far too long
should of left
hours ago
don't know what
I'm looking for
don't know what
I'm waiting for.
Friends sit
talking, all well
known to each other,
I don't know
a single soul.
I was invited
by a friend of a friend
I met on the trail.
The party has come
and gone
but I'm still
hanging on,
standing here
this is the church
this is the steeple
with my fingers,
open the doors
there are all
Stuck on pause.
The music is done,
said "goodbyes"
people headed to bed.
It's dark,
the celebration is done
the wedding had come
and gone.
The band's playlist
lays in the dew on the grass
the ***** was put away
the last bowl had been smoked.
In the distance
I can hear the
scents and sounds
of other music,
the occasional laugh
over the freeway
sounds, acoustics through
the canyons
on a
Southern California
I've stayed here
far too long.
Home is where I need
to go
a direction
do not know.