn
Truth or dare?
You said you didn’t care.
My eyes met yours,
and I witnessed firsthand, those dimples I adore.
Nobody’s perfect,
but I found no obvious defect.
There was something about you,
overwhelming, passionate, and all-consuming too.
I lost myself in that first glance,
my heart never stood a chance.
I was in love with this feeling you gave me,
begging everyone to not save me.
This tickling in my tummy,
that kick in my chest when you said my name felt funny.
There’s this childhood type bliss,
I feel to my toes, every time we kiss.
Truth or dare?
I said I didn’t care.
And that’s when you picked dare,
in your eyes I saw a newly sparked flare.
“I dare you to fall in love with me”
it was with my next breath I agreed to your heart stopping decree.
And would you look at that,
after our little chat,
I knew there was no turning back.
There was no running from this attack.
It was then I was able to clearly see,
this beautiful future between you and me.
  Jun 2015 aynsley
mom? dad?
i’m drowning.
swimming towards the light above,
astringent tears fill my lungs.
mom? dad?
i can’t breathe.
miniscule doses of albuterol
escaping from my little plastic inhaler
stand meager in the eyes of the overly developed fear,
prying its way up the lengths of my throat.
mom? dad?
there’s a stranger in my room.
i stand in front of the mirror
waiting for my reflection;
waiting to see that little girl,
bright, blue eyes, wide smile.
but there’s a stranger there instead;
bloodshot eyes,
inflamed scores down her cheeks,
reaking of poor judgement and broken promises.
mom? dad?
i can’t hear the music.
the floor is varnished with broken cds,
torn-up sheets of abandoned lyrics,
mutilated “i love you”s;
but the record player is still on.
turning and turning
yet i don’t hear a single note,
my senses are paralyzed
by the blow of my demolished heart.
mom? dad?
they won’t stop talking.
people in my head.
voices loud as they scream profanities,
soft as they whisper lullabies,
stern as they bellow punishments.
i can’t make sense
of those who twist and tug on my heart strings
and those who wish to elongate them.
i need out.
mom? dad?
so my english teacher made us draw out a floor plan of our house and then write a poem about a memory that we came across while drawing our house. i don't think she expected to hear about the time when i laid on the floor of my bathroom for hours on end, sobbing, because another one of her students shattered my heart. oops.
  Jun 2015 aynsley
Laken Cooper
Tried being the good girl,
I got nothing.
Listens to whatever you say,
I got nothing.
Did what I think was best for us,
I got nothing.
Pretending to be happy even if I'm not,
I got nothing.
And now loving you even if you don't feel the same,
*I got nothing.
  Jun 2015 aynsley
You were the moon,
I was just the ocean.

I never could escape your gravitational pull.
My tides, the rise and the fall...
I owed them all to you.

The day you abandoned me,
I stood motionless, paralyzed by your absence.
A vast sea of salt water and emptiness.

Aching to feel your pull once more.
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