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Aug 2019 · 241
Autumn Shayse Aug 2019
please don't stop me
from being a dreamer
an idealist
a critic

i need those parts of me,
a sense of purpose in
   confused navigation of my twenties

i am sorry i am not
what you thought i would be,
grateful and desperate for an organised life,

no i'm ******* not.
May 2019 · 357
Autumn Shayse May 2019
what should i believe in?
could it be religion,
a thing i was raised with,
but now i question,

what do i believe in?
could it be in nothing,
and no-one,
thinking that we are
mere mortals,
and there is nothing for us after this.

what can i believe in?
when the god i have been told
loves us all,
shuts out so many people,
for their wants,
their desires,
their love

what is left to believe in?
i guess only myself,
and what a terrible
terrible weight
that feels.
Apr 2019 · 246
ovaries are bollocks
Autumn Shayse Apr 2019
It has been said,
rather eloquently by Fleabag,
that women are born with pain within them,
whilst men have to learn to feel pain.

nothing that has ever been said,
has ever given me this much clarity

i am in pain,
for differing reasons,
sometimes quite out of my control

my hormone profile
is turbulent and more often than not,
it succeeds at
pushing in the darkness
i will now spend a week,
waiting for my ovaries to leak,
and for the tears to run dry.
this is defffo rough - but honestly i am enduring a cyclical week of bleakness each month and i wanted to try and express that
also i am lonely as hell out here in my stupid brain
Jan 2019 · 226
Autumn Shayse Jan 2019
i'm scared
that its all gonna fall apart
me and you
fall apart at the seams
because you and i
are never in the same place

it used to annoy me
how much you wanted me
all the time; as though i was a new toy

guess i was right about that
because now you're too tired to even ask

i'm scared
that we could be over
i don't want us to be over
but i
can't keep the grey out
much longer.
things are getting rlly ****** here and i can't write like i did before and if i lose him i will break but also i can't do this much longer
Oct 2018 · 187
Autumn Shayse Oct 2018
we are all held together
by little tiny seams,
bound together with the lightest touch,
yet somehow,

it's funny how
quickly we are all overwhelmed
by boys and girls and love
and lust
and how quickly
it threatens our fragile self.

I often wonder what it would feel like,
to just loosen
my grip on reality, on myself, on how I feel,
how freeing it must be,
to unbound at the seams.
Aug 2018 · 285
Autumn Shayse Aug 2018
tell me
why am i waiting on you
waiting for you
to come back
to love me fully
to hold me

let me know
when you'll be coming home
and home is of course not a place
but is simply just with me

tell me
are we ever gonna be on the same page again?
whether it's dogs or cats or fighting wars
will we ever fight for the same thing?

oh please
tell me
will you ever be ready to listen
or is this dream
has this dream
run it's course
and i
am obselete once more ?
I don't know how rational I am being but I do know it's been 4 weeks since I've seen you and it's becoming clear i am l-o-s-i-n-g it.
Jun 2018 · 336
Autumn Shayse Jun 2018
Irritants need irrigating,
like plants need watering
like the sun needs the moon
and the stars depend on their own brilliance.

The hardest thing about being an irritant,
is your own awareness of it
and your own
need to irrigate.
Jun 2018 · 302
Autumn Shayse Jun 2018
Why is it
that at 2:51 am
i am not enough?

at 2:51 am
i am alone here
not many people talk to me anymore
i haven't solidified many friendships
so everyone just

at 2:51 am
i can listen to old songs
that remind me of old times
and old stresses and old boys
old desperation to fit


it's 2:51 am,
I am alone and that's exactly
how it should be.
Jan 2018 · 274
Autumn Shayse Jan 2018
tonight I realised,
the implications of having a pal,
someone who you see in both the moon
and sun,
someone who you would happily lay bare for,
secrets sprinkled and insecurities glistening.

tonight I realised,
the importance of self,
allowing myself to remain as whole as possible,
for when the other one starts to crumble,
i felt my torso dissipate.

tonight I realised,
the desperation of love,
something so tangible,
it is etched onto your corneas,
for when he shatters,
you can seldom hold it together.

tonight I realised,
I am really ******* in love,
and consequently ******* *******.
Jan 2018 · 299
Autumn Shayse Jan 2018
I wasn't scared,
I wasn't aware,
I wasn't sad,
I was ready,
I was confident in us,
I still am.

I am okay,
until the 11pm 'i miss you'.
Jan 2018 · 532
Autumn Shayse Jan 2018
I've always wanted to know,
how it is that the sky is blue -
how the sky illuminates
to welcome the sun,
as the moon fades away.

I've always asked about it,
and it turns out it's quite complicated
the sky is a perception

tiny flecks of short, blue waves
hit our eyes
out of literal
thin air.

I've never understood why humans are in such
haste to find romance,
as though they will only find it
lay with another,
when isn't it obvious?

Just like the amorous sky,
it is all perceptions
Romance is everywhere,
if it exists at all.
Nov 2017 · 285
Writers write
Autumn Shayse Nov 2017
Writers write,
about love,
about self worth,
about doubt.

I write,
about the absence of love,
and then the struggles when it comes,

I write,
about self-worth,
it's importance and the consequential arrogance of my

And I write
about doubt -
and my apparent addiction to it.

I wish we could write
about different things,
like the death of frogs,
or disappointing fries and burnt toast.

But I know,
that we write not out of choice,
but in search of solace.
Nov 2017 · 363
Autumn Shayse Nov 2017
I don't mean to sound ungrateful,
I know what I have;
i know how it feels to be in love,
I know how it feels to be settled.

Better than that,
I am accepted as I am,
and at face value,
I have my charms.

What is troubling me,
is the ceaseless confliction,
I am indecisive.

Yes I have found love and
I am content?

Yes, I know that he is ideal.
But my inebriated, fickle soul wants
exactly the opposite.

I get a rush,
blood surges to the surface,
vibrating throughout,
when I brush past boys I don't love,
boys that I don't need;
I feel like myself again.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful,
I know what I have.
He is wonderful, he is whole -
he accepts me for who I am;
it's just a shame that I do not.
Jul 2017 · 634
I'm sorry
Autumn Shayse Jul 2017
I know what I did now,
I can understand it.
I know why you don't look at me now,
I can see it.
I know why we are broken now,
I can't fix it.

I can feel the gravity of grasping your heart
and pulling at it hard and fast;
reeling you in and turfing you out
unintentionally cruel.

People speak of heartbreak often; I am no exception
except this time,
it is me that is the cause
Funny how it takes hindsight to realise
how terrible humans can be to each other,
especially when they think
that they're acting
out of love.
I know i deserve to feel terrible for what I did to you, but I selfishly would like it to all work itself out now.

I'm sorry for what I put you through.
Jul 2017 · 267
Autumn Shayse Jul 2017
Sometimes I do not
feel whole
around others

I love them;
but it just seems a shame to
constantly have to
tesselate around them.
May 2017 · 419
Switched on
Autumn Shayse May 2017
it is difficult, being a sponge,
I feel as though I can hear
everyone else
hear what they're going through,
having so much and yet so little
patience with it all

I know time is precious and pain can take so much of it

it is tricky, staying switched on
not thinking incessantly about the feelings you may be hurting
not pausing for the boy whose heart you squished
not taking stock of what the girl has ahead to overcome
not wasting breathe when there is such a limited stock and people
are dying and you
have to stay
switched on

it is difficult, yes
being a sponge,
for everything is soaking in,
and space is running
in your fragile mind.
May 2017 · 374
Autumn Shayse May 2017
I think too much,
much too much,
that I know;
guilt, sadness, worry all wash over me

and yet I am decidedly
I present myself as thoughtful
yet happy and if anything,
a bit dull

at the minute,
i'm running away from my head,
from my dreams,
from my plaguing personality,
rotting away at those I love,

let me tell you something,
there's a place I'd like to be right now,
and it's alone,
with my fingers and toes and inner thighs just
this is shoddy but I am shoddy
Mar 2017 · 419
Autumn Shayse Mar 2017
I think I take up too much space;
my mouth is too loud,
my legs are too wide,
everything about me is clutter

I bring up the same boy that broke my heart,
I feel so distant to that girl now and yet,
it's like I'm nostalgic for the pain I put myself through
and for that, I am an *inconvenience
Mar 2017 · 323
Autumn Shayse Mar 2017
Why is it that we always want what we are not?
I so desperately wanted to be in love,
I was so sure I would be happy;
but I'm not.

All it has done is shift my discontent,
from that empty void of a boy
to myself -
and you don't need me to tell you,
discontent of self is far worse
This is p terrible but I'm gonna let it slide as it is 3:30 am and I just need to let go
Feb 2017 · 277
Autumn Shayse Feb 2017
I do not have dreams about the boy
that I have,
that loves me and holds me,
the boy I know I do love,

Instead, i dream fondly about the has-been boy,
The one who tore me down,
Confirmed my cynicism,
Shattered my already tumultuous relationship with love and ***

Yes, i dream about the has-been boy,
But worse still are the dreams of the could-have-been boy;
These dreams are different;
They concern the physical, they remind me of the brushes,
The near misses,
These are the dreams of lust and ***

I do not have dreams about the boy
That I have
For i am secure and happy there - and my shattered conscious cares little for contentedness,
i can not dream about my hearts satisfaction,
i must be craving.
Jan 2017 · 322
Autumn Shayse Jan 2017
Eclectic, estastic
the lights burn,
burn into your pupils and
the music isn't music anymore
just dabs of brightness
and there is no-one there
it's just you
fingers and toes and thighs tingling,
feeling it all at once,
all the brightness and lights and burning
eclectic, estatic
Jan 2017 · 477
Questions for those in love
Autumn Shayse Jan 2017
Are you whole now?
Are you happier than you've ever been before?
Is it everything you'd hoped for?
These are questions asked to those in love, it seems.

The problem is,
the answer is far too complex to explain
even to those closest to us;

it is of course yes,
for there is nothing comparable to the warmth of love,
to the tracing of you skin,
to the completeness of your entanglements,
the rhythm of each other
connecting you as one.

and yet,
it is of course no,
for you have to accept a level of dependence,
you need that person and
they become you to
an extent;
fragmenting the person you were before

yes, of course it is yes
but oh, how it is also a no
I always thought I'd be so happy as soon as there was someone in my life, but i have him and it's great but I feel like I am clutching at straws to retain myself sometimes.
Dec 2016 · 330
Autumn Shayse Dec 2016
whoever said that love is the greatest muse,
was a total bullshitter,
for i have never been happier
in that aspect of my life

and as a result,

the ink has dried in my mind,

i am a writer no more,
just a girl in love with a boy;
how incredibly dull.
i wish i could write things still
Nov 2016 · 381
For you.
Autumn Shayse Nov 2016
this time last year,
you tried to scoop my heart up,
I threw it at you.

this time last year,
you liked me for who I was,
and I was terrible.

this time last year,
you thought you could love me,
and I was fickle.

last summer,
you thought it was our time,  
and I knocked you back.

last summer,
you wanted me more than before,
and I went along with it.

this autumn,
I hesitated before I left, did I love you back?
the answer is probably yes.

this autumn,
I walked away from you,
and fell for somebody else.

I know that I made the right choice,
I love the boy I chose,
but this poem is for you
because I loved you also;

*and I probably always will.
Imagine if i could make a clear cut decision without hurting people in the process
Nov 2016 · 1.9k
An ode to sadness
Autumn Shayse Nov 2016
I was sad for a long time,
12 long months ticking by,
not sad all the time of course,
but the hue of my first year was definitely
tinged blue

I fell in love, carelessly,
but I couldn't quite let him in,
amongst the tears and the other boy kisses;
he just wasn't welcome in my heart
my head had overruled it.

And they say to you,
when you least expect it, it will happen
and it did
someone else came and kissed me better,
patched me up and
made my kidneys shiver

And now, I'm not sad anymore,
I am still lost and misguided for sure
but I have all of these lovely feelings
hanging above me like a starry night
And I am riddled with cliche,
I want him and only him;

this is an ode to sadness,
for it treated me well;
it taught me to let people in,
whilst maintaining a cynics heart and
a fickle brain.

this is an ode to sadness,
I am just sorry to the boy I loved at the wrong time.
I feel like I wanted to write two separate poems but I didn't know how to separate the two feelings.
Aug 2016 · 365
Autumn Shayse Aug 2016
I've never been wanted,
not truly,
always harping on about that same ginger boy who
took my  heart and squeezed it,
tightly, until it burst

he left me to clear up the mess, naturally

I've never been wanted,
until now,
and this thought consumes me,
swallows me whole -
not with arrogance,
but with disbelief,

you see,
my head's a mess,
my heart's even worse,
etched together in haste -
you see
I am wanted
by more than one
and my heart is greedy
I want them all
totally and completely

I told you,
my head's a mess.
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
Four leaf clover (closure.)
Autumn Shayse Aug 2016
my lips pressed into yours drunkenly,
i pretty much stumbled through the kiss -
i didn't know whose lips where whose;
mine had lost feeling many hours before,
i just remember being close, then being entangled,
tequila kisses are the best kisses

you showed me a four leaf clover,
'budapest,' you said as though it meant something,
you were kind,
I was inebriated
I wanted to keep you a secret, I was playing games and it was
each covert kiss was more tantalising than the last

thank you for showing me a four leaf clover,
thank you for pushing me away,
thank you for being my escape for a just
*a little while
Autumn Shayse Aug 2016
I hate myself
it's at night time the whispers are the loudest,
they speak of my indecision,
my inability to articulate my emotions,
my weakness, my futile tears, my numbness, my unfaithfulness,
I hate myself*
it's just as things are going well,
that the voices return,
from their leave of absence,
they're kind at heart, don't you see,
they allow me to bring myself up, to try,
to almost get there,
before creeping up on me
I detest what I am
the most abhorrent thing about the voices,
you really want to know?
it's not that they come from
within, though that too is tough,
it's the fact that I hear him in them, and know that he
was right all along.
this is truly terrible
Jul 2016 · 334
hands and lips
Autumn Shayse Jul 2016
I've never craved someone quite like this before,
all heat and lust and ***
it's strange, I've had much stronger feelings before;
and this is a desire I can't control, I want to explore,
it's like I can feel him on my skin,
intricately tracing from inside my thighs into a stretch of
he's found a way into my subconscious and frequents my dreams now,
all hands and lips  
really - I've never craved someone like this before,
all heat and lust and ***
and yet my heart remains totally,
Jul 2016 · 526
dark thoughts
Autumn Shayse Jul 2016
I couldn't fully contemplate 'dark thoughts'
until I had them -
I never belittled them or doubted their existence,
simply their lack of presence made me somewhat

I couldn't fully recognise them in myself,
until one night
sat alone, so so alone,
and wondering if it would ever be morning again,
and contemplating whether or not I really cared.
Jun 2016 · 474
The best and the worst
Autumn Shayse Jun 2016
there's an awful lot going on around me,
and most days I love it,
this last year has been the best and the worst

but sometimes,
I can feel it creeping over me,
this overwhelming itch that can
not be scratched
it sinks deep below the surface
it's this niggling feeling that everything is the best
and the worst

there's so much going on all the time
life has a habit of feeling like a
one second you're so high and everything is
the best; people, love, experiences
and the next you're plummetted and reminded of
the worst; yourself

as a writer, the reconciliation of the two sides is
the best and the worst
this is bad but i've got a whole bunch of feelings ****
Apr 2016 · 654
A cynic's naivety
Autumn Shayse Apr 2016
I am a cynic,
I want good things to happen to people who deserve them,
I want to see humanity show kindness to one another,
I want animals to be treated fairly and with respect, not murdered mercilessly for our food, clothing and entertainment,
I want war to be a vacant memory,
I want the homeless to have shelter,
I'm naive.

How can I be both?

I naively ignore the contradictions of myself
I don't believe in love, I am closed off,
I can't let good people in,
and yet it is so evident that I want that for everyone else.
This needs work but I'm not sure how.
Apr 2016 · 310
Autumn Shayse Apr 2016
I am so tired
of being tired
of being scared
of not knowing
what I want
what I need
I am so sleepy
with it all.
god this is *****
Apr 2016 · 520
Autumn Shayse Apr 2016
More fool me,
For thinking I was a good enough person
For thinking I deserved to be loved,

More fool me.
I've spent all this time blaming you
For wanting nothing to do with me
But it's my fault
I ruined us when I did it

More fool you,
For ever bothering to give me a chance at all.
It is so difficult being hated by someone without knowing what you did.
Mar 2016 · 582
Autumn Shayse Mar 2016
when you know, you know,
that's what everyone says
so I think I know, you know,
and now of course,
I am going to run from that
hard and fast
just because
I am on
Jan 2016 · 388
Autumn Shayse Jan 2016
how torturous
that memories are
inextricably linked to people
entities -
how cruel,
that we are unable
to untangle them from
one another
with the same ease as
said entity
erased themselves from
our lives.
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
Autumn Shayse Jan 2016
I have been the girl*
who wanted love so badly,
she went out of her way to avoid it
I have been the girl
who thought she'd found it,
and ruined it somehow
I have been the girl
who was destroyed over empty promises
broken down by total ignorance
I have been the girl
with a cynics heart and
a crooked mind
I will be the girl
who goes through it all again
just to feel as good as I felt
in all the interim
I have never been the girl
to write on her happiness
to express delight
and so
I am the girl
unknown to herself.
Jan 2016 · 477
A writer
Autumn Shayse Jan 2016
I don't know anything,
from my
to be of value,
******* words of *******
I continue to etch words on to paper,  
of a reconciliation between my
and the words
I project.
I can't write anymore
I want to write again
Dec 2015 · 434
Autumn Shayse Dec 2015
Let me tell you a tale;
of a double-sided coin,
stating the obvious, I know,
but you'll want to hear this.

The first side is cold,
cynical to the touch,
it shies away from all affection;
pushes and pushes and
pushes until they just

The second side is hidden,
filled with warmth and feeling,
is in love with beautiful souls,
yearns and yearns and
yearns silently,
concealed by the first side

The reconciliation of the two sides
is what makes me write.
Nov 2015 · 416
Autumn Shayse Nov 2015
She's beautiful,
embers of her fire,
dance through the air,
creating warmth,
flickering  hope,
the promise of  tomorrow.
She was troubled,
damaged by her own selfish
cast aside by the one person
she thought understood.
She is me,
I am her.
I need to remember the first bit,
I need to make myself whole.
Beauty is within,
glistening outwards,
to a face that people can see
and can love.
I'm trying to let it all go - I don't even want him to pass through my mind anymore. I want to write and feel and be alone and content w/ my solace - I want to put myself first until it all falls into place.
Nov 2015 · 965
On days like today,
Autumn Shayse Nov 2015
On days like today,
the sun lost,
the sky grey,
it resonates.

On days like today,
tragedy wreaks havoc,
plaguing minds,
fuelling hatred,
breeding violence.

On days like today,
the focus seemingly
115,200 heartbeats,
all taken.

On days like today,
human loss
should be at the forefront,
plaguing our souls,
willing us to do better.

Nous sommes avec vous,
Le monde devrait réunir  avec l'amour dans nos coeurs.
Let there be peace on Earth - let us all spread love and ignore hate  - let us believe in goodness at a time where darkness spreads. Darkness reminds us how important it is to keep focussed on the light in our hearts, in our minds and in our souls.
Life is the most sacred thing we have.
Nov 2015 · 444
The loss of myself.
Autumn Shayse Nov 2015
I can feel it,

I can see it,
as dust falls

I can hear it,
etched into silence

when they go,
it's so sudden,
from having a physical support to just having no-one,
from being cared for to total mistrust,
of everything and everyone

People are like tattoos,
they ink themselves to your skin,
they leave markings,
not at all ephemeral
he took so much from me in terms of who I am - I thought I was a whole person before him but obviously not, because I am most certainly not whole now
Worst of all, he took my writing - everything's tainted now.
Over the boy, not the loss of myself.
Oct 2015 · 413
Autumn Shayse Oct 2015
someone told me once,
that I write from the soul,
and bleed from the heart -
at the time I just brushed past it,
my mind occupied by other trivial things

and then someone else said,
you can only have an initial reaction to something once,
and it's only in that moment that true sparks will form

and I realised,
I skipped my chance to react to what he said,
simultaneously understanding the last thing he said to me,
'I too can be my own worst enemy'.
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
Autumn Shayse Oct 2015
I've not been myself for a while,
had my heart
broken y'see;
It was a little while ago now,
the pain has faded,
it merely ebbs now and again

I've not been myself for a while,
it changed
me y'see;
I pieced myself back together,
best as I could,
but cynicism still spilled
into the cracks

I've not been myself for a while,
totally someone
new y'see;
there is so much that I want now,
so much more than boys or love,
I'm hardened to all that

I've just discovered myself,
I just realised a second ago,
I never really went away,
I was just concealed under the surface,
waiting for life's little pleasures
life's little happinesses,
to pull me through,
out of the ever-ebbing darkness.
I was just hit with how ok I am - I mean I'm pretty scarred from the whole thing still, but those are issues that I'll sort when I can, no urgency required - I'm okay, and I'm gonna remain okay.
Sep 2015 · 411
Autumn Shayse Sep 2015
They speak only of strain,
both economic and physical,
They talk only of inconvenience,
of wasted resources,
They teach only worst-case scenarios,
of foolish mistakes made by
insignificant humans.

And it's ingrained within,
intrinsic and instinctive,
we no longer value individual lives,
we no longer care for other humans,

they never speak of the loss of life,
they never talk of the despair -
we won't ever hear of their pain,
their desperation,
because, we are the privileged
and they are insignificant.
About the migrant crisis - where is the care for the individual - each loss of life should be viewed as a fatality - they are no less worthy than us  - how can we just ignore them, blame them, when we have no idea what it is like to be in that position?
Aug 2015 · 534
The lover's poems
Autumn Shayse Aug 2015
I've refused my heart access,
to poems about love,

I've told myself over and over,
I don't need it anymore

I've solely allowed myself,
to revel in my heart ache,
by reading poems of a similar vain

But what I've just realised,
is to ignore the beauty of the little things,
to ignore the love that exists right now,
is such carelessness -
a total lack of regard for those who are,
at present,
engulfed in what once was.

I suppose we should keep reading the lover's poems,
someone needs to empower them, after all.
Jul 2015 · 292
Autumn Shayse Jul 2015
Break me down again,
It was a great
source of inspiration for a while there.
Jul 2015 · 431
Mixed up
Autumn Shayse Jul 2015
I'm all mixed up,
I've got a broken heart y'see,
and in a sense I'm relieved -
at least I know I've got one now.

I'm cascading,
into a former life,
where no-one is interested,
where no-one gives a ****.

And what's worse,
More than anything else,
More than the brokenness and reclusion,
is the pangs of regrets,
when I think of you with her,
knowing it should be me.
This really isn't good
Jul 2015 · 706
Innocence retained
Autumn Shayse Jul 2015
Hindsight is a funny thing
Before it all,
It was all I wanted,
I spent years writing about my angst for a life,
desperately aching for someone to want me,
clinging to the hope of a someday

And I got it,
My previous selves would've been proud,
We thought it not possible, y'see
And then I lost it,
I was not mistaken,
There is such fragility with emotion,
especially when he fades,
no explanation provided

Hindsight is a funny thing,
After it all,
I wish I'd just held out,
Not kissed those lips,
The lips of a liar,
Because I would still be intact now,
doubtful of the future,
but with innocence retained.
Jul 2015 · 331
The art of fading
Autumn Shayse Jul 2015
I wish I was well-versed,
in the sacred art of fading,
it really sounds quite beautiful.

From what I can gather,
fading allows you to be in 'love' one day,
and empty the next -
void of any emotions towards the once golden girl,
whose light is now a meagre amber; yellowing fast.
I just want to understand
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