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how many leaves
does it need to fall
to bring you Autumn?
 Mar 2017 adrian coayadi
Painting in the secrets
Of a thousand lies
Is fun
As you get to paint in
How you see those lies

Let's paint our hair red
Of a thousand fires
So fun,
As you get to paint it
How you really want to

Aggressively painting canvases
Of a thousand depictions
It's fun
As you get to paint whatever
How you really see it

*Let's go paint something, sister.
I was listening to Paramore's 'Ain't It Fun' and the video/Hayley's hair inspired me, so...A poem!
Like a fetus
Asleep in ******
A living dormancy
Awaits for its democracy

A spirit of a lotus
Resides in a hiatus
A divine treaty
Delivers an eternity


Being son or daughter
I don't know it either

But, sure
It will bring me lot of laughter
In my life till forever
Thanks for having me, lover
Glad that you're getting closer

Once you coming over
You'll be the one I cover
When you're growing bigger
I'll be so much happier

If dad throws his temper
I'll give you a day of pamper
When day's getting tougher
I'll hug you at whenever
I'll be there in wherever
I'll love you for whatever

To him or her
Who calls me mother
See you sooner!
I haven't gotten married as well as haven't gotten any baby, I am now single, and.. I have nooo idea why I could write such poem xoxo.
Just when you think
the road leads to nowhere
crops up the moss veiled house

its crumbling bricks make greyer
the sky with the hush of twilight
and you rue with melancholy
the night under its roof assigned for you

but the old man like a seasoned spider
lets you forget you're trapped for the night
to his web spun from timeworn earth
as you stare engrossed upon his face
outlined by glowworm sparks

he recounts it was all marshland
he grew into bowl of harvest
and how he was blessed with
the most beautiful woman on earth
then reaching the crescendo
his words thin into whispers
when he tells you his two poor eyes
were not enough to hold her beauty
so she putting a stone on her heart
spread wings on a night like this

the cornfield wilted
he wizened into an endless wait
with gracious death saving his bones
to lighten his heart to a stranger
who comes alone.
Dead heads stare from the wall

one can't tell if their glassy eyes
hold the relics of past life
or the sadness of having lost it
to the fires of royal pastime

tiger eyes look pathetically pleading
for re-stitching the stripes on the bones
leopard head growls only in anguish
of his spots being soft spot for target
the open jaws of the croc
can't still swallow the stuck bullet
awed eyes of deer is yet to sense
the muzzle that ruptured its innocence
the jackals, birds, langurs, civets
all frozen in the suddenness of the ***** out.

The hunter's head peeps from a dusty frame
having got his place of pride
among his game.
Broken glass-embers
Sizzle; silence.
And maroon agony.

I'm trapped here
Sifting through those bones-
Again-- I was
Asking angels for cigarettes
Made of reeds.

And they spoke in itchy eyes,
Aching doubts.

So I lay there in
Crimson ashes-
Waiting for the
Make believe to tell me toxins.
You were here.
Your dishes are in the sink
Unwashed, like you always leave them
A coffee cup, grey with a white handle
The one you always use
Without even a sip, the flavour ghosts on my tongue
Strong, sweet, and black
Though now cold, I know it was scalding
The way you always liked it
Your scent still lingers on my couch
A wave of sweetness with an underlying dark note
Just like you
*But it was the one I always loved
I haven't written in ages and I was inspired by a ******* bin....... go figure.
I told the moon
                       Couldn't find his light
                                     in his brightest
So the moon left me a light
                            A light in every story
                       To find his moonlight.

               By K-mari ©2016
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