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  Jun 2015 aynsley
oh my stars
I wake to see my tear-stained pillow.
It looks at me with pure menace,
Replicating the hatred I have for myself
For hurting you.
Last night is a blur
Of desperation,
Why is it that making you happy makes me
Last night we
Spoke about
But it spiralled into everything
Without any effort at all.
I am too dysfunctional to continue.
And this morning you'd written a poem
About how you're too sad to write.
Can I have damaged you that much?
That it has prevented you from
Oh how you love to write.
It is writing that unites us.
Have I broken you
So much that the link between us is also
My tear-stained pillow smothers me with the memories of last night.
It is over now.
I am over.
I am gone.
I love you
  Jun 2015 aynsley
As we lay
    Im  Feeling your chest pressed againts my spine,
making me quiver uncontrolablly.
      And with your arms wrapped around me so tight ,yet so tenderly right putting a smile on my face that would probally last all night.
As I felt the softness of your lips, kissing my neck in all the right places ,with out a doubt Im feeling good.
And just as I started to drift away into a slumber sleep . I softly hear these words. I LOVE YOU  . The words  became imprinted into my ear ...and even after all these years.. I can still hear those words you whispered to me ..I LOVE YOU still so very clear.
     You my love gave me a memory. Something I'll never forget...  You gave me ......A Beautiful Night.
  Jun 2015 aynsley
I am one of the biggest hypocrites I know
I'm one of those, "Do as I say, not as I do" kind of person
I will feed people my advice
And do the exact opposite
“Love yourself”
“Be your first priority”
“Never settle”
All of these things I say should be done
Yet I can’t do it myself
Here I am, trying to fix people
When I am broken as well
I try to show people the beauty of the world, when a majority of the time
I see it as a dark place.
I focus on trying to make people happy, hoping it will bring me peace
Here I am, trying to help others when I can’t help myself
Trying to pick others up when my world crumbling
Right in front of my eyes

— The End —