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Ntwari Poetry Apr 2016
What we has was great, wasn't it?
The talks we had, the laughs we shared.
It was like a dream.

But dreams end.
What makes love the exception?
Ntwari Poetry Apr 2016
Your eyes betray me.
Leaving me to drown
In a sea of confusion.
Your lips, laced in euphoria,
Leave me dazed
Trapping me in your embrace

Why must the hue of your copper eyes
Complement the stares of the skies?

Why must the glimmer of the stars,
The abyss of the night,
Be the prisoners of your stare?

Why must I be trapped by your glare,
Demented by the dream of having
Your hand in mine?
  Apr 2016 Ntwari Poetry
Loving you is the best-worst thing I've ever done,
It's the most right, wrong thing I've ever had
It's tore me to shreds,
then stitched me back together,
Without patches, without seams
Even better than before..
Loving you may be chaos,
but it's the chaos that keeps my weary heart beating
Ntwari Poetry Mar 2016
Melodies guide me
Away from the world's chaos
All the way to sleep.
Dreams are a way to escape the monstrosities of the world to take us to chaotic one of our own.
Ntwari Poetry Feb 2016
I'm not haunted by horrifying nightmares
I'm reminded of eerie memories that whisper in my sleep

I'm not driven mad by screaming voices in my head
I'm stalked by vivid images that corrupt my past

I'm not demented by the will to die
I'm torn apart by the death of my spirit

I'm not insane
I'm broken
I'm still here so life can't be that bad (written in December of 2015).
Ntwari Poetry Jan 2016
I hoped she would stay
But that's all that ever was
Just another wish
I just need to learn to let go

— The End —